
Chapter 130 Scapegoat

Chapter 130 Scapegoat
The straight-line distance from Motianya to Chiyan Hill is more than 2000 miles, and the territory of the Xuanling Sect is also passed by on the way.It will take Yi Tian two or three days to fly in a straight line, and flying at full speed unscrupulously in the territory of other factions will definitely cause trouble for himself, and those patrolling monks will stop people as soon as possible.

Therefore, Yi Tian still chose a safer route, bypassing the territory of the Xuanling sect and flying around the periphery.Although it takes a few more days and hundreds of miles to walk, it can save yourself a lot of trouble.In fact, Yi Tian was a bit concerned, he killed He Shiwo himself, and took Nangong Qintian's storage ring, no matter what matter was to be known by the monks of the Xuanling Sect, he could not argue with it.

More than a month ago, he helped the Sword Sect members to participate in the Inner Sect Grand Competition at Iron Sword Sect. After the trip to Jianzhong, Yi Tian was immediately honored as a guest of honor.Originally, at the invitation of Guan Mingyi, he could directly stay in Dao Zong's leisure residence, but Jian Zong was also watching, and said that it was inconvenient to visit Dao Zong.

After the two sides discussed, Yi Tian still lived in the reception building, but the treatment was also improved accordingly, and the deacon personally took Yi Tian to Room No. [-] in Tianzi.Mo Tiexin then brought Mei Yingxue to visit together, during which he also mentioned that the last trip to Anmie Cave and this inner sect competition were all Yi Tian's love.Although Nangong Qianyun went back early in the morning, she also left a message for Mo Tiexin to tell Yi Tian, ​​"If you need to get the elixir, you can go to the Xuanling Sect to find her."

And Mei Yingxue came to discuss formation with Yi Tian, ​​and the two discussed together the issue of the restriction at the gate of Xia Na Sword Tomb.While waiting at the gate of Jianzhong, the two exchanged the secret formation records in their hands. At that time, time was running out and there was no in-depth discussion on how to break the restriction. This time, Yi Tian would directly tell him his views on the restriction of the two doors. she.

"The restrictions of the two sects are actually one. The two restrictions are the foundation of each other. If you want to break the restriction, all the disciples of the Sword Sect and the Sword Sect must be present. I just found the weak point of the restriction and used the method of breaking the formation to defeat it." It was fixed, and then with the help of Wu Min and Qiu Renjiu, the three of them broke it."

After listening to Yi Tian's words, Mei Yingxue pondered for a long time before standing up and thanking Yi Tian, ​​saying: "This time I was stunned by the utilitarianism in front of me. Thank you, Junior Brother Yi, for clearing away the clouds. Let's talk to each other again."

Afterwards, Mo Tiexin and Mei Yingxue also bid farewell to Yi Tian, ​​and each went back to practice.Before leaving, Mo Tiexin said to Yi Tian meaningfully: "You guys from the Chiyang faction will mess with flowers and grass." Yi Tian was at a loss when he heard that, so he had to pretend to be stupid.

After more than 20 days, the herald bell in Motianya Patriarch's Hall rang, and all inner disciples rushed to the square in front of the Patriarch's Hall to gather. Yi Tian was also invited to sit in the guest seat as a guest of the ceremony, accompanied by people from the sect.

After the six bells rang, the headmaster Xuan Jianxin and deputy headman Mo Yishan came out of the Patriarch Hall side by side, followed by Enemy Jiu and Wu Min, and a ceremony of true discipleship began.The disciples of Sword Sect and Sword Sect standing below all looked at the 'Golden Sword and Broad Sword' enviously with their clothes on, probably thinking that it would be great if they were the one standing on top.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the guest stage, also sighed for a while. When he was in Pushanfang, many people were not convinced that they were called the "Two Heroes of the Outer Gate" of the Iron Sword Gate. More than 20 years have passed, and the two are really called true disciples, and they skipped the stage of supplementary assessment. It really makes people lament that the world is impermanent, and only chance is true.But Yi Tian also wondered why Wu Min met that fatty Qiu, it was really a flower stuck in the cow dung, looking at Qiu Ren Jiu's naive look, Yi Tian really had nothing to describe it.

Looking at the two disciples Guan Mingyi and Mo Tiexin who were sitting with them, I really don't know what kind of mood they are in now.

