
Chapter 1389 Trapped Beast

Chapter 1389 Trapped Beast
The Demon Source Pool is located at the junction of the Sky Demon Clan and the Dark Demon Clan. Usually these places are divided into restricted areas to restrict the entry of low-level demons.A radius of five thousand miles around the magic source pool is recognized as a restricted area, and many monsters are raised in it to surround the center of the magic source pool.

Yi Tian and Jiu Tuoluo flew all the way and found a lot of distracted monster lairs.Fortunately, the two of them restrained their spiritual power, and they did not disturb these guys even though they flew quickly at high altitude.

After flying to the [-]-kilometer point near the central area, Jiu Tuoluo's face tightened and said: "You Daoist Yi, you should be more careful on the road ahead, I have an ominous premonition that there must be a lair of high-level monsters nearby For now, it is best not to offend them."

Yi Tian quietly dispersed his divine thoughts, and after taking three breaths, his face showed a helpless look: "This is also a matter of no choice. Originally, there will be monsters raised by monks in the fit period outside the forbidden area. We are the tiger's mouth Naturally, it takes a price to seize food, otherwise it would be too easy for you to get the clay puppet of Blood Firmament so easily for no reason."

There was a wry smile on Jiutuoluo's face, and after sweeping his eyes over Yi Tian's storage ring, he replied in a deep voice: "I will do what I promise you, I'm afraid I can only trust you now in the devil world, at least you I have the same goal and don't hold each other down."

Flying forward for half a moment until it was three hundred miles away from the magic source pool, suddenly Yi Tian's divine sense moved slightly and found something was wrong.Then he hastily transmitted the voice: "Friend Daoist Jiu, we might be in trouble."

"It's not that we might be in trouble, but that trouble is already on us," said Judhara, pointing to the void in front of him, and after a ray of magic light was thrown out, ripples appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, a huge black shadow appeared in front of the two of them. Yi Tian raised his head and found a monster with the head of a tiger and the body of a horse with black wings on its back not far away.The hair on his body was backgrown, revealing a layer of bright black, he opened his mouth and barked at the two of them a few times.

The sound wave resounded through the world and spread thousands of miles away, shocking the low-level monsters that were originally hiding around.

Yi Tian didn't know the details of the other party, so he quickly looked it up in his mind and found that it was a bit similar to the fierce beast Qiongqi described in the annals of strange beasts in the spirit world.

Juddara on the side looked at it solemnly and said: "It's a demon poor beast with peak strength in the first distraction period, and according to my estimation, the other party has some background."

"How to say?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

"Look if there's a beast card hanging around his neck," Judora said with a curled lip, "I guess this guy should be a guard who stayed here for a monk from the Heavenly Demon Clan or the Dark Demon Clan. You have to think of a complete way to cross it and enter the magic source pool."

Yi Tian's face darkened when he heard it, and what Jiu Tuo Luo said was right.According to the current situation, I can't kill this Moqiongqi directly, because the strength is slightly inferior, and I'm still afraid of alarming the master behind it, which will leave me with endless troubles.

The two of them hadn't made any moves yet, only to see that Mo Qiongqi made the first move.After flapping the wings on the back, an afterimage was left on the spot. Yi Tian and Jiu Tuoluo looked at each other, and then both retreated to the side.

Two bloody claws appeared in the air, cut through the void, and then slammed into the unknown place where the two were originally located.After the sound of howling wind passed by, Yi Tian appeared behind Moqiongqi, then reached out and patted the storage ring, took out the Curse Sky Demon Bell, put it on his head, and then uttered the Qijue magic sound, covering Moqiongqi's body .

As soon as the black light wave came into contact, the opponent trembled, and when Mo Qiongqi activated it again, his movements were three points slower than before.So Yi Tian and Kudala can deal with it calmly.

There was a bit of sternness on Jiuduoluo's face, and he stretched out his hands with ten fingers, and then threw out several lightning bolts. In an instant, the electric light pierced through the void and directly hit Moqiongqi's body, leaving several black wounds on it.

Yi Tian took a closer look and saw that the evil lightning did not cause direct damage to it, but left several black wounds after it exploded on its feathers, and bright red flesh and blood could be seen inside.

In an instant, Mo Qiongqi raised his head to the sky and barked several times, the hair on his back stood up, and he rushed towards Jiudala.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the latter hurriedly dodged to the side, leaving a bloody lump in place. With a sound of "bang", Mo Qiongqi's grasp hit the piece of meat and triggered the blood explosion technique.

Several streaks of blood-colored smoke flashed in the air to cover it, and Yi Tian's divine sense found that the Moqiongqi aura inside was sluggish, obviously affected by the blood explosion technique.

Then Yi Tian reached out and took out the dark thunder drill, sacrificed it in his hand, and after gliding across the air, it turned into a black thunder and hit Mo Qiongqi directly.

This magic weapon is the product of smelting the Yin Thunder Hammer and electric drill, and added the power of Yang Thunder to it to reconcile the original power of Yin Thunder.In terms of power, it is indeed more than twice as strong as the original state. In the air, only a two-inch-long arc was launched, but the power contained around the magic weapon is not weaker than the magic power of the magic weapon in the hands of Kudala.

When the black thunder exploded again, Mo Qiongqi let out a howl and was suddenly repelled hundreds of feet before he stabilized his figure.Although its cultivation base was not weak, it fell short instantly under the attack of Yi Tian and Jiu Tuoluo.

Kudala glanced at the electric drill, but his eyes revealed a thoughtful look, and later he said via voice transmission: "Yi Daoyou, this spiritual weapon is really powerful, it looks a bit like an ancient treasure, I wonder if we can cut it off?"

Faced with Jiu Tuola's obvious request for Yi Tian, ​​he just curled his lips and replied: "If you can take out the gloomy phoenix wood or other treasures of heavenly robbery spiritual plants, you can directly exchange them."

"It's a deal," Juddara replied in a strong manner, and then he clasped his hands together again and held out an electric column as thick as a bucket in his hands, and then his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

When he reappeared, he was already thirty feet above Mo Yongqi's head. With a shake of his hands, ten fingers of thunder fell one after another and turned into a cage of thunder light to cover Mo Yongqi.

Not to be outdone, Yi Tian hurriedly buzzed the Cursing Sky Demon Bell above his head, and the seven absolute magic sounds surrounded Mo Qiongqi, restricting his actions in a cage of thunder and light, unable to conflict.

Seeing that Mo Qiongqi was trapped, Jiu Tuo Luo said: "Yi Daoyou took this opportunity to quickly enter the forbidden area of ​​Mo Sha Pond, and come to Sunset City to find me after you come out."

"So much work," Yi Tian said with a smile, now that the situation has been greatly unexpected, the owner of the Moqiong Qi Beast has not been alarmed and the hand can be freed to break the forbidden entry.

After taking out a jade box from the storage ring and gently pushing it directly in front of Jiu Tuola, Yi Tian said: "The clay puppet is in it, thank you fellow Daoist Jiu for your help this time. I'm going down."

Jiu Tuo Luo also took the jade box with one hand and stretched it in with his divine sense, sweeping his face with great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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