
Chapter 1698 The reason

Chapter 1698 The reason
In the entire 'Juxian Building', there is only one monk, Pudian, who is in the integration stage. After entering the door, Yi Tian quietly released his consciousness to check the rest of the floors and found that most of them are human spiritual and Buddhist cultivators.The strength is around the stage of distraction, and there are still many low-level monks who want to follow along to rely on Guanli.

When Putian led a large group of Buddha cultivators into Yaojun City that day, he just held back a glance from a distance, but unexpectedly, he recognized him immediately.After entering the room, I saw a sloppy monk sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room. When he saw himself coming in, he opened his eyes with a smile on his face and said, "I haven't seen my junior for hundreds of years. It's really powerful. At this time, the strength of the advanced combination is also there." It’s a huge improvement.”

"Senior brother is absurd, in comparison, how can the strength of senior brother be improved to a higher level? At this time, he should have reached the cultivation level of the middle stage of integration." Find an empty seat and sit down.

After sitting down a little later, Putian asked about the situation in the demon world back then, and Yi Tian also shared the details of his trip to the abyss of the demon world. Medium and dense.Putian's complexion also changed slightly after listening to it, and in the end he just sighed a few times.

These are all the secrets of the Great Leiguang Temple, even among the high-ranking monks, they are rarely heard of.After Yi Tian said this, he had no choice but to shake his head helplessly, and finally chanted the Buddha's name and sighed: "Maybe this is the fate that God gave to the precept master. I hope he can escape and return to the original source as soon as possible."

"Who says it's not, and I guess Master Jie Ding's incarnation as Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu leading the army to attack the spirit world might have some ulterior motives," Yi Tian analyzed.

"How do you say that?" Putian asked solemnly.

"It's a feeling, and after my many investigations, I found that the fall of the devil prince Qiu Yu was just using the Buddha's reincarnation method," Yi Tian said firmly: "So I can be sure that his reincarnation will definitely appear in the spirit world. middle."

"That's right, the relationship is good. After that, I will go to the spirit world to investigate and vow to find the reincarnation of my uncle," Pu Dian replied excitedly.

"I'm not in a hurry. Brother Yizhen visited the spirit world back then and found some clues. And this is just a suspicion in my heart. After all, I only know a little about the reincarnation of the Buddhist sect and probably haven't been lucky enough to study it further. , so it's not that simple to find someone," Yi Tian explained lightly.

"Junior brother is right, but unfortunately I haven't studied this method in depth. If junior brother Yizhen is here, he may be able to find clues based on his understanding of the way of reincarnation," Putian said, feeling a little discouraged.He was originally from the Discipline Hall of Daleiguang Temple, and he is good at fighting with others, but his study of Buddhist classics is slightly insufficient.

Seeing him behave like this, Yi Tian also felt relieved, and he had doubts about the reincarnation of the devil prince Qiu Yu in his heart.It's just that I haven't had the opportunity to verify it all the time. As for what senior brother Pudian is worried about, I don't have to worry so much, and I can take a step at a time in everything.

After thinking about it, he changed the subject and asked: "Senior brother, why did you come to the demon world to swim in this muddy water this time? You must know that this time there are turmoil within the demon clan, and various forces are intricately entangled together to carve up the Yulu Gansui that descended from the fairy world. If you accidentally get involved in it, you will definitely encounter endless troubles."

"Junior Brother, you can rest assured about this matter. My Daleiguang Temple was only invited to testify and witness the ceremony. And this time, it was the Qilin tribe who came forward to invite Dazongmen from other realms to come. It's customary," Putian replied with a smile.

"So that's the case, no wonder I saw many people from the three sects of the spiritual world come to watch the ceremony," Yi Tian thoughtfully replied: "It's just that this time a branch of the Qilin clan seems to have returned, maybe it will be in Chengtian In the sacrificial ceremony, I took a few extra points."

"It seems that the younger brother also knows a little bit about the inside story." Putian said with a slightly serious face: "I heard that the branch of the Qilin clan in the spirit world has returned, so the original share will definitely be lacking. And the big monster clan Quotas will be consolidated, which will crowd out the share among those small clans."

"That's exactly what I'm concerned about," Yi Tian said after finishing speaking, and explained his relationship with many monster clans one by one, including those two forces that have joined forces with Jiuxian Mountain and explained in detail.

This time it was Putian's turn to be shocked. He didn't expect so many aspects to be involved in it.While listening and watching Yi Tian playfully, his eyes were full of smiles, and finally he sighed after Yi Tian finished talking about Pu Dian: "Young brother is really good luck, I didn't expect that even the senior red-bearded spirit ape who won Jiuxian Mountain can pull it off." It’s really beyond my expectation.”

There was a smile on his face, and Yi Tian also showed a bit of embarrassment. Speaking of which, these were all caused by his own unintentional actions.A thought suddenly flashed in my mind, and then I asked, "I have seen the supernatural power technique of 'Divine Ape Transformation' in the Sutra Pavilion of Daleiguang Temple. I don't know if my brother has anything to do with it."

Hearing this, Putian's eyes flashed, and then he raised his head and laughed a few times, and then the golden light flashed all over his body, and his whole body transformed into a ten-foot-sized Vajra Demon Ape.

Later, he slowly put away the exercises and showed his true colors, and said with a smile: "This kind of exercises were exchanged with the Vajra Demon Ape Clan when the sect seniors traveled to the demon world, but they were slightly modified. .”

"I don't know how effective this technique is in actual combat?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's very useful on certain occasions, but I haven't had the right opportunity to use it after practicing it," Putian said with a displeased expression on his face.

"So I don't know if senior brother can give me a copy so that I can practice too," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"Why do you want to make a move in Chengtian Sacrifice Ceremony?" Putian asked rhetorically.

Yi Tian nodded and then told all the things he discussed with Xiong Erbao. Among them, he also briefly talked about how to prepare to join forces with the Vajra Demon Ape Clan, and finally mentioned: "Senior Red Bearded Spirit Ape He helped me once, so I think I should pay him back."

Putian thought about it for a while, then showed a casual smile on his face and said: "Junior Brother, I'm afraid it won't be effective, and if you fight on behalf of the Vajra Demon Ape Clan, it may be difficult if you don't have a good understanding of the exercises. win."

"Could it be that brother has a good solution?" Hearing what he said, Yi Tian found something strange, and then asked with a smile: "According to what brother means, it seems that he wants to fight for me, right?"

"That's right, it's rare to come to the demon world but suffer from being unable to compete with colleagues. Naturally, we can't let go of such a good opportunity," Putian vowed.

(End of this chapter)

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