
Chapter 1646

Chapter 1646
Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao wandered around the restaurant in Cardinal City and settled down casually here, wanting to taste the local specialties first.In terms of cultivation, there is no ninth-level monster within a radius of thousands of miles, but with the strength of the two of them, they are top-level existences here.

But Yitian doesn't want to use power to overwhelm others, his Taoist heart is free and easy, and he likes to follow the trend in everything.Sitting on the top floor of the restaurant, looking at the large table of dishes in front of him, Yi Tian picked up chopsticks, took only a little from each dish, put it in his mouth, and slowly tasted it.Xiong Erbao who was sitting opposite was not the case. Although he refined the horizontal bone and turned it into a human form, the strong evil spirit on his body still couldn't be completely restrained.

In addition, he did not fully transform into a human form after refining the crossbone, and he still retained many characteristics of the iron-eating beast.The most obvious ones are black and white fur, and two big dark circles under the eyes, so that the surrounding monsters can recognize his identity as soon as they see it.

Although there is a breath-suppressing cloak covering his aura, but the power of the original ninth-level monster is still there.With just a few gestures, the demon cultivators around him can be stunned.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he completely restrained his spiritual power, and looked like he was completely impenetrable.In addition, being low-key and not talking much along the way, it is easy to be ignored by others.

Regardless of the image, Xiong Erbao picked up a spoon on one side and scooped up a lot of vegetables from the plate and sent them to his mouth.Yi Tianbai didn't look at him long-windedly. These dishes seemed to be made with a lot of thought, but it's really disappointing that they are obviously tasting like but now they are like eating and drinking.

But those demon cultivators around seemed to be used to it, and they used to eat in the same way as Xiong Erbao, so they were not surprised at all.

Even the group of Qingqiu fox demons sitting in front of the opposite window were no exception, and they all stared at the way Xiong Erbao ate with envy on their faces.

Yi Tian looked at these fox monsters sitting around the table and didn't order too many dishes, I'm afraid the consumption here is not cheap.Or maybe Xiong Erbao was too ostentatious and put on a show, making the two of them the target of public criticism.

After sweeping his eyes, he found that there was a demon cultivator next to the fox demon's table who glanced over from time to time and looked at his side.Different from other demon cultivators, this demon's attention is mostly on himself. It seems that there are still some knowledgeable people among these demon cultivators.

But Yi Tian didn't care about picking up the wine jar and pouring himself a glass, then took a sip and began to taste it slowly.Xiong Erbao in front of him was not polite at all. After taking a jar of wine, he lifted the lid and poured it into his mouth.

Such bold and unrestrained actions naturally caught the eyes of these monster cultivators present, and many of them showed envious eyes during the period.There are also small jugs of spiritual wine on their tables, it's not like they drink from the whole jar on their side.

Later, a few fox demons who were Yingying and Yanyan came forward and said to Xiong Erbao: "There are so many officials, I admire you very much. Here is a toast to wish the officials to improve their cultivation and dominate one side."

It was rare for Xiong Erbao to be flattered by others, so he understood it instantly with a flash in his eyes.Of course, his sea drink will attract attention. These fox demons seem to be well-dressed, but they are actually very poor.The four demon cultivators only drank a pot of good wine together, so they naturally came up to get a bargain.

I don't know that Xiong Erbao, who endured thousands of years of loneliness, finally regained some feeling today, stretched out his hand and said with a wave: "Then sit down, if drinking today is not fun, it will not be ashamed."

The four fox demons were overjoyed when they heard this, and hurriedly sat down in twos, and then helped Xiong Erbao pick up vegetables and pour wine.After two or three cups, the demon cultivators became acquainted, and at the same time, they selectively ignored Yi Tian and didn't come up to ask questions and just left him alone.

Wei Wei laughed at herself for not expecting that Xiong Erbao could eat better than herself in the demon world, reached out to order food from the empty plate rack, took a pot of spiritual wine, stood up, walked slowly to the side, chose an empty seat and sat down.

The original good mood was ruined by these coquettish foxes, Yi Tian was not annoyed and just sat alone on the side and slowly tasted the food, leaving the seat to Xiong Erbao and the others.

Looking back, those fox demons took advantage of Jiu Xing and Xiong Erbao to fight in public, but it seemed that they were deliberately throwing water to take the opportunity to drink more.

Putting away his spiritual thoughts, Yi Tian was about to taste the delicious food in front of him, when suddenly a voice came from his ear: "My dear friend, you don't mind sitting at the same table and chatting."

Looking up, he saw a demon cultivator wearing a long robe, his face was like a crown jade, his hair was curled up behind his head, and his fingers were as pale as scallions.She looked like a banshee at first glance, but she was dressed in men's clothing.A little powder is applied on the body to cover up the original evil spirit, and the cultivation base is roughly at the peak of the seventh level.

But no matter how she concealed it in front of him, it was completely useless. Yi Tian stared at it and lost interest.The person who came was also a fox demon, so he should be from the same table as Xiong Erbao.

But her cultivation base is much higher, there are as many as four tails hidden behind her, and those are all three-tailed foxes.I don't know what she is aiming at herself, she doesn't want to cause trouble but she is not afraid of trouble, Yi Tian said lightly: "Please sit down."

After saying that, the fox demon stepped forward and sat down opposite, then unceremoniously took the jug and filled his glass.He raised his glass and savored his eloquence before chatting via voice transmission: "It seems that the two brothers don't look like locals."

"How can you see it?" Yi Tian paused and replied.

"I know both the high-ranking human cultivator and the demon cultivator in Red Sparrow City, but I have never seen them in my memory. I have seen fellow Taoists in Jiang Liuli," the fox demon raised his glass and said.

This name is very feminine, and it seems that she also showed her identity to avoid misunderstanding, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "Poverty Yitian passed by Guibao Land, so I came here to learn about it on a whim."

"Oh, Fellow Daoist brought his subordinates with him when he went out, so he looks like someone with status," Jiang Liuli sized up Xiong Erbao and said.

"Why do you think he is my subordinate, but I am not his follower," Yi Tian said jokingly.

"That's natural. Ordinary monster cultivators naturally don't learn human etiquette. Although this iron-eating beast may seem reckless, he also advances and retreats in an orderly manner. They all put you first, and the difference in status is clear at a glance," Jiang Liuli explained.

"Then you let the four men go down to flatter Xiong Erbao, but you came to me, right?" Yi Tian said knowingly.

"Fellow Daoist is thoughtful, I admire it," Jiang Liuli said, "It's just that I'm going back to the Qingqiu Mountains recently, and I need to find a few powerful helpers on the way to avoid accidents."

"Then you just try your luck here to see if you can find someone to help you?" Yi Tian replied without raising his head.

"That's the case, the demon cultivators who can come here are all powerful people, so it is possible to enter my Dharma Eye," Jiang Liuli said with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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