
Chapter 1601

Chapter 1601
The arrangement of this expedition is Yi Tian's decision after careful consideration. As the coach, if Qiao Yongjun fails to move forward, he will definitely be ginseng by the people in the court.As for Dong Kou at this time, he can completely represent the royalist forces of Lou Zhenqiang's royal family.As for myself, I can secretly wait for an opportunity to make a move without worrying too much.

It is understandable for Lou Zhenqiang to be stationed in the old camp. His experience and experience are suitable for staying at the headquarters.

After the light warship flew out, it took a hundred or so monks and flew straight towards Weihu Island in Mingjing Lake. The journey of thousands of miles was only about half a quarter for the cultivator of Huashen.

Before arriving in Yi Tian, ​​he used his spiritual thoughts in the cabin to investigate the situation there. At this time, the monks on both sides were still in a stalemate, and everyone was fighting each other, but the Asuras had a slight advantage.Fortunately, there is still a temporary formation to rely on defense, and the barbarian side cannot rush to win.

As more and more light spots appeared in the sky, the stalemate battle over Weihu Island slowly stopped.Many barbarian monks hurried back to the north and gathered thirty miles away from Weihu Island.

It was obvious that they were not going to let it go, and they were waiting for follow-up reinforcements, especially the support of high-ranking monks.

At the same time, three dazzling flashes of light flew out from the two barbarian tribal bases in the north, followed by dozens of monks who flew out a little slower and flew towards the battlefield.

Immediately, Yi Tian's divine sense could realize that the other party had only dispatched three monks in the distraction stage, and among them there were at least two monks in the late stage of avatar.It seems that the barbarian side is determined to overwhelm others with power.

Half a moment later, the two sides made it clear that the chariots and horses confronted each other over Weihu Island, and the monks of the Imperial Forest Army below had already been notified to reinforce the temporary formation.Dozens of people in the air hurried down to replace the cultivator who was in charge of the formation. Everyone waited and waited to see the development of the situation.

After a while, a spiritual light flew out of the opponent's camp and landed in front of the formation, a powerful spiritual pressure fluctuation dodged, and then a strong wind blew towards the Asura clan.Many soldiers of the three armies present swayed in the air involuntarily after being blown by the strong wind, and the weaker ones had no choice but to retreat several miles away to avoid the limelight.

The hatch of the small airship opened in the middle of the sound of 'click', and a light flew out, not far from the front of the formation, until thirty feet away in front of the opponent, it stabilized. After the light faded, the figure of the coach Qiao Yongjun was revealed.

At the same time, the barbarian monk on the other side revealed his true face as a strong man with three big and five thick. The fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body showed that this person should be a late stage monk with avatar, and his strength was extremely powerful.I saw him sized it up and shouted in a voice that was almost tearing: "I killed my father Hong, boy, you have crossed the line. The ruins below are left by my barbarian ancestors. If you are sensible, get rid of them early so as not to lose your head and suffer a loss before leaving." .”

Qiao Yongjun smiled unremittingly and said: "This seat is General Bai Zhonglang, the deputy commander of the Imperial Forest Army. Everything in this Asura realm is owned by our Asura clan. When will you barbarians make irresponsible remarks?" .”

"What do you call this? In terms of aborigines, we, the barbarians, are the aborigines of this world. You Asuras were just visitors from outside 6 years ago, and now you occupy most of the resources in this world," Zai said. Father Hong shouted.

But when the words came out of his mouth, Yi Tian frowned. He didn't expect that there were some unexpected gains this time.It turns out that these barbarians are the masters of this world, probably driven to the barren land after being suppressed by Luo Qin and Luo Yilan, but I don't know what they are preparing for this time.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zaifu Hong suddenly shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, I, the barbarian, will decide on the following things, and leave if you are sensible."

"You're talking too much. How could I be afraid of you if I brought so many people here? What's more, now that our side has occupied the ground and set up a formation barrier, if you think about it, you may have to ask me if I agree with you." I agree," Qiao Yongjun replied coldly.

"The defensive formation you have arranged is not worth mentioning in my eyes," Zaifu Hong said as soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hands and blasted two dark light waves towards the defensive barrier below.

After two loud bangs, the defensive barrier shook violently under the frontal attack. Although it was not broken after three breaths, the degree of solidification of the mask was greatly reduced, and it seemed that it was definitely unstoppable. one attack.

At the same time, the cultivators at the stage of transforming spirits who were in charge of manipulating the formation were all shaken by the two magic spells, and those with poorer cultivation couldn't help but spit blood from their mouths.

Seeing this, Qiao Yongjun turned around and took out a long spear. After condensing the spiritual power on his body, he dodged and stabbed at Zaifu Hong.The two cultivators at the transformation stage crisscrossed in the air and retreated to their own formation, but after the aftermath of their confrontation dispersed, the cultivators on both sides were staggered and hurriedly backed away.

After Zaifu Hong settled down, he looked at his opponent solemnly and said: "Sure enough, but you still have the blessing of a spiritual weapon to have this strength."

"Your barbarians are just relying on their natural instincts, how can they be as proficient in martial arts and supernatural powers as my Asura monks," Qiao Yongjun replied coldly.

"However, we have an absolute advantage in numbers, and this alone can overwhelm you," Zaifu Hong shouted.

"I'm not here to argue with you. How you plan to resolve the matter below is a matter of war or reconciliation," Qiao Yongjun replied domineeringly.

Zaifu Hong looked at the light warships in Asura's army in a blink of an eye and said: "It seems that you have brought all the people who can fight, why don't we have a game of gambling, I have three monks in the distraction period here, win How about ten people entering in one game?"

"Then what if we lose?" Qiao Yongjun asked.

"Ten of you go in," Zaifu Hong immediately replied.

"It seems that this is a bit unfair to us. Now that the initiative is in my hands, it seems a bit far-fetched for you to want to take food from a tiger's mouth," Qiao Yongjun said disdainfully.

"If we keep harassing you, I'm afraid you'll be too tired to deal with the situation below," Zaifu Hong threatened.

It seems that in the current situation, it is impossible for one family to dominate. What Zaifu Hong said is true. With their strength, if they want to harass and fight, the Asura army, which can definitely be tossed, is exhausted.If this is the case, even if you send someone down to investigate, I am afraid that your own side will be powerless.

For the current plan, it is a compromise choice for everyone to take a step back, but the barbarian monks are much stronger than the Asuras in the stage of transforming gods. If the number is equal, they will definitely suffer.

When Qiao Yongjun was in a dilemma, he heard a voice transmission saying: "The two sides will send ten people to fix the quota, and the monks in the distraction stage will win a game and get five more, so that the overall strength will not be stretched too much."

(End of this chapter)

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