
Chapter 1381 Betting

Chapter 1381 Betting
Although he didn't know how the fighting generals group arena actually worked, seeing how Yan Tong seemed to bet a lot in a row, Yi Tian was also taken aback.

Although he must have made a lot of money in the hands of the guard of the Devil's Ridge Mountain these years, but the corners of Yi Tian's mouth couldn't help twitching from the amount he bet.No single bet is less than [-] magic crystals, and at least [-]% of them are bets with pills.

At the moment, I deeply admire these alchemists for spending a lot of money. If it weren't for Yantong who still had some pills in reserve, I'm afraid it would be difficult to cope with such a big gamble.

Not long after, with a slight movement of his divine sense, he discovered that there were already two people on the fighting ring outside the window, and it seemed that it was about to start.Yan Tong said with a faint smile: "You Daoist Yi laughed, the duels of these low-level monks are naturally out of your sight. It's just that the stakes behind them are too huge, so they often fight to the death on the fighting stage .”

"Is there any intentional release of water?" Yi Tian asked.

"Normally not. Those who can compete in the arena are fierce and arrogant, and they usually want to attract the attention of the organizers through the way of fighting generals," Yan Tong replied: "If there is a chance to be high-ranked It may be a big change of identity for the first-level monk to see it, and if he deliberately releases water, he may ruin his reputation in the future, and it may be difficult to get mixed up in the sphere of influence of the Demon Dragon Dao."

It turned out that there was still this problem, Yi Tian was muttering his spiritual thoughts in his heart, and he did find that there were noises erupting near the Dujiangtai outside, and then it seemed that the first scene was over.

Looking at Yan Tong with surprise in his eyes, he knew the result after he protruded his divine sense.Immediately, a smug look appeared on his face, probably because he won the bet, so he felt extraordinarily comfortable.Later, I heard him explain: "This general arena is not really about life and death. Usually, the people who compete with all their strength will win the best. If the situation is not good, smash the number in your hand." The cards can be sent out directly, and the situation of deathmatch is also avoided.”

"This is reasonable, but can these losers re-enter the competition?" Yi Tian said.

Yan Tong lightly waved his hand and said: "Of course not, these monks only have one chance in the general arena held in Dongshan Club, so asking you to sacrifice yourself to help others is naturally not worth the loss. Many monks are willing to risk their lives Performance to get good grades, even if you are not accepted by high-ranking monks, you can still get a valuable reward."

It is estimated that these people will be recruited by the organizers from time to time. It seems that Magic Dragon Road recruits troops through this method to expand its strength rapidly.These monks who have caught up with the ring are obviously already much higher than the same level in terms of momentum, and the elites selected from them to train them will surely expand the power of the Demon Dragon Dao within a thousand years.

So Yi Tian felt a little worried, don't look at the fact that the seven demons are evenly matched in the demon world.As long as the Demon Dragon Way develops like this, the entire Demon Realm can be subverted within 5000 years.

One is to focus on cultivating monks of the same clan, and the other is to discover potential casual cultivators or buried people in the demon world through strict screening. It is natural to distinguish between the stronger and weaker of these two forces over time.The key is the improvement of the top-level combat power. If a Mahayana monk appears in the Demon Dragon Road, I am afraid that the power of the entire Demon World will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly there was some commotion outside, and it sounded like the second match had also decided the winner.

Yi Tian picked up the jade slip in his hand, turned to the succubus maid and said, "If a newcomer makes an offer now, can I see it?"

"That's no problem, the newly opened market will automatically appear on the jade slip, but seniors also need to pay attention to those small markets that will be taken soon," the maid replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian opened the jade slip in his hand again and found that the number of competitions above had increased, and the small handicap below also rose linearly.

After scanning his eyes, he saw a familiar name. He didn't expect that Di Yun, who had traded with him before, also came to participate in the competition.And his opponent is an abyss demon cultivator in the mid-stage of transformation, visually, the odds are as high as [-] to [-], and the following small markets are unanimously optimistic about Di Yun's opponents.

Thinking about it for a while, Yi Tianji began to write quickly on the jade slip with spiritual power, and later took out the storage bag and put it in the same bet and handed it to the succubus behind him.

On the other hand, Yan Tong, who was on the side, glanced at his face with a puzzled expression, and then quietly moved his lips and asked through voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi, why do you value this monk named Di Yun so much? Is there anything special about him?" where?"

"Fellow Daoist Yan laughed at me. I'm just happy to see Lie Xin. I just think it's common for the Ascension Cultivator to be strong and the weak to defeat the strong," Yi Tian said.

The light in Yantong's eyes flashed across his face, but he showed a look of disbelief. After thinking for a while, he asked again: "This person should be the one that Daoyou Yi traded with when he went up the mountain. I think you Daoyou It’s not that you have confidence in this person, but you have confidence in yourself. Maybe what you traded to him will be different, so you are so sure.”

Unexpectedly, Yantong saw through his little thoughts so quickly, Yi Tian had no choice but to smile helplessly and revealed all the details to him.That Diyun had the Flame Dragon Armor that he made himself to protect him, so even monks below the distraction stage would not be able to easily injure him, so the odds of winning would naturally increase greatly.

With such a secret hand, he can take those small bets with confidence and boldness, and he also took out an earth-level magic weapon and opened a small bet indicating that he needs to bet on high-level meteorite iron.

After hearing this, Yan Tong rolled his eyes and took out the jade slips to find Di Yun's competition directly, and then placed a heavy bet on it again.Although there are very few small handicap left at this time, the large handicap does not limit the number of bets on magic spar.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw him betting 500 million directly on the big handicap.He didn't expect him to be so proud, thinking that he had been in the Demon Realm for so long, and even confiscated Ye Luan, Ye Po and Dugu Can's belongings couldn't even make up this amount.

But looking at Yan Tong's face, he has nothing to say. Just when he was about to turn around and check the news on the stage again, he suddenly noticed the last match of the jade slip in Yan Tong's hand.

The difference is that the odds of [-] to [-] were actually offered for this big market. With a thought, I looked at the name of the monk opposite, and saw that it said Demon Dragon Dao Blood Thunderbolt.

And the small odds below are all bets on him to win, and the odds on the big odds of Blood Thunderbolt have been reduced to an outrageous state of [-] to [-].

(End of this chapter)

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