
Chapter 1715 Confession 2

Chapter 1715 Confession II

After three breaths, the figures of the two people in the room reappeared in their original positions, and Yi Tian's cloak was still on his body as if he hadn't taken it off at all.As for Qing Lianyun, she also sat in the lower right position, and there was no difference between her gestures and gestures as before.

It's just that a blush flashed across her face at this moment, she stared at Yi Tian in front of her eyes and said: "So you are not a good person, and it's a good thing that I have always fallen in love with you."

"Senior sister is ridiculously praised. I have never said that I am an upright person. Besides, I dare not be careless after I first arrived in the spirit world and knew the structure of the three sects." Yi Tian said, reaching out and gently lifting the upper part of the cloak to reveal Come on.

After the blush on his face faded, Qing Lianyun's expression became a little worried again, and he asked: "Then what are you going to do at this stage?"

"Actually, this incident involves the aftermath of the invasion of the demon world. I am [-]% sure that the prince of the devil, Qiu Yu, is the reincarnation. As long as he is found, there will be a way to break the situation," Yi Tian said confidently.

"If you find the reincarnation of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu, how are you going to deal with it?" Qing Lianyun said with a worried face, "You must know that those monks in the Mahayana period will have three points of the previous life's strength even if they are reincarnated. , even if you don’t show the mountains and dews on weekdays, once you encounter a critical moment, you will definitely backlash crazily.”

"Of course I know these things, but you don't need to worry, I don't plan to kill the devil prince Qiu Yu directly," Yi Tian said with a smile: "His predecessor was an eminent monk of the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit World. Presumably, these past life memories will be sealed in the depths of his mind due to the particularity of Buddhist exercises. All I have to do is to help him wake up these sleeping memories."

"That's good, at least don't forcefully attack and kill him." Qing Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief at this time: "Then you can be sure that this person has come to the demon world, if he stays in the spirit world, you have no chance at all." .”

"That's true. I have met Qiu Yu and Master Jieding several times, not to mention intersecting with his reincarnation. Fortunately, this time he also came to the demon world. It's just that there are two troublesome people around this person, and I need to think about it." The way, just happened to meet the senior sister, please help me out," Yi Tian said cheekily.

Qing Lianyun's complexion changed slightly, she sighed and said: "What an enemy, I didn't expect you to think of me at this moment. Let's listen and see if I can help."

"Senior Sister is serious, what kind of calculation is that. I have always admired Senior Sister, but I dare not go beyond anything because of my own status," Yi Tian opened his lips lightly and muttered a few words, using sound transmission as the target task The way is informed.

Qing Lianyun wrinkled his forehead slightly and then said suddenly: "It turned out to be him, and I said why he is so powerful has something to do with it. But how do you deal with the other person, that level is equal to yours, and we are also the same. There is nothing I can do to help."

"The other person, I will personally take action to remove him. As for the rightful lord, Xi Tianying has already dealt with it. It's good to let Brother Xi fulfill his long-cherished wish," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

"Then it seems that what you gave him just now was also carefully selected. I'm afraid it was a special spiritual weapon specially refined to restrain the opponent," Qing Lianyun asked.

Sure enough, nothing can be hidden, and Yi Tian naturally didn't bother to hide anything, so he directly told the inside story.As for Qing Lianyun, after hearing this, she laughed dumbly and said: "You are also old and unscrupulous, and if you spread like this, you will not leave an excuse for bullying the small."

"Although this is the case, Brother Xi pretends to be ignorant, he is very good, and he doesn't need to be afraid of poking me out. At most, he told me about a spiritual weapon bought by a senior craftsman with a weird temper." Yi Tian grinned.

"That's great, then when are you going to do it?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"This is also a headache for me. You must know that I promised the Wulian Daoist of Jiuxian Mountain to help her take care of her disciples. But I didn't expect that now it is a side issue, and there are two more juniors from the Qingluan tribe with me," Yi Tian Said with a sad face.

Hearing the meaning in the words, Qing Lianyun smiled and said: "Then you are still nosy, but it's really not easy to act with such two burdens around you."

"Qing Lu has notified Wulian Zhenren before, and she must be on her way by now," Yi Tian said, but asked embarrassingly: "Can I ask Senior Sister to stay in the other courtyard to take care of you during this gap?" These two juniors can be directly handed over to her after Wulian Daoist arrives."

"It's a good thing you asked me to help with the aftermath of the incident you caused," Qing Lianyun immediately replied, "Then what is my capacity to stay here?"

Yi Tian looked happy, but he understood in his heart that Qing Lianyun was asking himself to express his opinion.Such a good opportunity should not be missed, Yi Tian took out a land deed jade slip and handed it over gently, saying: "Naturally, it is the identity of the hostess here.

"I didn't say I want to marry you, and I can't make a hasty decision based on one-sided words. Neither of the two pledge tokens counts," Qing Lianyun pouted back.

Speaking of it, Yi Tian himself did not expect such an event today, but fortunately, he has a lot of treasures at the bottom of the box.It's just that some of them are forbidden items from the demon world, and if they are taken out for no reason, they will be peeped by people.After thinking for a while, he took out a jade tablet and a flame feather coat from the storage ring and handed them over.

Qing Lianyun turned around, glanced over, looked at it, reached out and took the jade card, put it in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said: "This jade card is a bit interesting, it doesn't look like my status jade card from the Taiqing Pavilion. .The style looks more like the one from Lihuo Palace, but the pattern on it is also different, not to mention the name of the sect on it is not correct."

"That's the identity jade card when I worshiped the Chiyang Sect at the beginning of the Lower Realm. It can be said that it has been with me for nearly a lifetime," Yi Tian explained: "I specially made that flame feather coat, which is extremely defensive. It is extremely strong and can resist the attacks of the monks in the fusion period. I have re-sacrificed it with the ignorance fire that I have refined. Slightly lacking."

Unexpectedly, the educated youth Lianyun didn't even look at the flame feather coat and took the jade card of the Chiyang Sect. He held it in his hand and observed it carefully, showing a great sense of satisfaction on his face: "This thing is a unique status symbol, then I I just accepted it. You are not allowed to go back on what you gave away and you are not allowed to take it back.”

Seeing this, Yi Tian nodded helplessly, she is really a woman, and she doesn't know what Qing Lianyun is thinking.

A moment later, the forbidden barrier in the room was opened, and Cui Fuling, who was outside, hurried into the room, but saw Qing Lianyun sitting alone on the main seat.The difference from before is that the hair on the back is coiled up, and it is no longer the same as before.And the person who was wearing the cloak has long since disappeared.

 Thank you fellow Taoist bill88888 for your great support

(End of this chapter)

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