
Chapter 1413 Boneyard 8 Showdown

Chapter 1413 Eight duels in the Boneyard
As soon as he fought with Tulu, Yi Tian realized that something was wrong. This person's strength was almost the strongest distracted monk he had ever seen since he came to the Demon Realm.

Fortunately, he had fought against his clone back then when he was in the lower realms, so he still had a fresh memory of his attacks.During the period of rest in Sunset City in the past few years, he finally raised his cultivation base to the middle stage of distraction, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

Forgetting to use two magic treasures in his hand at the same time, he can deal with them calmly under one attack and one defense.Today, however, he was mistaken, and he had already made a judgment in his heart between the lightning and flint fights.

Although the Demon Soul Banner can restrain the physical skills of the Abyssal Demon Race, it is far from enough to defeat Tulue.

On the other hand, although Cursing Sky Mo Lingshu's big move can restrict its actions, it can easily reveal its position, so it is inconvenient to use it after consideration.

After Yi Tian flashed in the black mist, he used the characteristics of the demon soul banner to suppress the slaughtering spirit within a range of three feet, and at the same time spread the mist in the banner to form a maze with a radius of a hundred miles.

After staying away from the opponent, Yi Tian thought about it. It is not difficult to deal with the slaughter, but the difficulty lies in the need to defeat the opponent with pure demon skills.Otherwise, it would be easy to be spotted by the two monks at the integration period who were watching from the outside.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian gently raised the demon soul banner in his hand so that it floated high above the sky to keep it from falling.

At the same time, a black magic fire flashed out of his body, mobilizing the spiritual pressure fluctuations around him.After the flash of flames flashed in an instant, he used the physical skills of the demon body of the flame prison. Since the opponent is good at the physical skills of the demon race, he can also prove the advantages and disadvantages of the two body skills.

Although they are all supernatural powers born out of the Heavenly Demon Transformation, after so many years of evolution and improvement, there must be some unknown secrets.Besides, I still have a lot of after photos that can be used to enhance the power of the Demon Body of Fire Prison.

The howling sound in the black mist gradually faded away, Yi Tian put the soul beast into the streamer and tapped it lightly to let the surrounding black mist slowly dissipate.

At the same time, Zimang flashed slightly in his eyes and locked the position of the slaughter in front of him. At the same time, the slaughter also reacted immediately. When he turned around and saw Yi Tian, ​​his face finally showed a little moved expression: "It seems that the warm-up The game is over, you are finally willing to take a serious shot."

"To each other," Yi Tian spat softly: "My original intention was to save some effort, but I didn't expect you to be so difficult to deal with, so I had to play the real game as a last resort."

"It's a bluff, it looks like your fiery prison demon body has been cultivated to perfection, no wonder you dare to speak wild words," Tu Lu sneered, "It's just that we can try which body method is better."

Before he finished speaking, he moved. After leaving an afterimage on the spot, Tu Lu appeared on the right side of Yi Tian in an instant. He raised his fists and slammed down in front of him.

Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth, and then the magic fire flashed on his hands and flew up to meet the attacking route of the opponent.

'Papapa' The fists with both hands and four fists were evenly matched in the air, and the powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations were blown by the surrounding wind.

Here, Yi Tian's fists are wrapped in black flames, while the fists of Slaughter are covered with dark golden flowing fire.Shuangshang's physical skills seem to be in the same place, and for a while, he shot with all his strength in the air and continuously aroused the surrounding wind until it formed a powerful wind dragon.

Seeing that the deadlock could not be broken for the time being, Yi Tian snorted coldly and took the lead in changing his tactics to win by surprise.After the hands were combined, they formed a seal, and then a cloud of chaos air sacrifice formed a narrow and absolute space between the hands.

After seeing the massacre in front of him, his face showed a dignified look, and then he said with some suspicion: "Why do I feel that your technique is very similar to my Abyss Demon Clan's Abyss Fierce Explosion?"

"It's just similar." Yi Tian pouted and replied, "What will surprise you is yet to come."

In fact, Yi Tian didn't know what to do. This trick was found from his relics after defeating the slaughter clone in Tianlan Continent.

I have not lost contact with myself in my spare time, but I have never found an opportunity to display it with others.

Today's sudden fight in the fight really caught the opponent by surprise.

After three breaths, I saw that the slaughter not far in front of him also performed the same abyss explosion, but the magic energy used in his kung fu was more pure, and it fit better with this move.

After a flash of blue light, Yi Tian made a move without waiting for the opponent to complete his work. The absolute vacuum in his hand was maintained at a size of one foot, forming a void black hole that devoured everything and flew towards the location of the slaughter.

There was a loud bang, and the opponent didn't dare to wait any longer, and directly pushed out the Abyss Liebang, which was hastily sacrificed in his hands.Two black light spheres, one large and one small, collided fiercely in the air.

Unexpectedly, the light ball formed by the technique in Tu Lu's hand was twice as large as Yi Tian's, but its power was three points weaker.After the two moves attacked each other, Chuchu was still able to fight evenly, but after ten breaths, he was actually swallowed by the weak magic light that was one foot in size.

And under the ebb and flow, Yi Tian's Abyss Fierce Explosion became stronger and stronger, and he speeded up the devouring speed, completely defeated the opponent's moves, and then flew towards the slaughter.

The space distortion caused by the magic light went, and it also cut open the void, making the entire empty space show signs of instability.

At this time, many monks who were fighting on the outside were also concentrating and holding their breath. They did not expect that the fierce battle would become so fierce, almost tearing that space apart.

Even Dugu Yufeng, who was originally listless, opened his eyes wide and looked at him at this time, but a sentence popped out of his mouth for no reason: "It's really amazing, I didn't expect that there would also be Crouching Tiger Hidden in the Southern Expedition Army of the Yan Prison Demon Clan The generation of dragons, I really want to find a chance to fight against him."

When a word spreads to the ears of the surrounding people, it is natural to admire Yi Tian on the field, and the person who can make Dugu Yufeng express his evaluation naturally has his own merits.

The situation on the Shaochi field changed again, Tu Lu knew that he couldn't dodge it, and it was worth taking out a beast skin magic talisman to activate it, and then it turned into a light blade spell to forcibly cut open the void, and received the attacking abyss blast spell in front of him.

This is obviously not something he can do by himself, but this can be regarded as the conclusion of this trick.

He just turned his head to see that Yi Tian had disappeared in place, and now it was his turn to defend.

Suddenly, a blue halo flashed behind the slaughter, and at this moment Yi Tian appeared, his palms were covered with blue flames, and he clenched his fist with his right hand and punched the slaughter fiercely.

The left hand in the depths of Tulu greeted him, and as soon as the two palms touched, Tu Lu let out a muffled groan, and his left hand was instantly frozen by the icy marrow flame.

At the same time, Yi Tian stretched out his left hand, wrapped in ice marrow flames in the form of a hand knife, and forcibly broke through the slaughter's defense, and stretched out his hand to insert his heart, freezing the whole person.

 Thanks for the great support of Daoist Kang Liandi

(End of this chapter)

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