
Chapter 1591 Backdoor 4

Chapter 1591 Back Door Four

Suffering Luo Qin's powerful blow, Yi Tian had no choice. Seeing that he would at least be beaten to death if he took this move with his own physical skills alone, Yi Tian made a quick decision to remove the strongest defense, Lingbao, the sixth-grade Jingshi Hua Lian came to defend.

After one move, the punch in Luo Qin's hand was as strong as a mud cow entering the sea, and was immediately dissolved invisibly by Jingshi Hualian.Yi Tian saw the rare opportunity and took advantage of the moment Luo Qin was bounced away, stretched out his hand and snatched the jade plaque on his chest in front of him.

Later, I saw Luo Qin's figure shaking violently. Not long after the jade token was gone, his whole figure collapsed as if he couldn't hold on.The entire phantom was finally taken back into the jade tablet, and the defensive restrictions around the scene were slowly removed.

Taking back Jingshi Hualian and Ashura Dharma Body, Yi Tian took the jade tablet in his hand and looked it over carefully.After deepening his spiritual thoughts into it, he suddenly heard Luo Qin's cry: "I didn't expect you to have the treasure of the Buddhist sect, you have passed this level. But if you want to unlock the secret of the ten-story pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' It’s up to you to discover it yourself.”

Sighing lightly, Yi Tian also knew that it would definitely not be easier than it is now, but it's not his style to give up halfway here.Holding the jade tablet in his hand, Yi Tian walked slowly towards the entrance of the passageway opposite the platform, reached out to the barrier of the door, lifted the jade tablet, and then gently injected spiritual power into it.

After a flash of white light shot out from the jade plate and directly shone on the barrier, a hole one foot wide and five feet high was split in the transparent barrier barrier.After Yi Tian got out of it, he continued to walk up the stone steps.

The next journey seems to be quite different from the previous one, and I no longer feel the extraordinary pressure of gravity on my body.In this way, the wind under Yi Tian's feet circulated the true energy in his body and poured it into his feet, and he ran the rest of the distance in a hurry.

At the end of the stone steps there is a door with a hexagonal recess.Yi Tian gestured that it was about the same shape as the jade tablet in his hand, and he stretched out his hand to gently embed the jade tablet in it, and the runes on the entire stone door were activated.Hearing the sound of 'click', the stone gate cracked a thin crack, Yi Tian stepped forward to take off the jade tablet, and then stretched out his hand to gently push the stone gate open, and when he reached the gap more than one foot wide, he got in through it .

When I came to Neizhong, I found that there was a huge 'Sura Blood Vine' tree inside. According to the visual inspection, this tree was similar to the one found in the crypt during the previous expedition in Diluo City.But this 'Sura Blood Vine' obviously seemed to be on the verge of death, the flower buds on it were withered yellow, and there was no rosy luster on the veins.

Yi Tian remembered that the ghost face flower seeds he used to cast the vines and woods were transformed, and the veins of the vines were all evergreen, full of vitality.And the 'Sura Blood Vine' turns from green to red when it matures, and the 'Bloodwood Essence' taken from the 'Sura Blood Vine' like last time is the essence of thousands of years.

Facing the 'Sura Blood Vine' in front of him this time, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, even though he knew its weakness long ago, he didn't directly attack it.I just went around in a circle and re-examined the situation here.

I didn't expect that there would be such a situation at the end of the stone steps, so where is the true blood that Luo Yilan mentioned?After Yi Tian thought about it, he first used the pupil technique to look at the whole 'Sura Blood Vine', and later found that there was a little red light in the core part of the tree.

But as soon as he took a step, the originally tangled tree vines began to twitch slowly.Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly jumped into the air, and then found that there were many vines stretching out and sweeping towards his position.

Early in the morning, it was expected that Yi Tian would reach out and take out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, and then lightly waved the cyan light of the sword across the vine veins underneath, instantly cutting them into pieces.

It's just that Yi Tian's actions seemed to have angered the 'Sura Blood Vine', and more vines appeared around it at the same time, surrounding them again.Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept over his face and put away his contempt, but he quickly analyzed it in his mind.Now that I am in danger, I have no effective way to face this dryad for the time being.

And it is very unfavorable for him to be surrounded by its vines so that he will be caught in a long-term continuous battle.This 'Sura Blood Vine' is rooted here and can continuously absorb the energy of the underground spiritual veins, even if it is on the verge of death, it is more than enough to deal with itself.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian decisively took out the jade tablet, invaded it with divine sense, and searched for Luo Qin's soul.The inner space of the jade tablet is a vast white world, but there is a figure sitting cross-legged in the middle, which is Luo Qin's soul.After Yi Tian's spiritual investigation, he turned into his real body and flew forward to Luo Qinjishou and said, "The unknown senior is here, and I hope that the younger generation will forgive me for being late."

"Slick-tongued boy, why didn't you come to see me just now. You must have encountered trouble at the end of 'Tongtian Road', so you came to me for advice," Luo Qin scolded.

"Don't dare, this junior knows that he lacks some manners, but now that he is in a disadvantageous situation, I hope that senior can help me out of this predicament," Yi Tian said with a smile on his face.

"Your strength is not bad, I guess the 'Sura Blood Vine' here should not be able to do anything to you," Luo Qin replied.

"Although there is nothing I can do, I can't solve the predicament in front of me. If things go on like this, I will gradually fall into a disadvantageous situation," Yi Tian explained.

"Then why don't you eradicate the spirit tree?" Luo Qin said.

"It's not that I don't want to, but I can't," Yi Tian said with a sigh.

"Why not?" Luo Qin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Since this 'Sura Blood Vine' is planted here, it must be closely related to the 'Tongtian Road'. If I cut it off directly, it will definitely cause turmoil in the dynasty, so I definitely can't do this."

"Since you can come here, and you have cultivated your family's skills to the extreme, you are also an important minister of the dynasty. It is not easy to have such a heart," Luo Qin said.

"This junior is the Viscount Hongshan of the Imperial Dynasty. I came here this time because I was entrusted by Senior Luo Yilan to retrieve the drop of true blood left here by the senior," Yi Tian said without concealing the purpose of his visit this time.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qin was silent when he heard the words, bowed his head and thought for a while before sighing: "I didn't expect that Luo Yilan would never forget this after tens of thousands of years, but logically speaking, she should fall into a deep sleep at this time." In you, where did you get her summons?"

"The astrological wheel and the 'Asura's Destiny Spectrum', these two things are in my hands now," Yi Tian said bluntly, seeming to reveal a lot of information from Luo Qin's words.The relationship between these two Mahayana monks is definitely not as harmonious as the rumors from the outside world say. It seems that Luo Yilan wants to get the true blood by himself, which is beyond Luo Qin's expectation.

 Thanks to Taoist 20190721174932112, Insect 1970, and Flying Swordsman 2006 for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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