
Chapter 1692 Siege 5

Chapter 1692 Siege Five

I wanted to leave Hun Yun to deal with him completely, but I didn't expect that after absorbing Yishun's real dragon blood, he would be able to activate it.Looking at Hun Yun's true appearance, she has already begun to show signs of turning into dragons. In addition to the horns growing on the snake's head, dragon scales grew on her body after the snake scales faded away.

The Lingyao sword wires from all around passed Lei Mang's body and made a "呲呲" sound, but they couldn't break through the defense of its scales.Seeing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that Hun Yun's strength had improved so much not long after the last fight. It seemed that he had to use some hole cards.

Suddenly, there was a voice in my ear saying: "This damned traitor has actually absorbed my real dragon blood, and judging by his appearance, he can transform into a thunder dragon after refining the blood for a hundred years."

It was Yishun's voice who spoke, and he did not expect that his soul could directly communicate with him through the jade box of the soul-nourishing wood.Yi Tian was not polite and hurriedly replied: "The matter has come to this point, fellow Daoist Yi, can you have a good strategy to defeat the enemy, let's listen to it. The strength of this Hun Yun is obviously much stronger than before. If I really let go and do it, I'm afraid it will be done The four imperial barriers can't be maintained anymore."

"Although Hun Yun's strength has improved, he only has a quarter of the blood of the real dragon, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with now," Yishun's voice came again: "I need a matching body, so Only by relying on the power of the demon spirit. Although the Hun Yun in front of me is only from the Thunder Python clan, he is also a branch of my Huo Jiao clan, and his cultivation level is quite high. I beg you Daoist Yi to keep it for me, and don’t damage the body too much, otherwise It's unusable."

Unexpectedly, Yishun really came up with such an idea. After several thoughts flashed in his mind, Yi Tiancai simply replied: "Okay, I promise you, but it depends on God's will. Besides, if the other party kills me There is no way to retain strength anymore, so don’t blame me for smashing his body.”

A helpless sigh came from Yishun, so he had to transmit the voice: "I also know that this is not easy, so please play it by ear." After speaking, Yishun's soul power retracted into the jade box of the soul-nourishing wood , can no longer be sensed.

After getting a rough idea, Yi Tian estimated the strength comparison between the two sides, and it would not be difficult to defeat the opponent two-on-one.But it is even more difficult to capture his body alive, but a thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and hurriedly took out the "demon-binding rope" from the storage ring. '

Since this thing can be used to deal with monster monks, it must also be effective for Hun Yun.The so-called prescribing the right medicine is nothing more than that, holding the 'Demon Binding Cable' in his hand and quickly scanning the spiritual weapon up and down Yi Tian's face showed some joy.Naturally, he is very familiar with the understanding of such spiritual treasures with his own refining skills.

The kung fu practiced by the Yaozu's sacrifice was not the right way, and Houtian could only move this thing with the spiritual power of Mosha before.But spiritual cultivation is not the case. Only when the 'demon-binding rope' falls into his hands today can he make the best use of it. Moreover, this thing is originally a spiritual treasure specially refined by spiritual cultivation to restrain demon cultivation.

It's just that this thing cannot be taken out and used directly, and it will take some time to refine it.After thinking about it, he had no choice but to communicate with Xiong Erbao: "Try to hold the other party back, just buy me half an hour."

Seeing the 'monster binding rope' Xiong Erbao Dang even understood in his heart, and then hurriedly replied: "Okay, hurry up. I will do my best."

After hearing this, Yi Tian pulled away, pushed back and dodged to the side, and then raised his hands to sacrifice the magic formula and began to sacrifice the 'monster-binding rope' grandly.

And Hun Yun naturally saw all this in his eyes, and when his gaze passed over the 'demon rope', his mouth also let out a rapid neighing sound.At the same time, after the lightning force on his body exploded, he opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Yi Tian's position.

How could Xiong Erbao, who was confronting each other, allow the opponent to be so rampant, his body turned a somersault in the air and then skyrocketed, and his size more than doubled in an instant.Then he swooped up and slapped the middle and tail of Hun Yun's body with his palms. Two streaks of spiritual power appeared again, one black and one white. Once they touched Hun Yun's body, they aroused the lightning shield on him to bite back.

Although Hun Yun's body could not be touched, his attack was stopped in this way.Taking advantage of the moment's vacancy, Yi Tian quickly sacrificed the 'Demon Binding Cable' in his hand.

Looking back, Xiong Erbao and Hun Yun wrestled together after showing their original forms. The two monsters showed their original forms and relied on the natural instincts of their own monsters to fight.It's just that the power of thunder and lightning from Hun Yun's Thunder Python body entangled Xiong Erbao and made him extremely uncomfortable, and Xiong Erbao also tried his best to hold the opponent's neck with both hands and lock it tightly.

Yi Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Give it up and back out." After speaking, the 'monster-binding rope' in his hand didn't stop entanglement towards Hun Yun's main body Lei Mang.

Xiong Erbao was relieved when he heard the words, and after a flash of inspiration all over his body, he instantly returned to his adult form and dodged to the side.And Hun Yun was chasing after Xiong Erbao, staring at Xiong Erbao's back, opened his mouth wide and spit out several blue thunder lights, hitting Xiong Erbao's body.

But before he flew far, the body of the thunder python suddenly tightened, and a black chain had wrapped around his body at some point.With a pull in Yi Tian's hand, the entire black chain shrank.At the same time, Hun Yun's main body was forcibly pulled over and tied him into a ball.

But Hun Yun didn't seem to want to be captured just like that, her body swelled up suddenly, trying to break free from the shackles of the 'monster-binding rope'.But the black chains on his body also flashed a strange light, and he was not diagnosed under such a great stress. Instead, it shrank and locked his body firmly.

Wherever the black chain went, it bound and strangled the muddy thunder python skin with bloodstains.The originally incomparably hard Leijiao scales were also deformed under the shackles of the 'monster-binding rope', and some places were strangled, and the flesh was torn open and blood kept oozing out.

It's just that the electricity on Lei Jiao's body is still overflowing so that neither of them can get close easily.Yi Tian thought for a while, stretched out his hand, lifted up the Leiyang Token in his hand, and then flew to the top of Hun Yun's body, letting the end of the 'demon-binding rope' be directly entangled.

Then he murmured to Lei Yang Ling: "The source of all thunder is like my spiritual treasure." The golden seal script inscribed on the Lei Yang Ling lit up and led to the blue lightning on the 'Binding Demon Rope' The power returns.The thunder and lightning passed along the 'monster-binding cable' to the end of the Leiyang Token and were finally absorbed.

And this Thunder Yang Token is like a child who can't get enough to feed, constantly absorbing the spiritual power from Hun Yun's body.At the beginning, the two sides were evenly matched, but after not less than half a moment, only the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Hun Yun's body dropped rapidly.And Lei Mang's originally strong five-inch-thick Leimang was only slightly less than one-inch thick at this time.

Hun Yun, who had drawn most of her spiritual power, was really panicked at this moment, and if it goes on like this, I'm afraid she will really explain it here today.

(End of this chapter)

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