
Chapter 1729 Longtan Swamp 1 Communication

Chapter 1729 Longtan Swamp A Message
After making an appointment with Xuanjizi from Jiuxian Mountain, Yi Tian found that he still had about ten years to spare during this period.On weekdays, you can directly practice in seclusion, and ten years is just a flick of a finger.

But it's not the case when they meet Qing Lianyun now, the two of them naturally have a lot to talk about when they reunite after a long absence.Immediately, Yi Tian settled down in Fengming City first. Fortunately, Qing Lianyun came here to develop the business of the sect's business in the demon world.

With such a reason, the first two people lived here for a long time.Yi Tian told Qing Lianyun about his experience during this period in detail, and he didn't even hide his trip to the Asura world.

After all, these things really happened, and it was precisely because I practiced in the place of fire in Queen Ashura's bedroom that I entered the stage of integration.

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun naturally showed that she could understand the situation at that time, and afterwards, Yi Tian also privately showed his Asura dharma image.Unexpectedly, all the monks who ranked one to five on the list of monks in the spiritual world hundreds of years ago had intersections with Yi Tian.

Later, Yi Tian slowly told about the fact that he was taken care of by Qin Huaige when he entered the Taiqing Pavilion, and only then did Qing Lianyun understand the doubts inside.

After living in Fengming City for half a month, Yi Tian suddenly received a message, and the person who sent the message was Putian from Da Lei Guang Temple.After reading the content, Yi Tian showed some puzzled expression on his face.It turned out that Dugu Jackie Chan, a monk from the Heavenly Demon Tribe who had fought against him before, had a conflict with the monks from Daleiguang Temple.

It stands to reason that with Pudian's strength, he would not be afraid of the other party at all, but he has a group of juniors from the sect around him, so he can only endure everywhere under the taboo.

After finally sending all the burdens around him back to the Buddha and Spirit Realm, Putian stayed in the Demon Realm by himself.Naturally, the purpose of this summons is to ask him to help him deal with Dugu Jackie Chan.Moreover, he also mentioned in the summons that the other party seemed to be looking for something in the demon world, so it was necessary to investigate.

Seeing here, Yi Tian is also interested. It must not be a trivial matter for a monk in the fusion period of the Heavenly Demon Race to take action himself.Although I had a face-to-face meeting with Dugu Jackie Chan last time to scare him away, I was always a little uncomfortable being picked on by others.

Since senior brother Putian mentioned this matter this time, he would also like to make a favor and help out.Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed between his brows and directly notified Qing Lianyun who was in the back compartment.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian's figure appeared in the sky outside Fengming City, and after choosing a direction, he flew straight to the place agreed by Putian.

Ten days later, Yi Tian arrived at the agreed meeting place, Red Maple Valley, but after arriving, he scanned with his divine sense and found no trace of Pudian.Immediately, doubts arose secretly in his heart, logically speaking, senior brother Putian's behavior would definitely not lead to such a breach of appointment.

And at this time, his whereabouts could not be found in the place covered by the divine sense, and at the same time, he could not receive his summons.I was at a loss, but suddenly found a faint golden light flashing in the Red Maple Valley.After the cloud head fell, his eyes swept over the half-foot-long Vajra Crusade, submerged in the rock and only half an inch of the handle was exposed.

Seeing that the imprint on it is undoubtedly the imprint of Da Lei Guang Temple, there is no doubt that this is the message left by Senior Brother Putian.Yi Tian stepped forward, took it out, held it in his palm and activated it slowly.After three breaths, I saw the reasonable spiritual power flying out of the vajra crouching pestle and condensed into a general appearance. When I saw myself, I opened my mouth and said, "Junior Brother Yi came so fast, I have already followed up if things changed. There are three people in the other party's party." , and they are all extremely powerful.”

"Three people, it's no wonder that senior brother Putian took the first step. It seems that this matter is a bit strange," Yi Tian replied in a deep voice: "I don't know where the senior brother is chasing at this time?"

"In the depths of the Longtan Swamp in the Demon Realm, there are three people on the other side, and I keep them out of the range of divine sense detection for safety reasons," Pudian's phantom said.

"I don't know if Brother Pudian knows the details of the other two other than Dugu Jackie Chan?" Yi Tian also asked solemnly.

"I don't know those two, but they should be demon cultivators from the demon world. One of them must be stronger than me," Putian said solemnly.

Yi Tian heard the words and was naturally aware of the seriousness of the problem. Since Senior Brother Pudian can judge the opponent's strength in this way, it must be the same.I didn't expect that there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the demon world, but I thought that was the one who had never met a real master.

Just as he was thinking that Pudian Xuying suddenly stretched out his hand to form the appearance of the other party in the air, Yi Tian glanced over and said with a horrified expression: "It's Daoist Dilong, and the most powerful one is Yan Peigong, I didn't expect this I will meet them again."

"Junior brother seems to know their origins," Putian asked casually.

"It's not just that I know that they were forced to flee to the ancient battlefield of the Yaozu before," Yi Tian sighed helplessly, and then briefly talked about how he and the three demons formed a relationship before.

After hearing this, Putian suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder they went to Longtan Swamp. If I guessed correctly, they must be looking for the remains of the legendary monster dragon that fell in Longtan Swamp."

"I don't know what the demon dragon remains are," Yi Tian asked.

"The demon dragon was originally a flood dragon belonging to the demon world, but after fleeing to the demon world, somehow it was infused with demon energy and broke through the bottleneck and turned into a dragon," Pu Dian explained.

"Then how did he fall into the Longtan swamp in the demon world," Yi Tian said again.

"This also happened nearly 5 to [-] years ago. I heard that the red-bearded spirit ape of Jiuxian Mountain personally took action and cooperated with the masters of the various clans in the demon world to besiege the demon dragon. In the end, he was killed, and after the demon dragon fell, his flesh and blood The evil spirit contained in it polluted the land and formed the current Longtan Swamp," Pu Dian explained in detail.

"Then why did these three people go to Longtan Swamp?" Yi Tian asked.

"If I'm right, I should be looking for the legacy of the demon dragon's demon pill," Putian thought for a while.

"That makes sense, then senior brother give me a location so that I can come later," Yi Tian said.

"There is a sliver of my divine sense on the Vajra Crusade, and the perennial fog in the Longtan Swamp can only extend ten miles away. After you enter, you can use the spiritual weapon to sense my position," Putian said, and the phantom immediately melted The golden light flew back into the spirit weapon.

Yi Tian put it away after seeing it, and then took out the map jade slip and searched for the location of Longtan Swamp on it.He took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on to restrain his breath, and then hurriedly flew in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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