
Chapter 1530 Escort 3

Chapter 1530 Escort Three

Although the speed of the warship taught by Asura is not slow, it is naturally far behind the special mount vehicle driven by Fengling Princess Luo Qingcheng.

Moreover, there were dozens of low-level disciples of Asura Sect on board, even if Yi Tian wanted to avoid Princess Fengling's pursuit, he couldn't take them along.

In addition, Luo Qingcheng had already got the news by muddling through it before, so if he avoided seeing it, he would be at a disadvantage.If you let go of your arms and drive the warship all the way at this time, it is completely a self-deception that there is no silver 300 taels here.

Now that the drama has reached such a point, the only way to continue acting is to slap the swollen face and pretend to be fat.Although the Asura disciples in the cabin seemed a little afraid of the princess, Yi Tian was not afraid at all.Even if it's against his bodyguard Shui Cangyue, it's okay, at least for now, he still holds the title of righteousness on his side, it depends on whether the princess dares to take the risk of forcibly demanding the Queen's edict in his hand.

After flying out of the warship, Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, and after a while, purple light flashed in his eyes and stared into the distance for a while.

Although the distance is about three thousand miles, the opponent's escape speed is extremely fast, and it can be felt at most ten breaths.Staring at the other party's Dun Guang, he looked at Yi Tian with a clear expression on his face, the car of Princess Fenglin turned out to be a luan chariot pulled by two Feng Luan.

It's no wonder that the Asura royal family can use such a unique tool. Look at the two Feng Luan at least have the appearance of eighth level, which is equivalent to the distraction stage monks of the human race.

Sitting at the front of the luan car was a thirty-year-old monk who was in charge of driving, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body hadn't subsided. Yi Tian felt it with his spiritual sense a little, and he could tell that this person should be Shui Cangyue, the guard of Princess Fenglin.

After a while, the strong wind blew up in front of him, and the luan car came quietly with the strong wind, galloped twenty feet away in front of it, and then stopped suddenly.

Shui Cangyue, who was sitting on the frame, did not change her face, but a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.He probably didn't expect that the Asura Cult's warship would be so stubborn that it would stop here and wait for it.

Shui Cangyue's performance didn't surprise Yi Tian too much. His divine sense scanned the car and found that there was a barrier on the outer layer of the frame to isolate the divine sense, but he couldn't check the situation inside.

After three breaths, only a soft shout came from it and said: "You monk is so brave that you don't come up to salute when you see the princess, seriously, is there still my Asura royal family?"

I didn't expect that the other party would overwhelm others with power as soon as they came up, but this made Yi Tian feel relieved, and he had a way to deal with such a savage princess.Even in the face of Luo Ziyan, she would not be afraid, let alone a little girl in the transformation stage.

Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but took out the jade slip in his hand and put it on his chest, saying: "This envoy is ordered by the emperor, and I have an edict in hand to be responsible for executing the queen's secret order. Therefore, in terms of identity alone, even if you see two His Royal Highnesses can all be treated as equals, but the princess seeing me at this time is like seeing her majesty the queen, so ideally, even if the princess is not familiar with guards, she should understand court etiquette."

After blurting out some words, Luo Qingcheng was temporarily unable to refute. Although she couldn't see her appearance in the frame at this time, she didn't need to think about it to know that she must be very angry.

As for Shui Cangyue sitting in front of the luan car, her complexion changed slightly, and she looked at Yi Tianlai solemnly.After stretching out his divine sense, he scanned the jade slip of the empress's edict several times, and there was a slight oozing of Han on his forehead.

Seeing this, Yi Tian decided in his heart that he had made the right bet, even if he was as unreasonable as Princess Fengling, but under the authority of the Queen, he still did not dare to take the charge of disrespect.

A moment later, Luo Qingcheng's voice came out again: "I don't know how to call you, and when did my imperial sister issue the imperial edict to you?"

"My seat, Yi Tian, ​​is now the elder of Ashura's teaching guest. This secret order is the order that the empress personally handed down to me 50 years ago," Yi Tian gently held up the jade slip in his hand after speaking.

Unexpectedly, there was a burst of sneering voices in the luan car: "Bold Yitian, your words are full of flaws. My imperial sister lives in the inner hall and is surrounded by female relatives. Even if the order is passed to a man, it is through the people around her." Why did you hand it over to you in person?"

Surprised in my heart, I didn't expect that I would lose some small flaws when I spoke too much.But looking at the other party's appearance, he didn't dare to act rashly, maybe he was deceiving himself, but after thinking about it, he calmly said: "The princess's words are also one-sided, does your majesty really let the people around you know everything? I think that I, the Asura Sect, originally followed the wishes of the previous empress to gain a foothold in the magic realm, so I am naturally a confidant among the cronies, and it is only normal for the current empress to issue secret edicts without lying to others."

Immediately after these words were uttered, the atmosphere on the scene became stalemate, and it seemed that Luo Qingcheng had no chance to make trouble again under his own tricks.Fortunately, I used these unreasonable topics to scare the other party, and I guess if Luo Qingcheng had nothing to do next, he would obediently let him go.

As expected, I only heard Princess Fenglin's words came from the luan car again: "So I won't embarrass you, as long as you bring me the imperial edict to verify the authenticity, you can leave."

Who knows that Yi Tian laughed loudly and said: "The princess's words are wrong. If I send this edict, wouldn't it be that I have no real evidence in my hand, and how wrong is it to look up the secret decree of Her Majesty rashly as the princess?" Sure. When I return to court, I will definitely report this matter to Her Majesty the Empress and Lord Yun, and ask them to make a decision. At that time, not only the princess will be implicated, but fellow Shui Daoist, who is the bodyguard, will also have to bear the blame."

Not to mention how Luo Qingcheng reacted to this remark, Shui Cangyue, who was sitting in front of the frame, frowned deeply. The internal hierarchy is strict, and we naturally won't touch those taboos lightly. Let's just let this matter go, fellow daoist, go ahead, and I, Shui Cangyue, will naturally come to ask for advice when I arrive in the imperial city in the future."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard the words, it seemed that the other party didn't want to lose his momentum.Although they had the upper hand this time, it was because they were concerned about the imperial edict jade slips in their hands, I am afraid that even if Luo Ziyan lied to them afterwards, they would keep this matter in mind.This time the Liangzi is considered to be settled, and Princess Fenglin will naturally not give herself a good look in the Asura court in the future.

But even if it is like this, what is the meaning to him? Everything still depends on strength.Shui Cangyue glanced over in front of her and found that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on this person seemed to be leaking involuntarily, so he must be able to advance to the late stage of distraction.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian came up with a plan and said: "Shu Wenshui's extraordinary strength, there are few opponents during the distraction period. It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Now I have nothing to do, and I will take the liberty to ask for advice."

(End of this chapter)

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