
Chapter 1644 Accident

Chapter 1644 Accident
After staying in the temporary cave for seven or eighty years, Yi Tian finally washed away the aura of the Asura world from his body, and then integrated himself into the demon world.During this period, he slightly developed the seventh-level exercises of the Lihuo Nine Transformations, and the three supernatural powers were also slightly involved in cultivation to Xiaocheng.But if you want to break through the limit and reach the Dacheng state, you have to practice hard for thousands of years, or there is some big opportunity that you can hit.

The next thing is also the accumulation of dripping water and rocks. So far, Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time to break through the level and go out of the cave, so he first searched for the traces of the Thunderbirds in the demon world.

Speaking of which, the Thunderbird clan originally belonged to the branch of the Fire Phoenix clan, and the same branch also includes the Tianpeng clan and the Peacock clan.The Huofeng clan is also divided into two clans, Qingluan and Huofeng. Due to the difficulty in breeding high-level monsters, the number of Huofeng clan has been maintained at a certain number.

In order to maintain the dominance of the Fire Phoenix Clan in the demon world, every once in a while, they will absorb talented juniors from the three branches to enrich their juniors.At the same time, the selected branch clans will also receive a large amount of resource allocation, so the Thunderbird, Tianpeng, and Peacock clans all pay special attention to this matter.

He recalled that when he was in the world of Buddhism and spirits, he had intersected with Lei Fuhong and others. At that time, his daughter Lei Tingting seemed to have said that he would go to the clan to participate in the competition, and he didn't know what happened now.

Although two or three hundred years have passed since we parted ways with Lei Fuhong and Lei Xiaotian back then, it wouldn't be a big problem to find them again.

After passing by the town where demon cultivators gathered, Yi Tian restrained his aura and sneaked into it to buy several more detailed maps of the demon world.Then follow the direction and fly towards the habitat where the Thunderbirds live.

According to the map, there are three areas with relatively strong thunder spirit power in the entire demon world, and two of them are located in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Fire Phoenix Clan.One is located in the territory of the Fire Dragon Clan, which belongs to the territory of the Silver Thunder Python Clan.

The entire demon world is mainly controlled by the Huofeng and Huojiao clans, and their territory occupies about [-]% of the area that has been explored.The remaining [-]% were divided among the beasts of various races, and Yi Tian also found out that the gathering place of the iron-eating beasts was in the [-]-mile area near Cuizhuling.

I remember that I promised 'Tuantuan' to send him home back then, but now I don't know what happened to him.

Thinking back to when he was in the abyss of the demon world, he fell asleep after entering the beast sack, and it has been almost 200 years now.Thinking of this, Yi Tian's divine sense slowly stretched out into the beast-controlling bag on his waist, but he didn't expect to find that the iron-eating beast was still sleeping there.At this time, he seemed to have grown up a circle, with a length of three feet and a waist circumference estimated to be three feet, and his whole body was a lump of flesh.

As if aware of the intrusion of spiritual thoughts in the beast-controlling bag, Tuantuan slowly opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief: "Are you home? It seems like 200 years have passed."

"Yes, we have arrived in the demon world now, but I am on my way to the Thunderbird Clan now, and I will send you back to the Iron-eating Beast Clan after I finish the matter," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Don't do it, you brought me into trouble with the Thunderbird Clan," Tuantuan stood up cleverly and said, "The fire phoenix group and our Iron-eating Beast Clan don't have a good relationship. But it’s almost not right.”

"There is also this matter, but after ten thousand years, the two races must have settled their differences long ago, you think too much," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"You're right, it's true for other people, but for me, it must be avoided," Tuantuan replied.

Hearing this, Yi Tian seemed to understand, and then teased: "It is estimated that you provoked the dispute between the two clans back then, and I don't know which girl from the Huofeng clan you have harmed."

"Who said that back then, it was just me being competitive for a while, Meng Luan taught me a lesson," Tuantuan Nuonuo said.

"I know Meng Xin from the Fire Phoenix Clan, what is the relationship with this Meng Luan?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"You said it earlier, so we are not all friends anymore. Meng Luan is the youngest sister of Meng Xin, and she should have reached level nine in terms of cultivation," Tuantuan replied.

Seeing that this guy was hemming and hawing, he must have done nothing good back then, and Yi Tian sneered on his face: "I guess you were also a troublemaker back then, but it stands to reason that you should have a more domineering name, and Huofeng The name Tuantuan is completely out of your character."

"Then what name do you think is suitable for changing?" Tuantuan said disdainfully.

"Xiong Batian, Xiong Bold or Xiong Shanchuan are suitable names for you," Yi Tian slowly induced.

"Not anymore, I'm Xiong Erbao, it's just that this name has been teased for thousands of years and I don't mind mentioning it, remember that you will call me by my real name in the future," Tuantuan said helplessly.

"Er Bao Er Bao, your brother must be called Da Bao," Yi Tian held back the smile on his face and hastily changed the subject.

"My elder brother's name is Da Bao, he is very powerful," said Tuan Tuan with a smug expression on his face.

"Your parents are not very educated, so it's really casual to name them," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"Hmph, don't laugh at my parents," Xiong Erbao snorted coldly, and then his body turned into a ball of black and white light that flew out of the beast-controlling bag.

In the deep mountains, thunderclouds suddenly gathered high above the sky, and then the monsters living within a thousand miles around seemed to sense any danger and rushed towards the area covered by the thunderclouds.

Yi Tian raised his head and looked at the gap in the void that had been opened in the sky, and the tribulation thunder in it was already brewing and would fall at any moment.On the other hand, Xiong Erbao in front of him also showed a look of fear at this time. He had stayed in the abyss of the demon world for too long and had forgotten the horror of Lei Jie.

He reached out and took out several lightning protection talismans and pointed at Xiong Erbao, those talismans immediately rushed up and submerged into the black and white fur.After three breaths, a golden defensive rune appeared on Xiong Erbao's body, forming a thin protective barrier after being circulated.Yi Tian opened his mouth and shouted: "Lei Jie is about to fall. This time, he will refine and transform the bone into a human form. The success or failure depends on it. I believe that the precipitation of your cultivation base should be fine."

"It's easy to say, but it's not you who crossed the catastrophe," Xiong Erbao replied angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't do anything, you will just wait to become a roast bear," Yi Tian said.

Xiong Erbao nodded his head when he heard the words, opened his mouth and roared, and then his whole body swelled up.The original three-foot-sized body suddenly swelled to a height of ten feet and five feet, and the four arms were as thick as buckets.After the spiritual pressure fluctuations around the body dissipated, the strong wind blew up sand and rocks, covering the surrounding mountains and forests in a gray hurricane.

At this time, the Jielei from the sky seemed to have found its target and landed directly on Xiong Erbao's position.

(End of this chapter)

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