
Chapter 1626 Fireland 4

Chapter 1626 Fireland IV

Under Yi Tian's ingenious plan, he subdued the real Dilong in the first battle. He didn't expect that the defense of the real Dilong's body was so strong that even the indestructible Lingyaohua Qianjiansi he had cultivated could resist it.

But he will always have weaknesses, and if he can't do it from the outside, he can break through from the inside.Daoist Dilong never dreamed that he would hide in the mouth of the Great Immortal Guagua, and after being swallowed, he would drag it out and directly strike in his stomach.

Later, Daoist Dilong's soul escaped and wanted to run away directly with the demon pill, but the immortal Guagua had already been watching him in his belly, how could he miss such a good time.Taking advantage of the fact that he had just fled out and hadn't left the range, he swooped up and swallowed the demon pill in one go.

After losing the demon pill, Daoist Dilong's demon spirit suddenly lost its source of spiritual power, naturally it was in a state of despair, but it didn't help.Then a cyan aura flew out from behind and overtook the Great Immortal Quack and grabbed the black-red demon spirit.

After the green light faded to reveal Yi Tian's true self, he grabbed a black and red snake in his hand, looked at it, and knocked it out.Facing the avatars of these ninth-level monsters, of course he dared not make any omissions. Instead of talking too much, he should directly use the soul-searching secret technique to find out his real purpose of coming to this world.

The Great Immortal Guagua behind got the demon pill and swallowed it, and then jumped back into the beast-controlling bag on his waist. After searching with his spiritual sense, he found that he was lying on the wine pot spirit weapon and began to sleep soundly.

Knowing that he was digesting the demon pill, Yi Tian couldn't bother to bother him, so he reached out to put a seal on the beast-controlling pouch and then ignored him.

Later, he turned around and looked at the red blood and scattered snake meat on the ground behind him. The body of the real Dilong was cut into meat sauce by himself, but the snake skin was still preserved.Although it looks like it was cut into three pieces, they can be collected and used for refining.

At this point, Yi Tian also took out a separate storage bracelet and put the demon body of Daoist Dilong into it.

After doing this, Yi Tian found an open space to sit down, and then performed the soul-searching secret technique on the demon soul of Daoist Dilong.This is a lot of useful information contained in the avatar of the ninth-level monster beast, and most of the fragmented fragments are the battles in the demon world.

Yi Tian was fortunate to discover the past of the battle between the Sky-Swallowing Python Clan and the Suzaku Clan, but unfortunately, these memory fragments were fragmented and he couldn't get a glimpse of the root cause.

But one thing is certain that the true self of this real Earth Dragon is the ninth-level demon venerable of the Swallowing Python Clan, and there are two demon venerables above him who control the whole clan at the same time.

This time, Master Dilong also contacted Zaifu Jidi, the barbarian patriarch in the Asura world, through matchmaking. The two planned to confuse the Asura Dynasty thousands of years ago.

The purpose of Zaifu Jidi is naturally to help the barbarians gain a firm foothold in the Asura world, and to compete with the Asura for a certain right to speak.

The real Earth Dragon wanted to go to the place of fire in the Asura Palace to find the Black Flame Stone and take it back to the demon world to refine the demon-binding rope to deal with the Huofeng clan for his personal purpose.

This black flame stone is the deepest spirit treasure in the land of fire source. It is extremely hard after gathering the power of fire source and burning for thousands of years, but it can be refined and shaped by mixing the essence of nonshui.

Even those ninth-level monsters couldn't break free from the refined demon-binding rope, especially for the demon cultivators of the Huofeng clan, who were not afraid of the Suzaku divine fire on them at all.

Seeing this, Yi Tian understood why the real Earth Dragon transferred his avatar to infiltrate the land of fire, but he didn't expect it to be for race disputes.

Yi Tiancai stood up slowly after stretching out his hand to gently pinch his soul, and now that the worries behind him have been resolved, he can continue to explore.

According to what Patriarch Wu Ye said back then, if you want to practice to the fusion stage, you must find the fire source secret realm to temper yourself, and then absorb the power of the fire source before you can try to advance.

After pulling away and leaping into the air, Yi Tian locked onto the isolated island in the depths of the sea of ​​fire and flew straight there.But before flying far, I heard a muffled roar from behind. I turned around and looked at the island that had ambushed Daoist Dilong. into the sky.

After the broken stones fell from the front of the stone mountain, it turned out to be a dragon's head, and the stone forest on the back of the island was cracked, and a large amount of seabed magma seeped out.

Obviously this is a giant dragon turtle, and its strength is definitely beyond my imagination, at least not even Daoist Dilong and Meng Xin back then can reach its current level.

The dragon turtle raised his head and looked at Yi Tian before asking in a low voice: "Who are you and why did you come here?"

Yi Tian felt that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the opponent's body were extremely sharp and bound him directly, which was a more shocking feeling than seeing a monk in the Mahayana period.At the moment, he replied respectfully: "I am the deputy commander of the imperial guards of the Asura Palace, who was ordered to arrest the monster monk who sneaked into the imperial court. It should not disturb the senior's rest."

"You are from the Asura tribe, so you should know Luo Qin?" Long Gui asked.

"Luo Qinnai is the first holy emperor of the Asura clan and has disappeared at this time," Yi Tian replied: "It is said that he disappeared 3 years ago because of tracking down the fairy treasure that fell from the upper realm."

"I don't know where to go, so who can come and let me out," Long Gui shouted angrily when he heard the words.Then he raised his head and let out a roar, and the roar from his mouth directly pushed Yi Tian back three miles away before he stabilized his figure.

Slowly flying up to Yi Tian to look at it, he asked tentatively: "I don't know what difficulties senior has, how can this junior help senior."

"You don't deserve to know the identity of this seat. If Luo Qin is missing, I don't think it's hot to come to the Nine Realms of the Spirit to help me," Long Gui said angrily.

"I don't know if Patriarch Wuye from the Lihuo Sect in the spiritual world or Senior Huisheng from the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist spiritual world can help you?" Yi Tian also went to the doctor in a hurry and poured out all the Mahayana monks he knew. .

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Turtle in front of him said disdainfully: "These two brats were much worse than Luo Qin back then, and it's useless to find them."

The patriarch in his mouth, the senior turned into a boy in the mouth of this dragon turtle, Yi Tian was also secretly shocked, and didn't know how to talk to him next.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Then I don't know what the senior needs. As long as the junior can do what he can, he will definitely help."

"Your strength is too weak, so I can't help you here. If you really want to help me, go find Luo Qin's whereabouts for me, and tell him that Ao Ling is waiting for him in the sea of ​​fire," Long Gui said in a low voice. replied.

(End of this chapter)

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