
Chapter 176

Chapter 176
The straight-line distance from Luoyue City to Chiyang Hills is not short, and it would take a day or two for a monk at the early stage of Golden Core to fly with all his strength, and there were no obstacles encountered on the way.

Late-stage foundation-building monks like Yi Tian couldn't last long while maintaining high-speed volley flight, so Yi Tian had to keep flying at full speed to the boundary of the Chiyang faction and then drive away with the flywheel.

The whole day and night of running wildly exhausted Yi Tian's spiritual power. After passing the Country Fong boundary, Yi Tian drank spiritual wine while flying.

After helping Gu Baichuan subdue the Thunder Lizard in Lingxi Cave half a month ago, the Gu family sold two Thunder Stones together with [-] spirit stones to Yi Tian on the spot. It became the idea that it would not be of much use to stay, and by the way, it was also a half-sell and half-free deal for the sake of Yi Tian's help.

Li Fu traded the materials that came down with Yi Tian.Two days later, when he returned to Luoyue City, Yi Tian directly rented the refining room of 'Qibaozhai', and according to the records in the jade slip of 'Tiangong Artifacts', it took ten days to refine two fifth-level spiritual weapons 'Thunder Fire Drill'.

But this time after leaving the customs, there was no spiritual robbery at all, so Yi Tian was a little puzzled now.I went back to Li Fu and asked, but Li Fu's answer was: "Yi Daoyou, not all fifth-level spiritual weapons will cause weapon robbery, those spirit weapons that use the spirit crystals of fifth-level monsters usually There will be robbery, mainly because of the monsters themselves."

Afterwards, Yi Tian also tried to use the two 'Thunder Fire Diamonds' as his natal magic weapon, but he didn't expect to be forced out by the purple lightning on the seal as soon as he received it in his dantian.This time Yi Tian wanted to cry but had no tears. The seal obviously wanted to monopolize his dantian, but he couldn't take it out and use it.

Looking at the good fifth-level mid-level spirit weapon, he couldn't take it to warm up, and Yi Tian was also depressed.Disappointed, Li Fu came to discuss with Yi Tian: "You Daoist Yi, can you sell these two 'Thunder Fire Diamonds' to 'Qibaozhai', and I would like to buy them at a high price. What about the stone?" It turned out that after Li Fu learned that Yi Tian could not accept it as a talisman, she had the cheek to beg for it.

In the end, Yi Tian was really unsympathetic, so he had to sell one to Qibaozhai to recover the cost, and he planned to keep the other one as his trump card.

After the two parties negotiated, it was also a speed transaction, and then Yi Tian was still shopping in the "Qibaozhai", and spent [-] Lingshi to buy a five-level talisman pen made of the tail hair of Xiaoyue Sirius. Mo Jing and one hundred five-level talisman papers.

The blood of the three purgatory dogs from last time is still there. Yi Tian retreated in the guest room of "Qibaozhai" for three days, prepared the fifth-level spiritual ink, and then took out the "Thousand Nail Ruler" talisman that he got back then, and laid it down After forming the Spirit Gathering Formation, he began to slowly draw the talismans.

It took only three days to refine two pieces, and Yi Tian also felt that the spiritual power was consumed a lot. It is really not easy to refine the talismans of the Jindan stage.

Before he had time to rejoice, he received a message from the sect, and the one who left the message was Qi Haosi, who asked Yi Tian to rush back to the sect, as the head had an urgent task to issue.It was only then that Yi Tian realized the seriousness of the situation, hurriedly left the customs, resigned from Lifu and Lishuilan, and rushed back to the Zongmen as quickly as possible.

After arriving at the Chiyang Hills, Yi Tian changed into the Zongmen costume and then drove the flywheel towards the Zongmen.Two hours later, when Yi Tian arrived at the mountain gate, he saw a Zongmen transport flying boat slowly sailing out, heading towards Donghai City.

