
Chapter 1350

Chapter 1350
After the end of the exchange meeting, Yi Tian left the venue directly, and then went straight out of Sunset City.

But Yi Tian found that he was always locked by several strands of spiritual thoughts, and there was still one spiritual thought that did not disappear until he left the city.Immediately, he looked down and thought in his heart that since this person dared to be so blatant, he probably didn't take the Heavenly Demon Race seriously.

I am still within the range of Sunset City, and the other party is probably a little scrupulous, and I am afraid that they will take some action after entering the wasteland.

It is expected that in Sunset City, only Yedang of the Flying Raksha clan has a quarrel with him, but judging from this spiritual sense, he should be an unfamiliar monk.

Flying thousands of miles away in the direction of the Devil's Ridge Mountain, after unfolding his divine sense, he found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations that were not weak happened to be blocking his way back, roughly three or four thousand miles away from him.

As soon as Yi Tian moved his mind, he hurriedly changed direction and missed the opponent's position, but after three breaths, he found that the opponent also moved in his mind, and blocked him on the way back again according to the direction he turned.

At the same time, the Divine Sense scanned and found that Youdao not weak breath was chasing directly from behind, and the speed was basically equal to his own.Needless to say, Ye Dang of the Flying Raksha clan is the only one who can have such strength and aim at his own order and want to get rid of them quickly.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian twitched the other party with the corner of his mouth. He wanted to pinch himself back and forth, and after about half a quarter of time, he would meet the person blocking him in front of him.After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian made a decision. Since the other party dared to make such a blatant move, then don't blame him for being cruel.

With the current situation, if they continue to change direction, they may fall into the opponent's set.Thinking about coming to Yedang, he also saw the situation of his fight with Yeluan last time, so since he dared to surround himself this time, he was probably well prepared.

Seeing that the direction of the two people gradually oppressing them is to drive themselves to the territory of the Flying Raksha clan, so that whenever they enter their jurisdiction, they will face several roads to block them.

At that time, even if there are only some cultivators who transform themselves for a moment, they will immediately fall into the predicament of being surrounded.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian decisively stabilized his figure in the air, then turned back and flew straight towards the direction behind him.

The culprit of everything is still this person, I might as well catch the thief and catch the king and finish him first.

After three breaths, the divine sense detected that Ye Dang behind him also had a slight change in escape speed, and the monk who was blocking in front of him obviously did not expect such a move, so he turned around and chased him at full speed.

A moment later, Ye Dang's figure appeared in my line of sight. At this time, I saw him rushing towards me with the wings of the Mosha Yin Thunder Hammer and the electric drill in his hands.

The two sides also had a clear purpose and no more nonsense, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Demon Saber to draw a black arc of light in front of himself, and then manipulated it to greet Ye Dang.

At the same time, after the opponent's thunder hammer electric drill struck, violent collisions of white sparks flashed out, instantly lighting up the night sky here. After several sounds of 'bang bang', the light blade of the magic knife turned into thousands of black light waves and hit those arcs one after another, bursting out a flash of white light in the air.

Ye Dang was also extremely cunning. The thunder hammer electric drill in his hand kept throwing out lightning, and then relied on the advantage of speed to fight.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that the opponent had learned the lesson from his fight with Ye Luan last time, so he still wanted to use delaying tactics as the main strategy, and when the reinforcements arrived, he could win calmly with two-on-one.

But how can I make him happy, but fortunately, my understanding of myself is still at the stage of fighting back then.In this way, a blue flame burst out from the palm of his right hand, while his left hand took out the Cursing Sky Demon Bell and quickly uttered the Qijue magic sound from his mouth.

Wherever the sound wave went, the spiritual pressure ripples caused the white electric light inside to distort, and instantly a barrier with a range of hundreds of meters appeared, covering Ye Dang's position just right.

The latter had also seen the power of the Seven Absolute Devil Sounds, and at this moment mobilized his own spiritual power and found that it had already slowed down by [-]%.Ye Dang also made a decisive decision and hurriedly flapped his wings behind him and jumped towards the shortest distance to break through.

Yi Tian won't let him go easily once he gains power. The advantage in the battle is fleeting. If he doesn't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I'm afraid it will take some effort to get rid of their pursuit later.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party will not adapt to the sudden change of the environment when he is covered by the enchantment of the Seven Absolute Magic Sounds for a while, Yi Tian's figure flashes and suddenly teleports to appear beside him.Then there was a slight smile on his face, and at the same time his right hand pointed forward, a blue light flashed around Ye Dang, forming several ice chains covering him, directly compressing the range of his activities to less than five feet.

At the same time, Yedang's movements were much slower after the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly.But he didn't seem to want to sit still. The thunder hammer and electric drill on his hands were sacrificed one after another, and three or four thunderballs exploded in an attempt to break through the ice chain siege.

But as soon as the lightning touched the ice chain, it seemed to add fuel to the fire, igniting the blue magic fire that was originally attached to it.

A strange cry came from the ice chain ball: "This is not an ordinary cold marrow true flame, what kind of skill are you practicing?"

"For the sake of your imminent death, I will tell you, this is the mother body of Ice Marrow Flame," Yi Tian pouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cluster of blue fireworks burst out, directly piercing through the protective shield on Ye Dang's body and freezing the wings on his back.Without the advantage of speed, the flying Raksha clansman's combat power is naturally greatly reduced.Immediately, the blue ice chains quickly extended from his wings to his whole body, freezing Ye Dang so that he couldn't move.

However, the blue flame inside instantly ignited and set his whole body on fire, so that even Nascent Soul couldn't escape from it.

It was less than half a quarter of an hour before the two met and the winner was determined. Yi Tian was thanking himself for his wise decision-making. Suddenly, his spiritual sense moved slightly and he found that the person who was originally responsible for blocking him accelerated his speed to catch up.

With a thought, he reached out to put away the ice marrow flame, and put away the magic weapon and storage ring that remained after Yedang's body was burned, and then chose a direction to fly straight after the magic light appeared all over his body.

Unexpectedly, the pursuer behind him passed the place where the battle was fought just now, paused for a while, and then flew towards the territory of the Flying Rakshasa clan.

Originally, Yi Tian was still secretly happy in his heart, as long as he could try to annihilate people on the spot after attracting them, it would save some trouble.But it's not a good thing to let people run away now, and there was a little thoughtful look on his face, thinking that he had killed Ye Dang today, and I'm afraid it would be a troublesome thing to spread back to the Feitian Raksha clan.

Nanny Yang mentioned before that this person is a member of the Flying Rakshasa royal family. It is estimated that the situation on the Devil's Ridge Mountain will change soon.

But there's nothing he can do about it, let alone this time it's obvious that the other party came to find fault first.After thinking about it, Yi Tian still decided to go back to the Magic Ridge Mountain Barracks to discuss with everyone before making countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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