
Chapter 171 Tying

Chapter 171 Tying
It is rare for the Chengjia Bazaar to hold an auction once every ten years, so the entire town guard mansion was mobilized, firstly to gather popularity in the market and maintain the prestige of the Xuanling Sect, and secondly, there was also a private agreement with 'Qibaozhai', the entire auction Finally, [-]% of the venue rental fee will be withdrawn.

During the whole auction, there were disciples of Xuanling Sect patrolling outside to maintain order. Yi Tian admired the operation method of 'Qibaozhai' very much.

Yi Tian was really not interested in the first nine auction items, until Na Li Shuilan said: "The tenth auction item is 240 catties of black refined iron ore. Genius looked up.

This piece of ore was half the size of a table, and it was taken out by Lishuilan from an ore bag.After looking at the fineness, Yi Tian reckoned that this ore should be between rich ore and lean ore. After smelting 240 jin of ore, it would be good to get [-] jin of black iron essence. According to the market price, the highest price is two Wan is about the same.

With the strike of Lishuilan's hammer, everyone in each box began to bid.Generally, those who sit below are monks in the Qi refining period, and only monks in the foundation building period can apply for a box.

The first liner of this auction is the bidding period for monks in the Qi refining period. Generally, monks in the foundation building period will not participate in the bidding. This is also a tacit understanding of the 'Qibaozhai' auction.

In the second half of the round, very few monks in the Qi training period dared to disturb Tiger's Beard, and this auction was no exception.After a while of quoting, the bidding price for this ore has reached [-], and Yi Tian looked at it without pretending and shouted: "[-]."

In an instant, the bidding for several boxes stopped, and only the No. [-] box in the middle still heard the sound of continuing bidding, and an old voice said: "Seventeen thousand and five."

Yi Tian in the private room also frowned and said, "The bidder may also be a craftsman, and he should see that there is still some profit margin to increase the price." '

There was silence for a while, and before the auctioneer Lishuilan started counting, Yi Tian directly called out the price of [-], and no one bid again after waiting for a long time.Lishuilan tapped it with the small hammer in her hand and said, "Deal."

Yi Tian in the box was overjoyed for a while, now the materials of the flywheel array are basically complete, just look at the obsidian below.

Sure enough, when the obsidian appeared, it was Yi Tian and the old monk in the middle box who advanced again.But this time, it seemed that the other party didn't want to give in. After all, it was a level five material, even the Jindan stage ancestors could get it. The original price of [-] was raised to [-] by two people.

Yi Tian was also annoyed for a while, every time he raised the price by [-], the other party insisted on adding [-].

When Yi Tian just called out the price of '[-]', he heard a 'hum' in the middle box No. [-], and suddenly there was a burst of spiritual pressure, which stopped the monks in the Qi refining period below, and everyone was shocked. Want to run outside.Yi Tian, ​​who was in the box, also noticed that this was the spiritual pressure of a monk in the golden core stage, but it felt similar to his own. It seemed that the other party could not be regarded as a powerful person.

On the contrary, Lishuilan on the auction stage showed displeasure, and opened her mouth and said, "Fellow Daoist in Room [-], I respect you as a senior, but you can't overwhelm others with your power. There are no Golden Core cultivators anymore, isn't it too embarrassing for you to do so?"

After ten breaths, an old echo came from the No. [-] box: "Fellow Daoist Li, I have no intention of offending Guizhai, nor do I want to break the rules, but this piece of obsidian is of great use to me, please forgive me for being reckless." After speaking, he took back the spiritual pressure, and the situation on the scene gradually returned to normal.

Now Yi Tian didn't buy it anymore, since the other party could overwhelm others like this, he wouldn't be polite either.Feeling that the other party's spiritual pressure is not very strong, Yi Tian feels that he doesn't need to be afraid of him even if he fights alone, since he takes advantage of the reason and the other party doesn't dare to make a mistake, then what is there to be afraid of.

He paused for a moment and said: "My price has already been paid, if you really want it, just increase the price." Since you have hated the other party, let's just go to the end.

The old voice came out again, "Twenty-five hundred".

Yi Tian was about to bid when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door of the box, so he had to open the door to see.The one who came in was a petite woman from the qi training class, with a face of only fourteen or fifteen years old, somewhat similar to Lishui Lan on the auction stage.

When the woman saw Yi Tian after entering the door, she first said Wanfu: "This fellow Taoist, please be merciful, I don't want to make things worse, please be a human being and stay on the front line, so we can meet again in the future."

It turned out that the shopkeeper of 'Qibaozhai' saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly sent someone to make peace.Yi Tian knocked his eyes and said, "What is the relationship between the girl and the auctioneer on this stage?"

"My sister is hosting next time. This is also my sister's first show as an auctioneer, so I don't dare to make any mistakes. In Xiali Xinlan, I beg fellow daoists to make it easier for me."

Looking at the half-grown loli in front of him, Yi Tian had no choice but to nod, because only when you give others face will they respect you.I saw that Li Xinlan took out a messenger jade token, and after saying a few words, the auctioneer Li Shuixiang on the stage seemed relieved, and directly knocked on the wooden hammer in her hand, announcing that the cultivator in Box [-] would bid for the obsidian mine.

