
Chapter 1665 Infiltrate

Chapter 1665 Infiltrate
Yi Tian visited various shops in Wan Yao City and finally came to the giant palace in the middle. He did not expect that the city lord, Yan Peigong, would like to live in a human building.

In my impression, all monster races like to live in their original lair even in human form. This kind of situation is commonly referred to as the plot of homelessness or love for hometown.

This period of time is during the city lord's birthday banquet, so anyone who comes to celebrate his birthday can enter Yan Peigong's residence for a visit as long as he pays enough spirit stones.Of course, the areas they pass through are still strictly divided. As for meeting the city lord, you must have a certain cultivation base and a racial recommendation letter.

Under normal circumstances, monks with the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage would only be able to open their eyes if they wanted to sneak in openly, and they would not be able to get close to the central lobby where Yan Peigong entertained guests.

Yi Tian paid a large amount of spirit stones at the door and got a temporary pass jade card to enter and exit the main hall of the city lord. After mixing in with a certain kind of crowd, he seemed to be wandering around in the main hall.Secretly opened the entrances and exits of several heavily guarded passages, then turned and left.

When he came to a place where there was no one, he stretched out his hand and picked up a seal to hide his figure, and then sneaked in from one side door looking for a gap.

When I came to the outside of the inner hall, I found that there were many seven or eight-level monsters sitting here, and there were some spiritual and demonic cultivators in the stage of transformation or distraction.What surprised me was that a race that was not happy in the outside world was able to sit on the same table at the banquet.

It's just that each of them is still closely guarding against each other and staring at each other. The atmosphere is indeed a bit weird.At the same time, continuous laughter came from the inner hall from time to time, it should be several ninth-level demon venerables or monks in the fusion stage of alien races.

Among these voices, Xiong Erbao's voice was directly detected, but he didn't expect this idiot to be here.Yi Tian, ​​who wanted to hide his figure, walked slowly to a side door of the inner hall and then walked in quietly. Naturally, there was no sign of any spiritual pressure fluctuations wherever he went.

After entering, Yi Tian restrained his spiritual thoughts for fear of revealing any flaws, then turned his head and glanced at the center.There was an old man with red hair sitting in the middle, and there were more than ten seats lined up on the left and right sides.

Most of the people present today are monks at the stage of integration, but at the end of the right hand, Yi Tian glanced and found five fox girls sitting at a table, and Jiang Liuli was undoubtedly the leader.

It is a great honor for low-ranking monks to be able to mix in such an occasion, even if they are ranked last. It seems that Jiang Liuli's status in Jiuxian Mountain is also extraordinary.

Xiong Erbao was sitting six or seven seats away from him. At this time, he was holding a wine glass in one hand and a barbecue in the other, and he was standing there in large pieces, without any regard for the feelings of the people on both sides.On the other hand, in the entire inner palace, only his eating posture is the most unusual.The rest of the ninth-level demon masters are quite self-cultivated, imitating the human monks, sipping wine there, and chatting with Yan Peigong who is in the main seat from time to time.

And the arrangement of seats today seems to have put some effort into it. As the head of the birds, the Yaozun of the Fire Phoenix Clan sits first on the left.And the one on the right opposite is the monster cultivator of the Huojiao clan. After refining his bones, he didn't retain any characteristics of the original monster clan.

In addition, Yi Tian also noticed the extremely strong fire source spiritual power in him. Needless to say, this monster must be a good player. On the other hand, among all the monsters present, the only one who can stabilize him is Yan Peigong. It is difficult to say if they are against themselves.

Sitting under him is the real Hun Yun of the Thunder Python tribe that he had taught him. Although his cultivation base is at the intermediate level of the ninth level, he is still a bit worse than the Huo Jiao at the elementary level of the ninth level. Racial characteristics will make them have such a gap.

The two races of the demon world, who were originally incompatible with each other, can talk and laugh happily here, but they are also fighting each other in the words.If it weren't for the concern about the host's face, I'm afraid that these two might not be able to do it.

As for those who sat behind them were all other races who had good friends with them, it was just that Yi Tian didn't see the real Earth Dragon of the Earth Dragon Clan present.This beast suffered a little loss in my hands nearly a hundred years ago, I'm afraid it doesn't know where to hide at this time, secretly licking the wound.

After drinking for three rounds, these demon masters began to exchange ideas with each other, first of all, Yan Pei, who was sitting in the seat, gave a lecture.Ke Yitian unexpectedly discovered that the exercises he practiced not only involved demon cultivation, but also integrated spiritual cultivation and Buddhism.

In this way, I am impressed by Yan Peigong. I originally thought that it would be difficult for him to support the city of ten thousand demons in a land surrounded by demons, but now it seems that his origin is quite strange. It is inseparable.

After he finished speaking, the Banshee Venerable of the Fire Phoenix Clan on the left continued to speak. After hearing this, Yi Tiancai realized why Xiong Erbao had such an angry and resentful look in front of him. She was Fairy Mengluan, I think there will always be some sparks when old people meet each other.

As for the third person who spoke was the Huojiao Clan Yaoxiu, this monster was originally named Yishun, but Yan Peigong called him the young patriarch of the Huojiao Clan.Standing in a corner, looking at it from a distance, Yi Tian was surprised, this monster is really different.

The power of his bloodline is far superior to the real Hunyun who is sitting next to him. Presumably, all the monster races pass on their memories through their bloodlines. In this way, Yishun's real strength is much stronger than that of the real Hunyun.Although his words are deliberately reserved, Yi Tian can still find a faint dragon power emanating from them.

Jiao Nai is between snakes and dragons. For example, the real dragon blood of the Dragon Clan and the Thunder Python Clan Yaoxiu where Daoist Dilong and Daoist Hunyun are located is already very thin.And Yishun, as the monster cultivator of the Huojiao clan, is naturally a hundred times stronger than them.Moreover, Yi Tian also saw that if this Yishun cultivated to the tenth level, he might stimulate the real dragon blood remaining in his body, and thus transformed into a real dragon.

A character like this, the Huojiao clan, would definitely stay in the clan as a baby to practice well, so why would they come here to swim in this muddy water.

After he finished introducing his cultivation experience, he took turns to chat with the Yaozu lords. Although many of them only talked about their own cultivation experience, it can be used as a reference.

It wasn't long before it was Xiong Erbao's turn, and he poured the wine from the glass in his hand into his other hand and stopped to grab meat.After wiping his hands clean, he said, "I don't have any experience, I just know how to do what I want, and let myself be controlled elsewhere."

As soon as this remark came out, all the demons present couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, Yan Peigong, who was sitting in the right seat, smoothed things over and said: "Young Daoist Xiong is a blessing, and being able to do whatever you want is also very beneficial to cultivation. help."

(End of this chapter)

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