
Chapter 1406: Arrival at Boneyard 1

Chapter 1406: As soon as the Burial Ground arrives
The long-lost peace has ushered in the southern battlefield. Yan Lei, the new commander of the Flame Prison Demon Army, personally visited the Abyss Demon Clan.Afterwards, the monks of the integration period of the two races stepped up their army preparations after they came back. At the same time, Yan Lei sent a private message to the commanders of the three armies to agree on the date of rendezvous.

But what was different from the expectation was that Concubine Yan's face changed suddenly after receiving the biography Yujian and read it through, and then urgently recruited Yitian and others to go to the big tent to discuss matters.

After hearing the news, Yi Tian arrived at the big tent and found that he was the last one to arrive. All the monks present were distracted monks. As for the demon generals, they all stayed outside the tent and waited for orders.

After sitting down, Concubine Yan couldn't wait to hand over the communication jade slip in her hand for everyone to check in turn.After Yi Tian took it, he spread it in his palm and glanced at it, and he knew the reason for Concubine Yan's anger.

This time, Yan Lei sent a summons to adjust the original allocation of quotas. Concubine Yan can only keep two quotas here.Although she didn't know the cause of the matter, Concubine Yan pushed all the matter to her two younger brothers, and they must be inseparable from this matter.

And Madam Yang also had reservations about this matter. I don't know why the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army would go back on his word and directly deprive him of a vital quota.

After Yi Tian read it, he handed the jade slip in his hand to An Xichen beside him. If something changed, Concubine Yan must adjust her strategy.

After some discussion, Yi Tianli nominated himself and An Xichen to take the shot, and the one who was originally ranked third was used as a back-up.

Afterwards, Concubine Yan took a group of small warships and flew directly towards the "Buried Bones Temple" in the center of the southern battlefield.Halfway through the journey, I found two similar warships flying from different directions in the distance, and they also carried the banner of the Flame Prison Demon Army.

After careful identification, it was the Fourth Prince and the Seventh Prince. Although everyone was in a hurry, they still pretended to be nonchalant.

At least it looked like a group of harmony, and the three warships drove side by side and arrived at the periphery of the 'Bone Temple'.After getting out of the flying boat and into the air, Concubine Yan found that they each brought a lot of people, but these people had different expressions and looked very unfriendly.

Flying forward, Concubine Yan and her two younger brothers greeted each other for a while, and there was a strange look on their faces.After she returned, Yi Tian asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"There is something strange, maybe there is a big trouble," Concubine Yan pointed at the other two teams and said, "My two younger brothers have also been reduced by one quota. It seems that something has changed after the uncle discussed with the other party. Otherwise, it would definitely not be the case.”

"It's not that there was a change in the negotiation," Yi Tian pouted and said, "It's the intervention of a third-party force. I think the Demon Emperor can't bear the pressure to make this decision. No need to guess, your uncle brought a brigade here gone."

"Big team, how many people are there?" Concubine Yan said doubtfully, "Could it be that Father is going to hand over the people here."

"That's not the case, but if I guess correctly, at least the three places you have reduced will be taken up by the monks of the Demon Race," Yi Tian said calmly.

As soon as this remark came out, the face of An Xichen standing behind him changed slightly, and he asked in a deep voice: "Friend Yi Daoist, are you sure that the Heavenly Demon Race is also involved in this matter?"

"Their warships are flying towards here. If it wasn't for the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison to give in, I can't think of a second reasonable explanation," Yi Tian pouted.

Then he turned around to look at An Xichen's voice transmission: "You don't have to worry about the Dark Daoist, the matter of the Demon Dragon Dao is over, and after the goal of the Heavenly Demon Clan is achieved, the order to kill the rest of the remnants has also been withdrawn. Now you are Freedom."

After hearing this, An Xichen's body trembled slightly, and then he stopped making a sound.It didn't take long for everyone to notice in their spiritual thoughts that two warships were speeding towards here.One of them was flying the banner of Liaoyuan City, presumably it should be the car of Yan Lei, the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

The other one is a warship of the Heavenly Demon Race, and its reappearance is just to verify what Yi Tian said just now.

Others didn't think anything, but An Xichen looked at Yi Tian with a look of deep fear in his eyes.Obviously, he is also a middle-stage monk of distraction, and Yi Tian's spiritual sense coverage is twice as wide as his, which is almost comparable to that of an early-stage monk of fusion.

Such and such that seemingly similar cultivation bases actually have much stronger real strength.After turning his head to meet Shang Yitian's gaze, An Xichen concealed the embarrassment on his face and dared not say any more.

Yi Tian, ​​however, swept his divine sense and noticed the shock in the opponent's eyes, and he was also determined in his heart.I have always been relatively low-key, but people with higher cultivation bases can notice it inadvertently. If I think about it, I will inevitably encounter troubles when I meet Yan Lei.

Just thinking about it, the two warships flew a hundred miles in front of them and stopped in the air to stabilize. Later, a group of monks flew out of the warships and flew towards the place where the crowd gathered.

On the Flame Prison Demon Clan's side was a chariot pulled by four nightmare beasts, and there was a powerful aura coming from inside that stunned everyone on the field. Needless to say, it was Huang Shu Yanlei who came in person.

This is the second time Yi Tian met Yan Lei, so he was very familiar with his breath, and later waited in the air with Concubine Yan.

Behind the hazy car was a monk in the distraction stage and an attendant in the transformation stage. Presumably, they should be the representatives of Liaoyuan City this time.Yan Lei also doesn't leave empty space, he must leave a share of good things.

As for another group of monks from the Heavenly Demon Race, they followed Yan Lei's frame, about half a mile away.Among the pair of people, I was lucky to find that Dugufeng was also among them, but this time it seemed that she was not the leader of the team.

It was the cultivator of the Heavenly Demon Race leader who really made him aware of the ambiguity.In his thirties, he was dressed in magic armor, with two pointed horns growing on the front of his forehead.

The appearance of the whole person seems to show the identity of the Heavenly Demon Clan's top school, the Heavenly Demon Transformation, but it seems that there is always something missing, Yi Tian feels a little weird but can't tell.

Later, when Yan Lei's hazy car flew to the back, a spiritual thought came out and swept the monks present, and then only heard a rough voice coming from it: "You are all here, this time there is a demon The clan channels are also going to participate in the competition, so I temporarily transferred a quota for each of you."

He spoke quietly but seemed to be close at hand. The commander of the three armed forces naturally understood it through his eyes.Immediately, he hurriedly said in unison: "I will wait for the commander-in-chief's decision, and I dare not violate the military order."

"That's good. The abyssal demons on the opposite side will also change in a while. I'm afraid this fight will be a good show." Yan Lei said again: "But don't be afraid to show some skills. If you lose After you go back, weigh it yourself."

Faced with such a scoundrel's request, many of the monks in the distraction stage were also terrified.After hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help curling his lips, but he never thought of missing.

Suddenly, a voice transmission sounded in my ears: "Boy, take most of the ice marrow flame away, don't you have to do more this time, or be careful that I will settle accounts with you afterwards."

With a bit of bitterness on his face, Yi Tian helplessly shook his head and thought in his heart, "I'm still being targeted, maybe I'll be used as a gunman later on." '

(End of this chapter)

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