
Chapter 1376 Military Discussion

Chapter 1376 Military Discussion
After nearly 20 years of retreat and practice in the cave mansion, there was a message of spiritual light that broke through the restriction and flew straight in. Yi Tian sat in the cave mansion and slowly opened his eyes and reached out to take the message jade talisman. It simply said ' Concubine Yan is back, please go to the City Lord's Mansion to discuss matters. '

After putting away the Asura Statue and Jingshi Hualian, the spiritual power on Yi Tian's body suddenly subsided, and then a black magic power gushed out from his body, and the whole person transformed into a monk of the flame prison demon clan again .Putting away the Star Hammer of Shifang Extermination in front of him, his eyes once again passed over a pile of refined extraterrestrial meteoric iron next to him, showing a helpless look on his face.

I have already taken out all the stocks in my hand and refined them and found that there are still [-] to [-]% less, so I can only put aside the matter of refining the Meteor Shield for the time being and wait for the opportunity to collect all the treasures before refining.

After leaving the cave, Yi Tian rushed to the tallest building in the city in a hurry. At this time, there were many demon generals gathered outside the door, and they all stepped forward to salute when they saw him coming.It was the first time for Yi Tian to meet many new faces. They must have been newly dispatched by the Demon King of Flame Prison after the army gained a firm foothold on the Devil's Ridge Mountain.

After entering the main hall, I found that there was only Concubine Yan in the main hall at this time, a cultivator at the transformation stage, and everyone else was a demon cultivator at the distraction stage.Needless to say, this high-level meeting was limited to elders of the Expeditionary Army of the Flame Prison Demon Race, and the content of the discussion should be relatively important.

Going forward to salute Concubine Yan, the latter also smiled and said: "Brother Yi is here, please take a seat." After speaking, she stretched out her hand and pointed to the first vacant seat on her right.

Yi Tian's eyes glanced and found that Concubine Yan's cultivation has been promoted to the late stage of transformation, which has improved a lot compared to the middle stage of transformation when he saw her a hundred years ago.

However, it is obvious that her aura is not very stable, it should be like she has just advanced, and most of them rely on the power of Danshi to improve to have the current situation.

Go forward and sit down on the right hand side, then look up to see No. 1 on the left and right is Nanny Yang, at this time she looks at herself with a smile on her face.But Yi Tian found that there seemed to be a little more worry between the other party's brows, and there was also some doubt in his eyes.

Sitting next to me is Yantong, the new guard of Devil's Ridge Mountain. At this time, he is full of vigor and aura of a superior. It is estimated that he has slowly developed after serving in Devil's Ridge Mountain in recent decades.

I saw him nodded slowly to signal, and then moved his lips slightly and said in private: "Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me for the grade and quantity of the extraterrestrial iron you want. .”

Yi Tian replied with a faint smile: "It's okay, Fellow Daoist Yan will do his best to accept it."

"Please stay still after the meeting," Yan Tong simply replied again.

Yi Tian knew that this was because he might feel guilty, so he wanted to make up for it after the meeting.Of course, I didn't need to refuse his kindness, and then I nodded slightly to indicate a reply.

As for the other three people present, they were the new help brought by Concubine Yan from the Flame Prison Dynasty. Although most of them didn't know each other, they had all heard about their deeds, so they didn't dare to neglect and bowed down.Naturally, Yi Tian didn't put on airs. Although these people temporarily lived under Concubine Yan's command, they all represented the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison.

If I ask others in the future, I still have to do my best on the scene, and then return the salute one by one as a greeting.

After everyone finished the ceremony, Concubine Yan coughed lightly and said, "The coefficients of the Devil's Ridge Mountain Range are now included in the territory of my Flame Prison Demon Clan. Father is very pleased about this."

After hearing this, everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and then Concubine Yan said: "The mining of the magic ridge mountain is now on the right track, and the annual output can offset more than [-]% of the magic spar reserves in the national treasury. Many people are jealous of the jobs here, but fortunately, the father understands the righteousness and did not listen to the slander, so he suppressed all the different voices."

Nanny Yang on the left praised again and again: "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor is wise, and the Three Princesses have Fang Moji Mountain in order to present a prosperous world."

Concubine Yan smiled and then changed the subject: "Before I came back this time, someone in the court proposed to send our army to the south to participate in the war. Although the father did not directly agree, he also revealed afterwards that he wanted me to divide the troops to the south to help the war. After all, the south is ours. The current main battlefield of the flame prison demon clan."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian knew the purpose of today's meeting. Although Concubine Yan did not receive the order of the Demon Emperor, she thought that the Demon Emperor would order the army to divide and go south in the near future.

Now I don’t know how she will arrange it under the precautionary measures. Later, Concubine Yan said again: "Father's meaning is very clear. Now that the fortresses in the Devil's Spine Mountains are impenetrable, naturally there is no need to send too many people to stay behind."

"I don't know what the three princesses mean, how to divide the army in the future?" Yantong who was sitting next to him seized the opportunity to ask.

Yi Tian naturally knows what he means, and he has made a lot of money after guarding the Devil's Spine Mountain Range these years.In comparison, going to the south to participate in the war is naturally not as good as staying here, and he is considered to have joined Concubine Yan's side earlier, and he has also handed in the certificate.Although Concubine Yan's wings are growing day by day, he still wants to stand out and occupy a place among the many monks in the distraction period.

If the army divides up and goes south, someone will naturally need someone to guard the Devil's Spine Mountains, and now it seems that Madam Yang is the best candidate.It's just that she cares about the comfort of the three princesses and naturally refuses to stay away, so the only thing left is herself and him to choose one to sit in.As for the late arrival of the other three, of course Concubine Yan could not entrust her with peace of mind.

Yi Tian knew the meaning of Yantong's words after hearing it, seeing that Concubine Yan was a little hesitant about this matter and couldn't make up her mind.

It is of course the best policy to leave yourself to guard the Devil's Spine Mountains. In this way, with the stability of the rear, even if the southern war is tight, the expeditionary force will have a way out.

But he has always been by his side to make suggestions, obviously this time Concubine Yan is also undecided.After scanning all the people present, he glanced back and forth between himself and Yantong, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

After thinking about it, Yitian opened his mouth and said: "Friend Yantong has been guarding the Devil's Ridge Mountain for many years, and he is the best candidate to stay behind. The so-called suspects don't need to be suspicious. Since the third princess wants to relieve the devil's worries, she must do it early. It's preparation."

After hearing this, Concubine Yan was determined, and then asked, "I wonder how Brother Yi thinks how to arrange the troops left behind?"

Stretching out two fingers, Yi Tian said with a smile: "Now the fortifications of the Devil's Spine Mountain Range have begun to take shape. Only two monks in the distraction stage can stay behind and rely on the formation of the defensive fortress to secure the border. Even if there are monks in the integration stage The prisoner can also rely on the location and the protective formation to stick to it and wait for help. In addition, it will be possible to leave a few elite magic generals to assist, and the three princesses can naturally arrange it according to the circumstances."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian returned the right to speak to Concubine Yan. It is better for her to decide what to do next. Let's weigh the pros and cons first, and it is easy to choose the magic generals and assistants who will stay behind.

Nanny Yang also spoke from the side at the right time: "What you Daoist Yi said is very true, I am the first one to agree."

(End of this chapter)

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