Before Li Xinlan left, Yi Tian asked directly: "Can you tell me who the Golden Core cultivator in Box No. [-] is, don't tell me you don't know, this is my biggest concession."

Li Xinlan looked at Yi Tian with a burst of surprise, thinking that he wanted to understand the situation and prepared to go out to avoid the limelight, so she paused and said: "The one in the No. Cultivator Dan Zou Dong."

Hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and said: "Okay, let's not take this as an example. If I have something I fancy next, I won't let it go again."

"That's that, that's just this one time, thank you, fellow daoist." Li Xinlan was also overjoyed, and finally got over the difficulties in front of her.

After closing the door, Yi Tian felt a burst of contempt in his heart. This Zou Dong is a low-rank third-rank Golden Core cultivator, and even his spiritual pressure is so weak. Try how strong your own strength in the later stage of foundation establishment is.

After being disturbed for a while, Yi Tian also missed several auction items, and he didn't need these items after reading the list.It wasn't until the last third item was taken out that Yi Tian took a serious look and it turned out to be a jade bottle.

Lishuilan on the stage also seemed to have found an opportunity to show off, and she introduced it emphatically: "This bottle is a top-level elixir of the fourth level. There are three 'Cold Jade Soul Cultivation Pills' in total. It has the effect of strengthening the soul, and it needs to be connected It is only useful if you take three pieces, the starting price is [-], and the price increase is not less than [-] each time."

This is basically something that can only be played after the foundation building period, so I just wait for the monks in a few boxes to bid.Yi Tian is not interested in this at all. He has already practiced "Three Points of Spiritual Consciousness" and "Mingyang Refining God Art". No more.

But the monks in the other boxes raised their prices one after another, as if they had been spayed with chicken blood, and there was even the sound of bidding in the No. [-] box from time to time.

Suddenly a waiter from the audience walked up and said a few words in Lishuilan's ear, and pointed to the box above.Li Shuilan also frowned after listening, and made a decision after three breaths.

Only after hearing the hammer knocking on the auction platform in the lobby a few times, Li Shuilan said: "Everyone, due to the request of a fellow Taoist, the bidding for this 'Cold Jade Soul Cultivation Pill' is temporarily suspended. I will auction the request first." things."

After finishing speaking, there was a burst of voices, this is something that has never happened before, but since it is the decision of 'Qibaozhai', there is no way, it just depends on what is the request.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the box, was also interested. This way of playing is also new, and this is the first time he has seen it.He casually rang the bell in the room to notify the waiter outside the door.

After knocking on the door three times, Yi Tian saw that Li Xinlan came in again, and looked him up and down. This little girl looks pretty good, although she is not as charming as Lishui Lan on the stage, but she also has a special temperament .

After the three breaths, Yi Tian asked directly: "Is the intervening request reasonable? Could it be that 'Qibaozhai' just let Renhu do it?"

Unexpectedly, Li Xinlan smiled slightly and said: "I don't know, fellow daoists, requests like this are usually related to items that are being auctioned on the field, so they are stopped, usually because the spirit stones on a certain monk are not enough to need Such a situation can only happen with property as collateral, and 'Qibaozhai' also charged [-]% of the handling fee to facilitate this matter."

It is not surprising to hear that Yi Tian is so strange, maybe this is the first time that this situation has appeared in the auction of the Marriage Bazaar.

Half a moment later, I saw a waiter holding a tray with a simple token in his hand, and slowly walked up to the central auction stage.Lishuilan's Qianqian slender fingers gently pinched the token, and after looking at it, there was no relaxation in her frown.Later, he had no choice but to say to the audience present: "The seller of this token sells for [-] spirit stones, and the price increases by [-] each time. Please bid."

As soon as the words fell, the whole audience fell silent, and no one would buy a tattered token with [-] spirit stones.Even if there is a great opportunity hidden behind it, it takes luck to get it. Now that everyone is as smart as a monkey, who would really look for it.

Seeing the silence for a while, Lishui Lan also had an uneasy face, so she couldn't explain to the people behind her. After calling three times, no one advanced, so she had to pick up the hammer in her hand and prepare to knock down to announce the failure of the auction.

Before he could say anything, he heard someone in the box shout: "Twenty-five hundred." Everyone in the arena looked back, and the voice came from the box that fought against box [-] to grab the obsidian just now. outgoing.

Li Xinlan in the box also stared wide-eyed, the monk in front of her really didn't play cards according to common sense, what's the use of asking for such a token.

After the dust settled, Yi Tian was also happy in his heart. Just now, he scanned the token with his spiritual sense, and there was a word "Xun" on it, which was the same as the token with the word "dry" in his storage ring. exactly the same.

When copying Tao Anru's home, Yi Tian found this thing interesting, like a key to unlock a certain place. Since there are words on it, it must be the same token with eight pieces. The one in front of him is exactly the same token. The materials are the same and the workmanship is the same, so Yi Tiancai will directly take pictures, maybe I can find out if I have a chance in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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