
Chapter 165 Resale

Chapter 165 Resale
Zou Jun and Yi Tian were walking on the path. Both of them were well-dressed, with masks and bamboo hats on their faces, and they hurriedly chose secluded paths.

Just now Zou Jun explained to Yi Tian on the second floor of the 'Zoujiaqi Shop' that people who participate in the black market are also afraid of being recognized, so most of them go there with masks on.

Now the masks on the two people's faces also have the effect of preventing prying eyes. As long as they change their voice and tone, unless they are very familiar people, there is generally no possibility of passing through.

Yi Tian also repeatedly praised Zou Jun for his thoughtfulness, and the two of them slipped out from the back door of the 'Zoujiaqi Shop' after changing their luggage.

In less than a moment, Yi Tian followed Zou Jun to a private house in the northeast corner of the market. The two monks guarding the door had cultivation bases in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

Zou Jun went up and took out a small black token. The two guards scanned their consciousness and instructed them, "Huaiyuan Square is not in charge of this black market transaction. If there is a fight or dispute Please solve it by yourself. We don’t want to see large-scale fires within ten miles around Fangshi and if it affects the normal operation of Fangshi, we will ask Jindan Patriarch to suppress it. I hope you don’t seek short-sightedness and go wrong.”

After listening, Zou Jun also replied respectfully, explaining that he would abide by these regulations.Yi Tian on the side was just silent, feeling contempt in his heart, Zou Dong was the only Golden Core cultivator within a hundred miles, even if he met him, he might not be afraid.But on the surface, you still have to make a gesture, high-profile is not Yi Tian's way of dealing with people.

After entering the private house, there were several waiters on the ninth floor of Qi training waiting. Seeing a guest coming in, a middle-aged butler-like monk stepped forward and said, "Please follow me, two distinguished guests." After speaking, he turned and opened the door on the wall. A door reveals a dark tunnel.

The two followed the waiter into a long corridor. After walking for nearly a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian reckoned that the direction was about ten miles northeast of 'Huaiyuanfang'.Suddenly, he saw a dark door appearing in front of the brightly lit passage. After the butler-like monk stepped forward to open the door, he invited the two of them out of the passage.After going out, Yi Tian found that he was in a forest, and there was still a light of fire not far away.

The groom who led the way said outside the door: "You two will arrive at the trading place after walking along the path in the woods for a while." After hearing this, Yi Tian turned around and gave the waiter ten pieces of spirit stones, and then walked along the woods with Zou Jun The trail went by.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the two arrived at the edge of a clearing in the woods, where several Foundation Establishment monks had already arrived.Looking around, Yi Tian recognized Ye Ziyan and Xu Haoxian at a glance. Although these two people wore headgear, they were still wearing Chiyang School costumes.

He secretly said in his heart: "These two people are really pig-headed. If they dress like this, they are afraid that others will not recognize them. It seems that they have not suffered much. They thought that they would give you three points under the banner of the sect. This is a high-minded person. The problem of arrogance still hasn’t changed.”

After careful observation, both of them are in the early stage of foundation establishment, but Xu Haoxian is a little stronger, almost reaching the peak of the early stage.Regardless of what the two of them want to buy, Yi Tian just wants to make a good deal, and he won't be exposed if he can.After walking to the open space, Yi Tianzhi and Zou Jun communicated with each other, and the latter also said to be safe and don't be impatient, and the hosts are usually very punctual.

Sure enough, after the moon went up to the treetops, the coldness in the sky gradually rose to the extreme, and Yi Tian felt that the time was almost up.At this time, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment walked to the center of the open space in the small path. Everyone knew that this was the host of the black market, and everyone surrounded him in twos and threes.

I only heard Zou Jun's voice transmission: "That's the host of this black market transaction, Wu Yaolong from the Wu family, who cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian signaled that he would not talk much after understanding, and just listen to the following.

Wu Yaolong also said with a smile on his face: "This black market auction is divided into two sessions. First, there are a few rare items auctioned, and then there is an individual session. Each person can come up to trade one item. If you don’t get what you like, you can use Lingshi to bid for it.”

After finishing speaking, Wu Yaolong also took the lead, and took out a bottle of high-grade Condensing Yuan Pill, which directly stirred up the atmosphere of the scene.With the main cultivation resources controlled by the Zongmen sect, the materials that can be used for alchemy by casual cultivators from aristocratic families are scarce, and even Zou Jun, who is on the side, began to be moved.

Several casual cultivators nearby began to bid, and Zou Jun called out the price from time to time, but he was quickly overtaken by the surrounding voices.

In Yi Tian's opinion, the top-grade Condensing Yuan Pill is only one hundred spirit stones, and a bottle of ten broken heads is nothing more than a thousand pieces of spirit stones, plus the price on the black market is at most [-]-[-]%.

In Yi Tian's view, the whole link was boring, and all the items traded were level [-] items, none of which could make him interested.On the contrary, Ye Ziyan and Xu Haoxian on the opposite side shot from time to time, and nearly [-]% of the things were photographed by these two prodigal masters.

After the first session, Wu Yaolong cleared his throat again and said: "Next is the individual exchange session, please come up one by one in need."

After speaking, a female cultivator came to the stage first, and the woman took a medicinal herb and shouted: "One 300-year-old ginseng can be exchanged for a middle-grade elixir that can cure the symptoms of insanity." There were almost no people below. In response, although this medicinal material is old enough, the value of this elixir is far higher than that of elixir.

