
Chapter 1619 Arrangement

Chapter 1619 Arrangement
Yi Tian is not arrogant enough to deal with Zaifu and Di and Dilong Zhenren at the same time.In terms of strength, both of them have experience in the cultivation stage of the fusion stage, and they are naturally different from ordinary distraction stage monks.

Fortunately, their first target right now is Prince Wei's avatar. Although it is a sneak attack, it will not be a simple hand.Although Luo Ziyan still has a lot of prejudices against Prince Wei and wants to take advantage of this opportunity, but Yi Tian knows that the best way under such and such a situation is to join forces with Prince Wei to deal with them.

But how to join forces is also a very troublesome thing. If you inform Prince Wei in advance and let Prince Wei take precautions, the importance of yourself will be greatly weakened.Therefore, it is the best strategy to wait for them to appear at the right time after they fight. At that time, Prince Wei's own help can overwhelm the opponent.

Afterwards, even if his real body returns to face himself, he will accept his favor, which is the best result Yi Tian wants.

After the two discussed in the 'Piaoxian Building', they dispersed separately. After returning to his temporary residence in the mansion of the Viscount Hongshan, Yi Tian took out the identity token given to him and looked at it.What is written on it is the name of the deputy head of the imperial guards. It seems that Luo Ziyan has made arrangements for her identity early in the morning.

With this identity token, it is estimated that he can easily mix into the imperial city of Asura's capital.Yi Tian turned to think about the excuse that he didn't know what Zaifu and Dihe Daoist Dilong recalled, and went to the imperial city.

Usually, the Asura nobles summoned by Wei cannot go to face the saint, let alone bring someone with them.

With Zaifu Jidi's resourcefulness, he was determined not to be so stupid as to break into the imperial city. After much deliberation, Yi Tian popped out the word "chaohui".

In addition, I have to give Zaifu Jidi a lot of money so that his cross-border altar can be completed as soon as possible.After thinking about it, he took out a communication jade talisman and wrote a message on it, then activated it and sent it out.Immediately after a little smile appeared on his face, he sat cross-legged in the mansion and waited.

Ten days later, the Asura Dynasty sent courtiers to come to various noble monks' mansions to summon them. This time can be regarded as the first big court meeting after the army went out.Therefore, all the monks in charge of various departments who stayed in the imperial capital were summoned.

Except for Hao Ren from the Imperial Capital City Defense Station who was unable to come because he needed to stay in the city, basically other noble monks would participate.

Although Yi Tian received the notice, this time it was unusual and he could only go there as the deputy head of the imperial guards.

Moreover, I have no interest in going to the Chongzheng Palace in the imperial city to listen to Luo Ziyan's instructions. If I go there rashly, Zaifu and Di and Master Dilong will be aware of it and will startle the snake.

After much deliberation, he might as well rush to the Asura Imperial City early and directly enter the Imperial Guard's Mansion after showing his identity token.

The manager here turned out to be a female officer who was in the early stage of distraction, and she had a vicious aura on her body, and she was obviously used to killing people.Unexpectedly, she was shocked when she saw the identity token she had taken out, and then she blocked the left and right before she came forward and said, "Slave Xin Yun sees your lord."

It looked like Luo Ziyan had told her all of her plans, while Yi Tian nodded and asked via voice transmission: "How are you going to lure the king into the urn after this great court meeting?"

"Your Majesty will decree to go to the ten-storey pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' for sublimation, and Prince Wei will take care of it here," Xin Yun replied.

"A latent cultivator? Most likely, he will return to the carbine halfway," Yi Tian said unremittingly.

Xin Yun's face showed a little unnaturalness when she heard the words, and then she replied: "Your Excellency's words are true, I don't know how we should cooperate in the next step?"

"I want the defensive layout of the palace, and make preparations for the palace," Yi Tian thought for a while.

"Do you need my assistance?" Xin Yun asked hastily.

"Evacuate the guards in the palace to guard the major entrances and exits, and remove all the guards from the temporary residence of Prince Wei to the Queen's bedroom. You can't help this level of confrontation, so try to avoid it as much as possible. ,” Yi Tian ordered.

Hearing this, Xin Yun could only nod her head helplessly. Although she was the genuine commander, Luo Ziyan had repeatedly told her to obey the command with full authority this time, so she dared not have any intention of disobeying it.

Later, he took out a jade slip map and handed it over. Yi Tian took it over and inspected the details one by one.Unexpectedly, the Ci'an Palace where Prince Wei's avatar is located is not far from Luo Ziyan's bedroom, and the location happens to be between the bedroom and the Chongzheng Palace.

In this way, Luo Ziyan's every move will naturally be seen by Prince Wei, but this time Luo Ziyan will go out of the palace directly to the ten-storey pagoda of 'Tongtian Road' after the Great Court Meeting, leaving this place without a master. The palace let Zaifu Jidi do what he wanted to do.

After thinking about it in his heart, Yi Tian put away the jade slip map in his hand and said: "I will stay here after the Great Court Meeting begins, and you will remove all the people around so that I can do things more conveniently."

"I know, I don't know what your lord has ordered," Xin Yun replied.

"How many people stay behind in Ci'an Palace where Prince Wei is?" Yi Tian asked.

"The prince is naturally afraid of making noise, so he transferred all the guards around, and at most there will only be two guards from the prince's mansion guarding the front door," Xin Yun said.

"How is the strength of those two?" Yi Tian said.

"Only the late stage of Huashen cultivation should be Prince Wei's general," Xin Yun replied.

"Okay, now I understand, you go down first," Yi Tian ordered: "I will rest here for a while, and no one except the queen is allowed to disturb me."

Xin Yun nodded and said, "Please rest assured, my lord," and then slowly exited the room.

After the people left, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the restriction barrier, and then slapped the beast sac on his waist to summon the Great Immortal Guagua.

Yi Tiancai asked after the red light landed and waited for him to appear, "Did you notice the true identity of the real dragon on the altar last time in the Earl's mansion of Yinyue Lake?"

Speaking of this, the Great Immortal Guagua replied tremblingly: "It must be a snake-type ninth-level monster, and it is very powerful."

"Don't worry, his real body will not come to this world, it's just a clone," Yi Tianhaosheng comforted.

"The avatar also has the strength of an eighth-level middle-level, and is weaker than you, the master," replied the Great Immortal Guagua.

"I'm not afraid of Zaifu Jidi, but this real Earth Dragon is a troublesome person. If I kill his clone here, it will definitely be noticed by the main body. Then I will be discovered by him as soon as I sneak into the demon world," Yi Tian said .

"If you want to cut off the induction, you must kill it in the void space, and finally kill its soul there," the great fairy Guagua replied.

"Wouldn't the main body know that the clone was killed?" Yi Tian said unremittingly.

"That's true, but it's impossible to know who died at the hands of the cross-border. As long as you make clever arrangements not to be touched by the blood deed of monsters, you will not be able to trace it to you," explained the immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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