
Chapter 1296

Chapter 1296
After coming out of the cave, Yi Tian flew straight towards the location of Yinfeng Mountain, but as soon as he jumped, he found several spiritual pressure fluctuations flying out from the location of Zombie Town behind him.

After stopping at high altitude for a while, I turned around and looked at myself, only to see seven or eight streaks of gray aura combining into a huge halo and flying towards the direction I was going.

What surprised me was that the familiar spiritual pressure fluctuations from last time reappeared in this breath.

There was a slight suspicion in his heart, but Yitian was unwilling to confront a group of monks in the transformation stage.After all, there are still many monks of the same rank here. If he exposed his strength too early, it would be a waste of time for Yinfeng Mountain to collect Jiyin Zhenshui this time.

After thinking about it, hold back your breath and slowly hide your figure in the high-altitude clouds. Since you don't want to cause trouble, it's better to avoid it.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a burst of laughter from Zombie Town, and then two red rays of light shot up from the ground, and the momentum was three points stronger than the previous group of people.

Needless to say, these two people are his biggest opponents at present, and judging from their aura, they are undoubtedly monks who are divided into artifacts.

The speed of the two escape lights was obviously faster than that of the group of people in front, and after a while, they first went under the flying escape, surpassed them, and stopped in front of the group of people.

Coincidentally, the scene of their confrontation in the air is only a hundred feet away from Yi Tian's location.

After the two waves of men and horses appeared, Yi Tiancai found that one side was seven corpse cultivators, almost all of whom were in the mid-to-late stage of incarnation, but a female corpse cultivator in the middle was wearing a red robe in palace attire, with a tulle face and a golden crown on her head. At first glance, it is an extraordinary appearance.But her cultivation is only at the early stage of transformation, but the other six people are vaguely led by her and protect her in the middle.

On the other side, there appeared two monks from the Flame Prison Demon Clan, and Yi Tian carefully looked at the early and mid-stage of the next distraction.Both of them looked like the standard Flame Prison Demon Clan royal family. Needless to say, the person in the lead should be the Flame Prison Young Lord whom I had heard of before.

I only heard that the leader of the corpse repair stopped in front of everyone and shouted at the two flame prison demons: "I don't know why Yan Longda, the young master of flame prison, stopped my blood corpse king's personal guards?"

As expected, it was the young master of the Flame Prison, and Yi Tian secretly applauded with a thought. These two groups of people are the biggest obstacles for him to compete for the extreme yin true water in this trip.Now that dog bites dog again, it is really desirable, as long as they match up, then they will be more sure of taking the treasure by themselves.

I saw Yanlong, the young master of the Flame Prison in the middle of the distraction, slowly flew forward to look at it for a while, and then said disdainfully: "Blood Refining Hands, I know that you are the best at fighting when the Blood Corpse King sits down. You are nothing in front of me. This time, I just want to see the face of the 'real princess', so don't make troubles lest I suppress you."

After hearing that, Xue Lianshou exhaled some red corpse gas from his nostrils one after another, and his face was also full of anger.When he was about to refute, the 'True Princess' who was in the middle of the crowd suddenly said: "Young Lord Flame Prison, I respect you as a senior demon, but you should know that this place is the world of corpses, and we are also the ancestors of blood corpses." territory."

"It's the edge of the territory, don't make a mistake," Yanlong interjected, "I didn't break the rules of the corpse world and attack on the territory of the ancestor of the blood corpse. However, you surrounded and suppressed my scouts years ago, and you intended to attack me. I am a reporter who is clearly aware of plotting to commit crimes."

"That time was a complete misunderstanding, and we also lost three corpse repairs in the stage of transformation, so how about we just let this matter go?" The real princess said again.

"Okay, but my additional condition is that I want to see your lineup, and see if you are really a great beauty as rumored," Yan Long teased.

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere on the scene immediately became tense, and several people behind the Xue Lian Shou took out the spirit weapon at this time and put on a posture one after another.

Now their biggest advantage is that they have a large number of people and the prestige of the geographical location. Their weakness is that their cultivation base is much worse, and the strongest is only the peak of the gods.

Seeing this, Yanlong snorted coldly and said: "It seems that you also don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. You must know that the gap in strength cannot be made up by the number of people. Today I want to see who can stop me."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a gray ray of light coming down and stopping on the side.Then the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body dispersed, revealing the strength of the distraction period.

After being approached silently, Yan Long put a horizontal bar in his face, looked solemnly and carefully, and then asked, "I don't know who you are, do you want to get ahead?"

The person who came was naturally Yi Tian, ​​who waited in the sky for a long time and originally wanted to leave, but when he heard the real princess speak, he decided to stay and wait and see what happened.No wonder I have a familiar feeling. As soon as the real princess opens her mouth, she can be sure that her real body is Cui Zhenzhen who soared to the Yin Corpse Realm on Tianlan Continent back then.

Speaking of which, we are all old acquaintances, and now seeing her in trouble, naturally they are calculating.With Cui Zhenzhen's identity, she can owe him a favor, which is of great benefit to her future actions.

After weighing it over and over again, Yi Tiancai decided to wait for the opportunity to make a move. It's not just that Yanlong also gave him an excellent opportunity.

The scene became a bit cold for a while, and Yi Tian said in a short while: "Why is the young master of Yan Prison so entangled here? How important is the extremely yin and true water to the flame prison demons? Instead of wasting time here, why not think about it?" It’s better to deal with that skeleton.”

"Who are you, dare to block my way?" Yan Long shouted coldly.At the same time, he didn't stop turning his hands, and then sacrificed the purgatory demon fire and turned it into a flame with a long blade, slashing at his position.

After Yi Tian unhurriedly stretched out his hand to sacrifice Taiyuan Sword, he also sacrificed the same magic flame blade to meet the opponent.

There was a loud "bang" and then the two magic fires collided in the air and were evenly matched. Cui Zhenzhen and others hurriedly pushed back three miles to avoid it due to the strong wind aroused around them.

After the two magic flame blades were exhausted, Yi Tian took back the Taiyuan Sword, and Yanlong also put away a non-black scimitar.After three breaths, only a sentence popped out of Yanlong's mouth: "Boy, you are fine, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he waved his hand and flew straight towards Yinfeng Mountain with his deputy without looking back.

After he left, Cui Zhenzhen hurried forward to look at him and said: "Thank you for your help, senior."

"The real princess is polite, it's just a trivial matter to draw a knife to help when the road is uneven," Yi Tian replied lightly.

But after three breaths, a sound transmission sounded in my ears: "Yi Tian, ​​you fool, how could any demons say that, and you should be careful of your spiritual cultivation appearance."

After hearing this, Yi Tian blushed, and he still lacked understanding of the flame prison demons. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask now, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.And Cui Zhenzhen is also a sensible person who can identify himself just by listening to the voice, which is unexpected.

Then he pretended to be deep and said: "This seat is also for the extremely yin and true water. If the real princess is interested, we can cooperate."

(End of this chapter)

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