Afterwards, Yi Tian saw that Guan Mingyi's brows were obviously worried, and after asking, he found out that since he obtained the Thunderbolt Sword Intent, he didn't even have a spiritual weapon in his hand to carry it.Late-stage foundation-building monks like them have begun to refine their natal magic weapons, and it is also very useful to fight against the golden elixir after they are trained.

After obtaining the nineteen spirit weapon spectrums on the third floor of the Sword Tomb, Yi Tian studied in detail for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that the natal spirit weapons are basically above level five.It's not that I'm not good at refining weapons, but that the refining materials must be blended with monsters of level five or above or innate spiritual treasures, and they have to go through the spiritual weapon tribulation before they can be formed.

There is a specialization in this art, and Iron Sword Gate is very powerful in fighting, but when it comes to refining tools and alchemy, it is still not as good as Chiyang School.Immediately, Yi Tian promised that as long as Guan Mingyi could find the fifth-level monster spirits or heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he could come to the Chiyang faction to find him to refine the natal spiritual weapon, or ask Ning Qingyuan, the head of the Artifact Hall, to help him.Guan Mingyi happily made an agreement with Yi Tian that he would visit Yi Tian's house in as short as five years or more in ten years.

After being disturbed in Tiejianmen for nearly a month, Yi Tian was about to leave and return to the sect to return to his mission. Although he had been doing this task for 14 years, he was finally able to do it.Before leaving, Mo Tiexin also gave Yi Tian a storage bag, and told him to hand it over to Shen Peiqi in person. Due to the intimidation of the elder sister, Yi Tian reluctantly agreed.

Thousands of miles away, on the way, he had to visit Shen Peiqi at Country Fong. Yi Tian felt that it was enough. Who told him to be greedy for some Lingshi, and took a basket of troubles on him.

In order to reduce unnecessary entanglement, Yi Tian still pretended to be a loose cultivator, and used the wind escape technique to fly in the air with a flying sword.There was nothing wrong on the boundary of Tiejianmen, and after two days of flying, we arrived at the boundary of the remaining veins of Yuncui Mountain, and then we walked forward to the six faction joint management area.Knowing the rules here, Yi Tian is also a careful weapon. If you meet monks passing by far away along the way, you should also pay attention to avoiding the distance.

After arriving at the boundary of Yuncang Kingdom, Yi Tian saw a flash of light flying towards him from thirty miles away.Out of the idea of ​​causing less trouble, Yi Tian still avoided it from a distance this time, but the monk flying from Yujian stared at Yi Tian like a brown candy, and kept getting closer.

Waiting for Yi Tian's imperial weapon to stop in the air and look at the situation, he saw from a distance that the monk who was running away in front was wearing a white robe, stepped on a flying sword, and rushed towards Yi Tian at full speed.But he was actually wearing the protective cover, and holding a seven treasure umbrella from time to time to carry the attacks of the four monks behind him. After three breaths, Yi Tian realized that cold sweat was dripping from his head. This guy was looking for a scapegoat rhythm. .

I only heard that person shouting from a long distance: "Junior brother has got something, hurry up," and then flew towards a slightly deviated direction.

Before Yi Tian could open his mouth, two chasing monks separated and flew towards this side.Gritting his teeth, Yi Tian stepped on the flying sword and pushed it at full speed to catch up with that person.

After ten breaths, the other person flew side by side and flew to the depths of Yuncui Mountain. The four people behind were still chasing after him, but it was obvious that a weaker cultivator could not keep up with his aura, so he slowed down , now there are three people chasing Yi Tian and the white-robed monk in front.

Yi Tian, ​​who stepped on the flying sword, shouted angrily: "Who is your junior brother, I am your uncle, you boy wait for me, let's wait and see." But Yi Tian still underestimated the other party's thick skin .

I only heard that person say: "Junior Brother, there are three people behind me, all of whom are in the middle stage of foundation establishment, you can help me wrap one up, and leave the other two to me." After speaking, he slowed down and stopped in the air He got down and took out a Wu hook from the storage bracelet.Yi Tian couldn't help it either, he stopped at the ten feet of his figure, and took out a large number of talismans from the storage bracelet.

