
Chapter 1445 Journey to the Abyss 2 Quota

Chapter 1445 Journey to the Abyss Two Quota
Coming to the whirlpool of the abyss of the demon world, Yi Tian and his party met the people of the Sky Demon Clan, the leader of the Dark Demon Clan, An Ming, and two of his subordinates who had arrived early.

Leng Xu, a monk from the Ice Demon Race who was traveling with him, seemed to want to keep a distance from everyone. After he landed, he greeted several monks at the fusion stage, and then took his wife to an open place and waited sadly.

As for Yan Lei, he took Yi Tianchao to the area where the monks of the Heavenly Demon Clan were located. The alliance between the Flame Prison Demon Clan and the Heavenly Demon Clan was already open to the public, so Yan Lei did not shy away from it at all.

On the contrary, Yi Tian walked behind him, and later greeted the four distracted monks one by one as a greeting.

Among them, Dugu Yaoxiang said carelessly: "Yi Daoyou is really good and can get the recommendation of Liaoyuan City Lord."

"Why is there any problem?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

"The recommendation quota for Liaoyuan City Lord has always been reserved only for the monks of the flame prison royal family. I am afraid that there are not many people in the royal family who are good at fighting, so it is impossible to let His Royal Highness come out in person," Dugu Yufeng, who was on the side, added. .

It turned out that there was still this stalk in it, Yi Tian said without changing his expression after hearing this: "It's still thanks to the blessing of the city lord that I can avoid the trial of the court and lightly go into battle," knowing that his words must be concealed during the fusion period Cultivator Yi Tian also tried his best to pick up some words from the scene.

"I'm afraid that Fellow Daoist Yi still has a heavy responsibility on this trip, and a drop of 'Tears of the Flame Devil' is a must, and there may be other additions," Jiu Tuoluo said calmly from the side.

Yi Tian was taken aback, but he didn't expect that he would know about it without leaking the news. It seems that people who are familiar with the industry will know the details.Then he bowed his hands with a smile and said: "I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I hope that several Taoist friends from the Heavenly Demon Race can help me after entering. Yi Tian is very grateful."

"These are trivial matters," but Dugu Yaoxiang waved his hand and said, "You have to be careful this time, I heard that the other major demon clans are planning to unite in private, and the first one to target is you."

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian was puzzled.

Dugu Yufeng smiled and said: "You Daoist, I'm afraid you don't know because you have been in seclusion for the past few years. You have been the most famous monk among the distracted monks in the devil world for nearly a hundred years. Now it is It is recognized as one of the four masters in the distraction period."

"There is such a name, why don't I know, who are the other three?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

"You, me, Jiuduoluo also have the most mysterious ice demon Qiqing," Dugu Yufeng explained: "I have a chance to verify with that ice demon Qiqing, and see what she is capable of."

"Everyone is here, if you want to make a move, you might as well take advantage of it now," Yi Tian pouted.

After hearing this, Dugu Yufeng suddenly turned around and looked towards the Chao Ice Demon Clan, with a naked provocation in his eyes.

Yi Tian asked curiously, "Why didn't Fellow Daoist Dugu think of fighting me?"

"I've verified with fellow Daoist Judhara several times that it's nothing more than equal. He said that you are similar to him, so there is no need to verify anything," Dugu Yufeng said with a smile, but he lacked confidence in saying this.In a blink of an eye, Juddara, who was on the side, remained unchanged.

Just as he was talking, suddenly a few ray of light flew from the sky, headed by five monks at the integration stage, followed by ten monks at the distraction stage, flying towards the mountain here.

Judging from this formation, they should have come together after meeting by chance on the way. Ten breaths later, these people descended one after another after Dunguang flew to the sky above the hillside.In this way, there are more than a dozen monks in the integration period and eighteen monks in the top distraction period gathered on the entire hillside.

This kind of formation is definitely a force that is difficult to shake easily on other interfaces. Who can have the opportunity to meet so many monks in the fusion stage at one time.

After they all fell down, Yan Lei signaled, and Yi Tian followed behind him and walked slowly towards the Demon Emperor of Flame Prison.Although this was the first time meeting the Demon Emperor, Yi Tian didn't feel nervous at all.From a distance, he and Yan Lei look quite similar, and the shadow of Concubine Yan can be seen in the outline of his face.

As for the one behind him is An Xichen, this time he was lucky that he didn't go to the Flame Prison Dynasty competition, otherwise he might not have a chance to stand out.

After Yan Lei chatted with the Demon Emperor in private, Yi Tian only heard the voice of the Demon Emperor: "You already know the mission to go in this time, remember to send it out as soon as possible after finding 'Blaze Demon Tears'. "

Hearing what the Demon Emperor said so solemnly, Yi Tian could only nod his head and reply via voice transmission: "I know, I will definitely not disappoint the Demon Emperor."

I saw the Demon King of Flame Prison nodded in satisfaction. Later, he privately communicated with the other two through sound transmission. It is estimated that they have other things to do.

At this time, the other monks at the formation stage are also privately instructing the people who go in to pay attention to what and what to look for.

Just as he was talking, another magic light flew from the sky, but the speed of this magic light flying away was extremely fast, which was comparable to that of a monk in the fusion period.After circling in the air, it fell straight down to the center of the hillside. After the halo faded, a young man in his thirties was revealed. The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not converge, and he looked like he was at the peak of the late stage of distraction.

The monks at the integration stage of the seven races who were present at the scene stepped forward to say hello to him. Needless to say, this person must be the successor of the demon saint.Yi Tian glanced over and found that he couldn't see his true strength clearly, and estimated that he should be stronger than himself.

In a blink of an eye, he turned his gaze to Judhara, only to see that he was still expressionless at this moment.He just stared at that person and then lowered his head to avoid it.

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen Kudhara behave like this, and I can definitely recognize this person from his demeanor.I can't help but think of the second disciple of the evil Buddha who was mentioned by Kudala back then, but I can't find the person he said back then should be trapped in the abyss of the demon world.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Leng Xu of the Ice Demon Race and his wife walking up slowly to say hello to the disciples of the Demon Sage, and then they seemed to be discussing something.

Judging from the appearance of the two, they should have some disagreements about the number of places to enter this time. In the end, after discussing privately, the two seemed to have reached a consensus.Then Leng Xu coughed lightly and attracted everyone's attention and said, "Fellow daoists, I have discussed with fellow daoist Luo Xi that I would like to exchange two ancient magic weapons and 5000 million magic crystals for one quota." , I don’t know which fellow daoist present can get a seat.”

As soon as this remark came out, the monks of the four clans all looked silent. They only had two quotas for each clan and they would definitely not give up their share.Although the two ancient magic artifacts and 5000 million magic crystals can be regarded as valuable wealth in the outside world, it is still clear which is more important in the eyes of the monks in the fusion stage.

Excluding the original quotas of the other four clans and the Ice Demon Clan, only the Sky Demon Clan and the Flame Prison Demon Clan can find quotas.Leng Xu's gaze swept across the seven monks at the distraction stage, but none of the monks at the fusion stage who seemed to be standing in front made a sound.

The scene became extremely embarrassing for a while, but Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Saint, said: "Since you don't make a sound, why don't you use the old method to solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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