
Chapter 1487 Shots 4

Chapter 1487 Shot Four

After a fierce fight with Luo Yao, Yi Tian could only bite the bullet and accept the move, but he couldn't use Asura's dharma body.After all, the opponent is good at melee combat. If you want to defeat the opponent in the true sense, you can only work hard in this area.

Among the many kung fu and body skills that he has practiced, the strongest one is the Buddha Sect's Jinyang body technique, which is the strongest, and there is also a supporting coronal kung fu, which naturally doubles its power.At the same time, Yi Tian was also secretly thinking that it would be better to shape himself into a monk with a Buddhist background.

After all, among the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, monks in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm are the most friendly. Except for the Demon Realm, which is more restrained, even the monks in the Ghost Realm can get along well with them.

It's just that as soon as I used the movement method, I realized that it was a little different from when I was practicing back then. The spiritual power attribute on my body had changed after the fusion of the power of the magic source and the spiritual seed.In addition, after the seal in Niwan Palace was continuously washed by spiritual power, the power of purple thunder on it was mixed into his own spiritual power.

At that time, after exhibiting the coronal golden yang movement technique, purple awns faintly appeared on the surface of the skin, and there was an arcing sound of "zizi" on it.

A little later, Luo Yao in front of him finished making seals and took up Fang Tian's painting halberd with both hands, and a golden light flashed on his palms, and then poured spiritual power into the spiritual weapon.

Immediately after the figure flashed quickly, it flew to not far above Yi Tian's head, and Fang Tian's painted halberd on his hands was slammed down, and the golden light shining on it gave off an extremely hot temperature and absorbed the spiritual power in the surrounding air to continuously strengthen it. Prestige.

Yi Tian looked at the slight movement of the color below. It seemed that Luo Yao had also worked hard on the technique. With just one hand and Asura Dharma body, it was almost comparable to the full blow of the peak monk in the late stage of distraction.

It's just that there seems to be some flaws in this skill. I saw that Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand turned into a ball of light about two feet in size, as if the dazzling sunlight from the sky covered the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

In the daylight, with the roiling heat wave and strong evil spirit, Yi Tian only sensed it for a while and knew that the other party was planning to kill.There was still a trace of murderous intent in the evil spirit in the ball of light, obviously he had made Luo Yao faceless today, so far he could only get rid of himself and then hurry up.

It's a pity that Luo Yao's sword took a slant. Although he has trained Asura's dharma body to the realm of great success, only by truly understanding the profound meaning of the sun and the moon can he use the dharma body to bring it into play.

It's not like he just cultivated a move of "covering the sun" like he is now, it is naturally extremely powerful in the eyes of others, but unfortunately it is not enough for him.

After the spiritual power in his body was running at a high speed, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword again. He still used the same trick to condense the Lingyao Huaqian into the sword body, and at the same time stretched out his left hand to gently attach the Purple Flame of Thunder to it.

A strange purple light suddenly appeared in the golden halo, and then this blue light became brighter and brighter, almost a strange core was embedded in the core of the golden light ball.

There was a loud 'boom', compared with the weapons in the hands of the two, the instantaneous spiritual pressure fluctuations caused many cracks in the surrounding space.

Needless to say, this must be because the power of the trick is too great, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure caused by the sacrifice has already exceeded the bearing capacity of Yuanpan Xumi's space.At the same time, Yun Lin, who was outside, hastily stretched out her hand and tapped three strands of spiritual power on the disc to stabilize the Sumeru space.Casting spells like this made the surrounding monks in the distraction stage look horrified. They didn't expect the strength of the two of them to be so strong.

Just now under the melee of the six people, the honorable lord who was seated only used one method, but now it is three times in a row to maintain stability, it is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which is weaker.

In the Xumi space, two rays of light, one red and one purple, flickered violently, presenting a stalemate. Yi Tian held the sword to catch Fang Tian's painted halberd, and slowly sacrificed the purple awn on the sword to begin to erode continuously. The opponent's spiritual power.

On the other hand, Luo Yao had an incredulous expression on his face at this time, he naturally knew how powerful this move was, and he didn't expect that he didn't get much advantage with one blow.After the stalemate, there was still a slight counterpressure, the purple awns on it seemed tepid but solid inside.

The most powerful thing is that Ziyan's devouring function, which gradually extended to absorb the golden light on Fang Tian's painted halberd, and then turned it into his own use.

After such a stalemate for a long time, Luo Yao found that the spiritual power on his body was constantly being absorbed by the opponent's Zi Yan, and the spiritual power on his body was quickly drawn out under the ebb and flow, and if he continued to fight, he might be suppressed by the opponent in a short time up.

And Yi Tian also knows it well, although his own cultivation base is not as strong as his, but the exercise restraint and a deep understanding of his moves can naturally avoid the important ones.Looking at the current situation, as long as it continues, it won't take a while to overwhelm the opponent.

The joy in his heart also urged Lei Yan Ziyan to move more urgently, and in a blink of an eye, the other party seemed to feel this, and his face was shocked, and he wanted to withdraw his hand.But that Leiyan Ziyan seemed to be stuck to Fang Tian's painting halberd, so Luo Yao couldn't take it back no matter how he shot.

On the battlefield, a purple ball of light that was originally faintly contained in a golden halo became brighter and brighter.

Just as Yi Tian was overjoyed, he suddenly felt a third wave of spiritual power intruding into the Sumeru space, and after three breaths, he forcibly intervened in the area where the two fought to separate the two spiritual weapons.

The Leiyan Ziyan on the Taiyuan Sword instantly retracted under Yi Tian's control, and then retracted into the Niwan Palace.

Turning around to look at Luo Yao in the distance, I saw that his voice was a little tired but his eyes showed deep fear.Although Yi Tian was upset, it didn't help. Since Yun Lin made a move, he couldn't do too much.

If I don't take off the face of a monk in the integration stage, I'm afraid I will be in trouble, so I fly forward to look at it with a relaxed expression before saying: "Fellow Daoist Luo is so strong that I have rarely seen it in my life. I can take over yours today." The killing blow was really a fluke, why don't we end up peacefully and count it as a draw."

This is also to save him enough face, but after Luo Yao's face sinking into the water, he looked up and laughed loudly: "It's not a fluke, everything in my dictionary is based on strength. Yi Dao You are really powerful, but it is a pity that you are a Buddhist monk, if you can join our Asura clan, you will definitely be able to occupy a place in the dynasty's hegemony."

"Thank you fellow Daoist Luo for your kindness. I'm just passing through the world of Asura. I'm still an outsider and I won't stay here any longer. You can rest assured, fellow daoist Luo," Yi Tian replied later in a pleasant manner.

I expressed my heart and thought that the other party would not have too many worries. Later, I only heard Yun Lin's voice from the Xumi space: "Since the two have decided the winner, please come out quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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