
Chapter 1738

Chapter 1738
In the secret room, Yi Tian and Yi Shun were discussing how to deal with Lord Yan Pei. They had heard that when the Yuanhao Dynasty was overthrown, they had used the "Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth" to deal with Lord Yan Pei's main soul, the Demon Dragon.But I didn't expect this peerless spiritual weapon to be damaged, so Yi Tianbai was really happy.

On the contrary, Yishun said solemnly: "You know, Daoist Yi, that the 'Demon Mirror of Universe' is a big taboo in the demon world. Speaking of which, although this spiritual weapon is powerful, it is something that all demon clans despise, so in Yuanhao After the dynasty collapsed, this spiritual weapon was also smashed by the patriarchs of the various monster clans."

"It seems that all the demon masters in the demon world have prejudices against this treasure," Yi Tian said, "But I don't know where the spirit weapon was left after it was broken?"

"It is said that it is above the main hall of the Yuanhao Dynasty in the beast king's lair, so how can fellow Daoist Yi still remember this?" Yishun persuaded earnestly: "Friend Daoist Yi, I still want to remind you that this spirit treasure belongs to the demon world. Taboo, it's best not to get involved in anything, so as not to provoke public anger. And even if you get the spiritual weapon, you may not be able to use it, and I heard that you have to use special exercises to activate it."

"Is that so?" Hearing this, the joy in Yi Tian's heart disappeared, and it seemed that he could only rely on his strength to face Yan Peigong head-on.

Speaking of which, the jade talisman biography also stated that the patriarch of the Huojiao clan specially recruited experts from other worlds to help in order to avenge Yishun.Regarding this, Yishun was slightly taken aback and then sighed: "Father finally opened his mouth. I think the person invited this time should be Senior Huolian."

"Why are you so sure it's the chain of fire?" Yi Tian asked back: "Maybe it's someone else."

"No, my dragon clan can only make good friends with the Lihuo Palace in the spirit world, so who else will I have if I don't ask them for help?" After finishing speaking, Yishun looked at Yi Tian sideways and said: "Since fellow Daoist Yi Boasting that you want me to help you deal with Senior Fire Chain, how is Fellow Daoist Yi going to deal with the monks from Fire Palace?"

When I mentioned this matter back then, I didn’t avoid it directly. Now when I mentioned Yi Tian again, I didn’t change my face and changed the topic: "Now I will help you recreate the dragon god, and wash away the cruelty on your body with the water of the Buddha Sect's Hualong Pond. Qi can naturally increase your strength. But now I also know that if you fail to get your true dragon blood back, even if you face the chain of fire in the future, you will have no chance of winning."

"That's true. The true strength of the Huojiao Clan is the first to activate the blood of the real dragon, but the cultivation is second." Yishun replied, "Then you still have to help me deal with Yan Peigong and take back the blood of the real dragon." It's imminent."

"So I want to use the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' to deal with Yan Peigong. You must know that if you kill him in full view, you will never be able to recover the power of your bloodline," Yi Tian argued, "And since you and I want to eat Dingyan Peigong can only have a chance unless he is weak or seriously injured, or, "

"Or is it that you can be [-] to [-]% sure that you have the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' in your hand, isn't it Daoist Yi? And with your strength, you may have a special skill that activates the 'Mirror of the Universe' and that's why you keep staring at me." Ask about this matter," Yishun said with a slight expression on his face.

Talking to smart people can naturally save time and effort. Yi Tian didn't give a direct answer, but just changed the topic: "I have a lot of experience in the process of refining weapons, and I will naturally be a little happy when I see special spiritual weapons. As for If the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' can find the lost spirit core, it might be of great use."

"I hope you can get what you want. After all, 6 to [-] years have passed since the great war. As for whether you can find the remains of the spirit weapon in the Beastmaster's Den, it depends on your luck. I will go back to rest for now, and I need to help you after entering the Beastmaster's Den." Call me again," Yishun replied with a sigh.It seems that he also knows that there is no way to influence Yi Tian's thoughts no matter what, and in the end he can only let it go.

After speaking, Yishun's whole body turned into a three-foot-long golden dragon in a flash, and after a while, he circled in the air and put his head down into the beast-controlling pouch at his waist.

After tidying up the things in front of him, Yi Tian opened the barrier and exited. Half an hour later, he called Qing Lianyun in the hall and briefly explained his next plan.

For safety's sake, Yi Tian still insisted on letting them go back to the spirit world to escape, but Qing Lianyun had her own plan for this.In the end, Yi Tian had no choice but to let her go, but afterwards he also told Yan Peigong in detail, and expressed his worries.

Qing Lianyun didn't care about it at all, since Fengming City belongs to the territory of Qingluan Clan.If there is a situation here, the Qingluan clan will definitely not sit idly by.

Besides, there are still monks from Jiuxian Mountain teaming up to deal with Yan Peigong, and the other party will not be stupid to come to offend the big clan's resident.

After setting up Qinglianyun, Yi Tian first purchased a batch of precious materials through the shop of the Sanxiu Alliance for backup.Then he hurried out of Fengming City and flew towards the place agreed with Xuanjizi.

Three days later, Yi Tian flashed across the sky and came to a high place in a cluster of mountains and ridges. After unfolding his divine sense, he found two spiritual pressure fluctuations undisguisedly appearing on the top of the mountain not far in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Xuanjizi would bring people here, Yi Tian was suspicious but his face was unmoved.The rest of the spiritual pressure fluctuations don't seem to be much weaker than his own, and it seems to be the appearance of human spiritual cultivation.

Slowly falling down, Yi Tian stepped forward and saw Xuanjizi was discussing something with a monk of the same rank.After seeing him, he opened his mouth and shouted: "You Daoist Yi came so fast, this way please."

"Xuanjizi Daoist invites me, so I dare not neglect," Yi Tian walked forward with a smile.At the same time, he looked at the cultivator standing aside, his pupils froze quickly and then returned to their original state.

Unexpectedly, that person did not hide his identity and was wearing the costume of Lihuo Palace, needless to say, he must be one of the two elders of Lihuo.I had let Chi Wuji retrieve the memory of his previous life before, so he turned around and went to the world of Buddhas and spirits to find the Dao, while Han Liu and Ji Xingzhu followed suit.

Meeting Zeng Shun, who is also one of the elders of Lihuo this time, is naturally a little apprehensive, he did not expect to meet on such an occasion, and he does not know whether Han Liu has informed him of his situation.

Xuanjizi introduced himself with a smile: "This is Daoist Yi Tianyi, a master of Taiqing Pavilion in the spiritual world."

Zeng Shun looked at himself in the blink of an eye, bowed his hands and said, "I didn't expect that the generation of Taiqing Pavilion is really full of talents, and some people have already entered the stage of integration. Compared with me, I am far from the Fire Palace." .”

"Fellow Daoist Zeng, you're being polite. I originally traveled to other worlds under the order of Senior Brother Qin, the head of Qingtian Pavilion. I haven't returned for many years, but I don't know what's going on in the spiritual world recently." Yi Tian simply pulled Qin Huaige out as a shield, using his That identity can be fooled even after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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