
Chapter 1353 The Fierce Battle at Devil's Ridge Mountain 1 Planning

Chapter 1353
In the past two years, the situation on the Devil's Ridge Mountain has become more and more severe day by day. At the beginning of the period, the mining team of the Demon Army of the Flame Hell first successfully broke through the blocked mine tunnels and mined a large amount of magic spar.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. After more than a year of silence, the Flying Raksha clan began to send out small teams to instruct the mining area of ​​Devil's Ridge Mountain.During this period, it was natural that the ore guard team repeatedly provoked the flame prison demon army, trying to create friction and provoke troubles.

But the strategy adopted by Concubine Yan this time is to avoid the most important ones and ignore the less important ones. Once foreign enemies are found, the demon generals on duty will be in charge of vigilance and try to shrink the mining lines in the mining area as much as possible, and directly abandon some ore veins that are too far away.

At the same time, there are arrangements for the miners to retreat to the next area in an orderly manner to continue mining. After this cycle, if there is trouble with the other party, they will retreat in an orderly manner step by step and do not fight with the other party.

Over time, the Flying Raksha clan on the opposite side also figured out the rules, and gradually began to become more courageous and aimed their tentacles at the new mining area in an attempt to continue encroaching on this side of the territory.

However, after facing the guards at the level of magic generals, the opponent's team can no longer play any role.Soon after, monks of the same level began to be deployed to lead small teams to continuously attack the mining team of the flame prison demon clan.In the end, it was not until the scope of mining was compressed to a range of three hundred miles around the military camp.

At this time, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in his temporary cave, ignoring the outside world and concentrating on practicing in seclusion.Until one day, I received a message from Concubine Yan, and the jade slips were swept away by my spiritual sense until the situation of the battle changed, but I didn't expect it to start so soon.

After slowly standing up, Yi Tian's figure flew out of the cave, and after coming to the outside world, he flew straight into the tent of the Chinese army.At this time, a group of demon generals were sitting around the bottom, while Concubine Yan and the two monks in the distraction period were sitting upright.After seeing her entering the big tent, Concubine Yan was overjoyed and said, "Brother Yi is here, let's start the discussion."

After a slight nod, Yi Tian stepped forward and sat down next to Yantong. This Chinese military discussion was just a formality, and he was just listening in.

During the period, I heard that the Flying Raksha clan on the opposite side has recently begun to frequently dispatch troops, and dispatched equal combat power against the deployment of the army of the flame prison demon army.

As for their top-level combat power, they are also on par with this side. As for why they haven't started the war for a long time, they seem to be waiting for an answer.

In addition, there is good news that after working overtime during this period, Concubine Yan finally completed the task assigned by the Demon Emperor several years ahead of schedule.Those magic crystals have been transported back to the dynasty, and it is estimated that the Demon Emperor of the Flame Prison will issue new orders in a short time.

As one after another military order was issued, the demon generals who sat down took orders one after another and rushed to arrange defensive tasks.After the people were almost gone, Concubine Yan raised the sound-proof barrier, turned around, took out a jade slip and said to the three distracted monks, "The royal father's secret decree has been issued, and I invite the three of you to read it."

When they heard that there was a secret decree, Nanny Yang and Yan Tong knew with solemn expressions that this matter must not be easy, so they immediately took over and went through it quickly.As for Yi Tian, ​​he still didn't care. After looking at the expressions of the two, they seemed a little dignified and knew that this matter was not easy to handle.

After passing the jade slip into his hand, he read it carefully, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.It did contain information about the situation on the other side. In addition to Ye Luan being the head coach here, he also deployed two monks who were also in the late stage of the avatar as his assistants.

The magic spar produced on the same side of the Devil's Ridge Mountain has already attracted enough attention from the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Flying Rakshasa Clan. The vein coefficient is controlled on one's own side.

In other words, it is necessary to start a full-scale war to drive the Flying Rakshas out of this area of ​​the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

It's no wonder that Nanny Yang and Yan Tong showed embarrassment after watching it. With the current force, they can only achieve a stalemate with each other. If they want to completely wipe out the opponent's forces from this area, it is necessary to provoke a big war.

And it's not a problem for the two of them to face up to the monks of the same level. Whoever really knows how to eat and have nothing to do will work hard with others for no reason.Moreover, the Demon Emperor did not specify matters such as reserve reinforcements in the Jade Slips. It would be even more troublesome if the battle was lost and the territory of the expeditionary army here was lost.

Later, Nanny Yang said: "Since the Demon Emperor has a secret order to urge us to fight, what do you two think about this battle?"

Yan Tong thought for a while before replying: "One-on-one, I'm afraid I may not be able to completely suppress the other party, let alone drive the Flying Rakshasa tribe out of the Devil's Ridge Mountain. If there is a gambling fight, there is still a chance of winning. But I’m afraid they won’t take the bait.”

"Fellow Daoist Yan is right. If it's a gambling situation, the other party doesn't have to follow up. We need to think of a perfect plan." After Yang Nanny finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​which meant a lot. Clearly wanting to hear his own thoughts.

"Since this is the case, why don't we design to lure the other party to annihilate them in one fell swoop?" Yi Tian suggested.

After hearing this, Concubine Yan's eyes lit up, and seeing that the other two also showed thoughtful expressions, after carefully savoring her own words, they looked at each other and waited for the next sentence.

Reaching out his hand, he took out the array disk and put it in front of him, saying: "This is the ancient magic formation 'Blood Refining Demon Sha Formation' which needs to be manipulated by eight god transformation stage monks at the same time, and it is powerful enough to trap three distraction stage monks. If we are in this large formation Fighting against the opponent can completely gain an overwhelming advantage."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan said with mixed feelings of worry and joy: "The formation is fine, but right now I don't have enough manpower here, and all the demon generals under my command can only be combined to get the number, but I still need other monks who are in charge of vigilance. In addition, setting up the formation is also a big trouble, we are now only a thousand miles away from the opponent, and under the glance of the divine sense, the people who set up the formation are completely invisible."

However, Nanny Yang pondered for a while and said: "Don't worry, the third palace master, the formation is not a problem. What I am worried about is what can be used to lure the other three distracted monks out together. Even if one is leaked, it will be fine." It's big trouble."

Yi Tian waved his hand to indicate that he has no idea about it, although the idea is good, but the lack of bait will not work.Besides, taking out the formation disk by myself has already done a good job, as for the problem of how to lure, it is better to kick the two of them to solve it.

In the end, Yantong gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't made an inch of merit under the command of the Lord of the Third Palace. This opportunity is so rare that I won't hide my clumsiness." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out a palm-sized dark golden ore and put it in the center .

Nanny Yang, with her sharp eyesight, immediately exclaimed, "It's the Mojing Mine Mother. This palm-sized thing can generate a whole large vein of minerals."

"It's just a medium-sized mineral vein," Yantong said proudly, "The Devil's Ridge Mountain has limited geology, so we can only choose small-scale spiritual mines to upgrade the level. In this way, it will be easier to lay bait in our jurisdiction to lure the opponent into the urn."

(End of this chapter)

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