Seeing that no one was talking, Wu Yaolong went directly to the stage and said to the woman: "Ms. Qionghua, you always rush to come here, but every time it fails, how can this medicine that can cure the symptoms of insanity be so good?" I asked for it." After finishing speaking, he directly scolded her to go down.

Zou Jun, who was standing next to him, saw that Yi Tian was puzzled and said through voice transmission: "There is a child in Mrs. Qionghua's family who has practiced two kinds of spiritual formulas with mutually restraining attributes, so that her breath is skewed, and she looks like a madman. She is also a black market every time. Falling down, I hope to find a healing elixir, so I rush to come up every time, we are not surprised."

Yi Tian just nodded, there are too many things in the cultivation world, and he has no way to be a good old man.

After the small episode, this personal barter for barter really began.After a few people, it was Xu Haoxian and Ye Ziyan's turn. They each took out two Chiyang fire crystals from the Chiyang faction to exchange for a fourth-level intermediate defensive spirit weapon.

Yi Tian has a general idea of ​​this thing. A monk who has practiced Chiyanghuo can extract a trace of Chiyang's true fire as an accessory left after extracting the spiritual power from the fire spirit stone.It is a rare treasure for fire-type monks, weapon refiners and alchemists, and it is mainly used to strengthen the fire seeds of monks in the foundation-building period.

Zou Jun stepped forward and took out several defensive spirit weapons for the two to choose from. Xu Hao struggled for a while before finally finding a fourth-level intermediate dust-proof cloak. .

After they walked back to the original place, Zou Jun went up to exchange his things.Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, shook his head after looking at these people. It seems that this black market may not be able to fulfill his wish. Most of these people are not like refiners, and the purchase of materials or ores will probably fail. .

When Zou Jun walked back and signaled Yi Tian to go forward, he was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. When Yi Tian was about to go up, that Mrs. Qionghua rushed up, and Yi Tian also frowned.

Even the host Wu Yaolong was troubled, how could he survive in this black market if the rules were broken like this, when Mrs. Qionghua took out a jade slip and said, "I have the 'spiritual cultivation' technique for cultivating fifth-level spiritual plants." 'As long as there is a elixir that relieves the symptoms of the fire, it can be exchanged." After finishing speaking, he kept greeting Wu Yaolong, hoping to give him another chance.

Who knows that Wu Yaolong is also popular this time, every time he messes up the situation for this woman, even a good black market transaction is a bit out of shape.He scolded: "Friend Qionghua, my patience has a limit, I hope you don't go too far, here is freedom and here are the rules." Without holding back, he stretched out a white dragon-capturing hand and stepped forward to roll that woman.

Most of the people present were watching the good show. This monk in the late stage of foundation establishment was able to catch the one in the early stage of foundation establishment. Hearing the sound of 'bang', Mrs. Qionghua stood there in shock, but the dragon catcher was behind her. The first three feet away was caught by someone's hand, and the white light was continuously gathered in the hand, and finally gathered into a ball of light, which was directly pinched and exploded by five fingers.

Now everyone around looked at the field with fear on their faces, only to see Yi Tian, ​​wearing a bamboo hat, standing between the two of them, and there was still a bit of smoke left by the magic burst on his outstretched right hand.

After shaking his hand lightly, Yi Tian said: "I want this thing, can you save face, fellow martial artist?" Then he looked at Wu Yaolong.

The latter also paused for a while, but Wu Yaolong, as an old Jianghu, returned to normal after his complexion changed, and laughed loudly: "It's okay, please, fellow daoist."

Now the monks around all looked at Yi Tian on the field with strange eyes. This person was able to catch the spell of the late foundation-establishment monk with his bare hands, which already explained a lot of things.

Ignoring the reactions of the people around him, Yi Tian directly took out a blank jade slip and a bottle of elixir and threw them to Mrs. Qionghua, and then said via voice transmission: "This is the 'Buji Pill' to treat the loss of spiritual roots. The resulting obsession has a mitigating and remedial effect.”

Mrs. Qionghua finally opened the medicine bottle and looked at it, her face was overjoyed, and she put away the medicine bottle immediately after testing the elixir.Then he picked up the jade slip and burned a copy of 'Nurturing Spirit Seed Technique' and handed the jade slip to Yi Tian.

After getting the jade slip, Yi Tian reached in with his spiritual sense and looked at it. It talked about how to cultivate spiritual plants above level five, and also mentioned the steps to use the cultivation soil for advanced spiritual plants. This is comparable to what Nangong Qianyun said. It is more detailed, and it also makes up for the lack of cultivation in the "Elixir Wanpian".

Wu Yaolong at the side said in a deep voice: "Does this fellow Taoist know, the conditions required for the 'Spiritual Seed Technique' are very strict, even if you have the Spiritual Planting Technique, you may not be able to use it."

After pretending to be thoughtful, Yi Tian also cupped his hands and said to Wu Yaolong: "Thank you for the reminder, fellow martial artist, I think this is still useful to me, is it my turn next?"

"Please go ahead," Wu Yaolong saw that the reminder was invalid, and he waved his hand to signal to continue without saying a word.

Mrs. Qionghua took the elixir full of joy, and was about to hurry back to her original position after thanking Yi Tian, ​​when she suddenly received a voice transmission from Yi Tian, ​​the content was only three words "Qian Kun Pill," and recovered after a pause Normally, the decadent look on his face faded after he stood back to his original position, and he was also excited to see Yi Tian wearing a bamboo hat on the field.

The people around only thought that she was so happy after changing to the elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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