
Chapter 1460 Journey to the Abyss 7 Arrived

Chapter 1460 Journey to the Abyss Seventeen Arrives
After subduing the spiritual pet iron beast, Yi Tian continued to embark on the journey. Now that he has Tuantuan's guidance, he can save a lot of wrong roads.Fly all the way to the deepest part of the abyss of the demon world, and try to avoid those areas that may hide high-level monsters during the period.

After flying continuously for more than ten days, Yi Tian was in the air and saw a black vortex slowly rotating in the distant sky.Seeing this, I thought in my heart, "It should be the source of the abyss in the demon world, but I don't know if Master Jie Ding transformed into a golden body there." '

After thinking about it, his spiritual sense sent a sound transmission to the beast-controlling bag and asked: "Don't sleep, use your spiritual sense to help me see how to go next."

Tuantuan, who was lying in the beast sack, opened his eyes lazily, then stretched out his divine sense and probed before replying: "It's there, I just watched from a distance back then. But if you really want to Be careful when you go there, it is the most mysterious place in the abyss of the entire demon world, so who knows what dangers will be left there, maybe there will be high-level monsters or demon saint clones stationed there."

This is something he has never considered, and Yi Tian also has a look of hesitation when he is reminded like this by Tuantuan.As he said, there must be extraordinary existence in such an important place as the abyss of the demon world, and it would be reasonable to encounter the clone of the demon saint.

It's just that it would be a disaster for a person with his own cultivation level. It is estimated that the other party can kill him with a single finger.

But after taking out the natal oil lamp of the master of precepts, he found that the flame guide was beating more frequently, and he really did not go the wrong way.After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and put away the oil lamp, then slowly lowered the flying height and touched it carefully from mid-air.

Not long after flying, there seemed to be a magic light flashing in the distance and then gliding towards the direction he was going. Yi Tian hurriedly took out the breath-suppressing cloak and covered his body to restrain his own breath.After coming to the abyss of the demon world, my divine sense was greatly suppressed, and everyone else must have been restricted in the same way.

In this way, although it is impossible to clearly detect the whereabouts of others, it is also not easy to be discovered by others.At this time, I saw that ray of light flying by around a hundred miles away, and didn't realize my own existence, so I missed it and flew towards the deepest direction.

Looking at them from a distance, they were still thousands of miles away, and Yi Tian didn't want to expose his identity in a big way, so he simply sneaked at low altitude and tried his best to restrain his aura.

After flying for a few hours, suddenly several streaks of magic lights soaring to the sky flashed in the distance.Among them, there is a white one that is particularly conspicuous, which should be the magic spell of the ice demon monks, and the other is a red and black magic light, which is a bit like the appearance of Kudala's magic lightning.

Thinking of how tactful the previous miserable feeling was, he would get angry when he saw something was wrong and leave. This time, he had to take the opportunity to return the favor.However, Juddara can only be one-on-one unless he meets Luo Xi, the disciple of the Demon Saint, and no one else should be able to suppress him.

Just as he was thinking, another white magic light flashed in another direction, running towards the direction of the soaring fire.Needless to say, he should have rushed over to help after receiving the summons.

Fortunately, this person's flying direction was far away from his own, so he would not be aware of his existence. Yi Tian then secretly accelerated his escape and flew towards the same target location.

Fortunately, his escaping speed was not slow, and Yi Tian then accelerated his speed.During the period, I saw the soaring flame light up again, but this time it was obvious that the white light had the upper hand, and it seemed to suppress the red magic light in the middle.

After [-] breaths, when I flew nearby and scanned with my divine sense, I found that three ice demon monks were besieging a person.Needless to say, it was really Kudala himself, and as for what I saw before that, nine times out of ten it was the desolation that came from hearing the news.

There was really nowhere to look for, Yi Tian immediately flew to the vicinity of the battlefield with several teleports in the air.

Although Kudara, who was besieged in the middle, was in a dangerous situation, he was still in danger. With his previous high cultivation base and deep understanding of exercises, he did not appear defeated under the attack of the three.Even though he is suppressed, he can wait for an opportunity to fight back, and his body-protecting divine light seems to faintly restrain the magic power of the Ice Demon clansman, so it is not hindered for a while.

Seeing another person coming suddenly, Kudara's face darkened first, and after seeing the person's attire clearly, he was overjoyed and said: "Why did the brat come so late, everything you are looking for is behind here, if it wasn't for the old man Stop it for you, lest you never see it again."

"Sorry, I'm sorry, there were a few things that happened on the way, I'll talk to you later after I finish cooking," Yi Tian replied indifferently, at the same time, he took out two magic weapons in his hand, sacrificed them quickly, and looked at the three people in front of him Turning around, he said, "I'll deal with Qiqing, how about leaving the other two to you?"

"That's great, these Ice Demon Clan bastards will only bully the few with more, if it wasn't for the three of them working together, they would have been defeated early on," Kudhara replied.

It was obvious that the three of them realized that the person who arrived was in the same group as Juddara in front of him. Although he was wearing a cloak and did not reveal his true face, they could be sure of their identity just by the magic weapon they took out.

As for the sad feeling, he said with a dignified expression: "You Daoist Yi, I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding between us. The previous incident was the concubine's fault, but there is no need to fight each other like this."

After hearing this, Yi Tian simply put away his breath-suppressing cloak to reveal his true face, then grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "I really want to thank you for talking about this, this trip to the abyss of the demon world has been influenced by you Ice Demon Race since I was a freshman. If you think about it, you should settle the account. I heard that your reputation is not as powerful as outsiders say, but today I have to see it."

Before she finished speaking, she didn't wait for her to be more discerning. She raised the demon soul banner in her hand and swirled the black mist towards her.

The scene suddenly turned into a three-on-two situation, and Qi Qing knew that there was no longer any way to talk anymore, so she simply sacrificed the ice blade sword in her hand and slashed at the black mist.

Unexpectedly, the black mist of the demon soul banner has no real shape, it was split directly after being hit by the ice blade, and then surrounded from all directions.He said sadly and coldly: "Today I will let you see the true strength of my ice demon clan." After speaking, he took out a small jade bottle and poured a crystal drop of water into the air.

Yi Tian's heart was shocked when he saw it. The water drop contained a lot of ice spiritual power, and the temperature around it plummeted after being sacrificed.At this time, starting from the position where Qiqing was standing, the surrounding area began to freeze rapidly, and white frost formed on the ground.

Yi Tian even found that standing in the range of this layer of frost, the speed of the flow of true energy in his body slowed down by about [-]%.Immediately, the pupils in his eyes began to look up, and he thought to himself, "This trick is somewhat similar to the magic sound absolute domain under his own Seven Absolute Devil Sounds." '

 Thanks for the 75 points of support from ordinary readers of Daoyou.

(End of this chapter)

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