
Chapter 1718 Fighting 1

Chapter 1718
Unexpectedly, the transaction with Hallyu was so easy, Yi Tian showed a rare look of helplessness on his face.But if he finished it like this, then his original goal would not be achieved, and it would be impossible to delay Xi Tianying as agreed.

When he was thinking hard about how to find an opportunity to stir up trouble, he could try the skills of the Korean wave, when he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a violently fluctuating spiritual pressure coming from the jade bottle in front of him.At the same time, Han Liu, who was in the air in the distance, lowered his head and showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, and secretly said: "Explosive."

Reaching out to take the blue solid ice, Divine Sense quickly inspected it and put it directly into the storage ring. Han Liu turned his head, but his face showed excitement.A green flame bloomed in the air, and then surrounded the opponent's body, as if trying to burn him up before giving up.

But after three breaths, the green flame seemed to have received some traction and condensed into a ball. The joy on Han Liu's face froze immediately after seeing it, and then he looked at the person in front of him with incredible eyes.

Suddenly a cold shout sounded in the air, Yi Tian's cloak was pulled off and he watched coldly: "Han Daoyou seems to be too ignorant of his subordinates by doing this, is this how you treat guests from the Palace of Fire. Today I have just learned the lesson, it seems that I have to show some strength, otherwise I will really be looked down upon by Lihuo Palace."

After finishing speaking, Yi Tian's body was full of black magic fire, and then he took out the Curse Sky Demon Bell and shook it quickly in his hand.After the black ripples spread out, they swept across Han Liu's body, instantly blocking the flow of spiritual power around him.

At the same time, Angel Yi came out of the demon body of the flame prison, turned into a burning man, and appeared in front of Han Liu in an instant.With both fists swung out, raindrops of fists fell on the opponent's defensive cover.

The sound of 'bang bang bang' burst out, and the protective cover of Hallyu shook violently.The magic sound of cursing the sky suddenly stopped the flow of spiritual power around him, and Yi Tian's sudden rise directly forced him to be tired of defending.

But the monks in the Lihuo Palace are actually easy-going people. Although they are a little slow, the Korean Liu is also a person who has experienced many battles.The spiritual power on his body was quickly mobilized and he stabilized the protective cover. At the same time, a red fire light suddenly lit up in his hand and burst in front of him.

When there was a burst of red flames in front of him, Yi Tian hurriedly pulled away, teleported back a hundred feet away, and then stopped to look at the Han Liu in front of him, only to see a flame leaping up in front of him, and it instantly turned into a fire dragon as thick as an arm .

"It's the Yanlong Aojian. I didn't expect to see the real supernatural powers and secret arts today, and it's not in vain," Yi Tian thought to himself, and without stopping, he took out a tortoise shell shield in front of him.This is a defensive spiritual weapon refined from the dragon tortoise shell that has fallen off the body of the tenth-level monster Ao Ling.

The fire dragon circled around Han Liu and then rushed towards Yi Tian, ​​and a sound of dragon chant came from it. The fire dragon directly cut through the void and divided the space into upper and lower halves.

With a loud 'boom', the Yanlong stretched out in the air against the wind, the dragon's head turned into a size of one foot and opened its mouth to bite down hard on Yi Tian's position.In an instant, Yi Tian was swallowed into the body of the fire dragon. Seeing Han Liu in the distance, he once again sealed his hands and nodded at Yanlong, saying: "Lihuo Yanlong will help me condense and refine demons. I will treat you Demon cultivator is alive and refining, let you experience the power of my Lihuo Palace."

The flames in the sky flashed and shrunk to form a ten-foot-sized fireball that surrounded Yi Tian, ​​and then the fire blazed up.It's just that there is a trace of black flames in the core inadvertently shining like a lonely boat on the sea level, no matter how violent the storm is around it, there is no sign of sinking.

The Korean wave who is constantly casting spells outside is also constantly urging the magic formula to refine the black flame in the fire ball, but it took a full hour, the black magic fire is still wrapped in the fire ball like that .

Yi Tian in Neizhong covered himself with the magic flame sacrifice on his body at this time, protecting his body behind him, no matter how the flame dragon fire around him burned him, he still sat still.

Taking a closer look, Yi Tian showed disdain on his face, but he didn't expect that the strength of Hallyu, one of the two elders in Lihuo, was just like this.Zhenyan with such intensity did not threaten him at all, if he didn't think of delaying time for Xi Tianying, he would be able to go out now.

After thinking about it, he urged the magic formula to protect the flames of the flames on his body, sitting cross-legged and exhausted.

But the face of Han Liu outside was showing strange colors frequently at this time, and he naturally knew how strong the Yanlong Aojian was.But after devouring the demon cultivator in front of him like this, he still fell into a stalemate, which was naturally unacceptable with his arrogant temper.

After looking at it for a while, Han Liu let out a cold drink, opened his mouth and spit out three wisps of emerald green flames, which condensed into a ball in the air, and then flew towards Yanlong's real firework ball in front of him.

After three breaths, the color of the fireball suddenly changed and ignited again, and Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting inside, changed his complexion slightly and suddenly noticed that the temperature around him had increased by a level.At the same time, Yanlong's True Flame turned emerald green, just like the Lihuo True Flame that he practiced back then.Seeing that the Flame Prison Demonic Flame on his body seemed to be being continuously eroded.

Seeing this, Yi Tian couldn't sit still anymore, and if this continues, the Flame Prison Demon Fire on his body will definitely be assimilated.He secretly said in his heart, "The supernatural powers and secret arts of the Lihuo Sect are really powerful. Li Yan, who has not reached the Xiaocheng level in the Korean Liu cultivation, can refine himself to the Dacheng flame hell demon fire." '

The tortoise shell shield in his hand lit up again to protect the whole body, and the magic spirit power on Yi Tian's body was transformed again, and the black magic light faded to reveal a cyan aura.Then he took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword Sacrifice in his hand, and after three breaths, he slashed fiercely in front of him.

The cyan sword thread split open from the fireball in an instant, revealing a gap that was one foot wide and three feet long, and then Yi Tian jumped out of it.

Han Liu in the distance was startled when he saw it, he had never seen that he could break through Li Yan's siege like this.If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have never expected the strength of the person in front of me to be so strong.At the same time, the confidence in his heart began to shake a little. Li Yan, who was invincible in the past, had no effect of defeating the enemy at all in today's battle.

When Han Liu locked onto Yi Tian's figure again, his face showed a dignified look. At this time, the opponent in front of him was completely spiritual, with no trace of evil force on his body.But Yi Tian didn't prepare to give him too much room for surprise, and the Taiyuan wooden sword in his hand turned into thousands of filaments and surrounded him.

He shouted coldly: "It's not rude to come and not to go, fellow daoists, please take my trick."

Seeing the sky filled with filaments, Han Liu blurted out: "Ling Yao Hua Qian Shu, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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