The three people in the back looked like they were speeding up, and after the five of them held each other in the air, the white-robed man said loudly: "Junior brother, you entangle the oldest one, and I will deal with the two left behind." , After finishing speaking, he held up the Seven Treasures Umbrella with his left hand, and Wu Hook attacked with his right hand."

I just heard Yi Tian spit: "Brother, you have to fight quickly, I can't last long, brother." Looking at the other three monks, they all looked about 40 years old, with all the body parts It's the same dress, with a round letter on the chest that says 'Zou'.It should be a casual cultivator from a family surnamed Zou. The white-robed man in front of him probably stole something from others, which attracted so many people to hunt him down.

Thinking not to attract too much attention, Yi Tian just kept entangled one with a talisman, preventing him from supporting the other two.It was only after the two sides fought that Yi Tian realized the gap between the monks of the aristocratic family and the disciples of the Zongmen. The monk in his 40s on the opposite side was constantly manipulating the flying sword to attack him, but with a few Lianzhu Fireball Talismans, he killed the Feijian blocked it.

The material of the flying sword was not good either. After being hit by more than a dozen fireballs from Yi Tian, ​​the spiritual energy attached to it began to collapse. Burnt into pieces of black charcoal color.

The white-robed man next to him also started to show his power. At first, he used the seven-treasure umbrella to cover himself completely, and after the light film from the spiritual weapon enveloped him completely, the flying swords in the hands of the two aristocratic monks couldn't stab him. Enter half a point.

When the two of them had just finished casting the magic spell and hadn't fully recovered their breath, they only heard a cry from one of them, a Wu hook passed through him, and he fell headfirst.The other person was about to get ruthless, but saw the Wu hook flashed, directly pierced through the protective shield and chopped off his head.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian was also alert for a while, and sent out four consecutive fireballs in his hand, and stretched out his right hand and directly used Ming Wang Fanyun's hand.The cultivator surnamed Zou on the opposite side opened the protective cover to hold back twenty fireballs, and the protective cover was breached with a bang. Before he could react, he saw a big blue hand about one foot in size.

The white-robed man on the side saw the monk directly crushed by Angel Yi's big blue hands, and then the two stood still in the air, sizing each other up.

At this time, Yi Tian felt sullen in his stomach and didn't leave. He asked the man in white robe, "I said senior brother, should we have a good chat!"

Unexpectedly, the white-robed man looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, took out a token from the storage bag with the word 'Di Yu' written on it, and asked: "Which world are you a disciple of? The son is not polite yet."

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing on the flying sword, was also taken aback. He didn't expect to meet someone who understood the kingly way again. It doesn't mean that the holy son of the kingly way is at least a golden core cultivation base, but the person in front of him doesn't look like the real holy son himself.Yi Tian snorted coldly, then took out the token written with 'Sanskrit Mantra' from the storage bracelet from the storage bracelet, and shook it in his hand.

The white-robed man was overjoyed after he fixed his eyes on it, and said again and again: "It's really my family, the younger brother, the holy son of the 'Di Yutian' department, Shangguan Dingsheng. I don't know how to call the younger brother?" Wan also put away all the spiritual weapons, but Yu The instrument stepped on the flying sword to ask questions.

"I'm Yi Tianxing, a disciple of the 'Fan Jutian' department, and I'm lucky enough to meet fellow disciples of the Holy Cult today." Yi Tian also gave a pseudonym indiscriminately. At this time, there is no distinction between the enemy and us, so it's better to be vague.

Just listen to the Shangguan Dingsheng said: "Junior Brother's 'Brahma Mantra Heaven' department has been extinct in the holy religion for many years. It is really fate to meet you in Dongao today." People are galloping towards them.

That Shangguan Dingsheng's face tightened and said: "The young ones are here and the old ones are coming, Junior Brother Yi, let's go quickly." After speaking, the flying sword under his feet emitted a golden light and flew towards the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Yi Tian at the back is also tight in chest, what's the matter, he provoked the golden core cultivator, he couldn't beat him, but he couldn't avoid it, the spirit sword under his feet flashed blue, and his speed was even better than Shangguan Dingsheng's three points, after ten breaths, two I plunged headlong into the cloud-shrouded mountains.

 Ready to go home for the New Year, every day.

(End of this chapter)

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