Seeing the battle, Yi Tian knew that something must have happened, but the Zongmen hadn't been dispatched like this for a long time, so he hurriedly entered from the mountain gate and flew directly to the palace of weapons.

At this time, there was a flood of people coming and going in and out of the Hall of Qi, and every hall sent people to collect war supplies.Even when Yi Tian entered, no deacon disciples came forward to greet him. After glancing at him, Yi Tian strode towards the meeting hall in the back hall.

Before entering the door, I heard the voices of Qi Haosi and Pei Ming inside, as if the two were arguing endlessly about whether to stay or not.

I only heard Qi Haosi say: "Senior brother Pei, this time the sect issued an order, we should immediately act in solidarity instead of waiting here."

Pei Ming replied flatly: "Junior Brother Qi, this time the transfer of Donghai City requires me to do my best in the Artifact Hall. The younger brother is the formation and everyone happens to be in the Artifact Refining Department of Donghai City. The sect's affairs will be taken care of by the senior brother." Can."

None of the disciples below dared to speak out, and it was not their turn to speak for the list of people who decided to go on an expedition.

After pushing open the door of the inner hall with both hands, Yi Tian walked in with big strides. Everyone stood up immediately when they saw it, and they greeted each other and called 'big brother'.After scanning the crowd with his eyes, Yi Tian went straight forward.

Pei Ming and Qi Haosi also gave up the main position one after another, Yi Tian glanced at the two of them, and knew in his heart that Pei Ming's power under his own suppression in the past few years is far from what it used to be.This time, Pei Ming probably wanted to take advantage of the transfer order to distract Qi Haosi so that he could regain his power, and Qi Haosi also hurriedly summoned him to see this clearly before delaying until now.

After taking his seat at the main seat, Yi Tian first waved his hand to reassure everyone in the hall, then gave Qi Hao a reassuring look, and then said to Pei Ming: "Junior Brother Pei, give me the sect transfer order. "

Pei Ming also has no choice, originally Yi Tian wasn't here, he could still spend time with Qi Haosi, but now that Yi Tian is back, according to the rules of the Qidian, there can only be the first person to arrange everything, and when the first person is not there, then the senior elder brother of the Qidian can make the decision , he is at most ranked third.Seeing that he finally found an opportunity to regain the right to speak in Qidian, this time Yi Tian's return disrupted his plan, Pei Ming had no choice but to hold back his temper that was about to explode, and handed the master's order jade slip to Yi Tian.

After getting the jade slip, Yi Tian stretched in with his spiritual sense and scanned it to understand the main idea of ​​the Zongmen's transfer order. The reason was that after nearly 40 years, Donghai City was attacked by sea beasts again, and this attack was even worse than More violent than ever.

Ninghai City in the north was also breached by the Sea Clan at the same time, so this time it was a joint operation of the six factions. In the early stage, they were preparing to stand by and wait for reinforcements, and defended through the island chain extending from the two cities.

The team led by the Chiyang faction this time turned out to be the leader Chiyangzi, Bai Qingsong and Gao Qingshan from the Gao family. The first batch of main disciples have already set off, and the second batch of backup reinforcements and disciples from the Hall of Pills Ye Qingchen will lead the team to set off in three days.

Looking at the list of personnel, Yi Tian felt that this battle was definitely not easy, and it would definitely be a big fuss if all the masters were dispatched.But now that the Chiyang faction is under the leadership of Lie Yanzi, the deputy head, Yi Tian thinks it is really not a good thing, and he is afraid that it will be troublesome if Lie Yanzi comes to clean up.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face became gloomy, and after thinking about it for a while, he said to all the juniors in the hall: "This time the sect is in trouble, we must define it as the sect's share of worries, in view of the problem of manpower deployment in the Qi hall , I suggest that two juniors, Pei Ming and Qi Haosi, lead the team at the same time."

Then he turned his head and told Pei Ming: "Junior Brother Pei, you will be in charge of the logistics of the Donghai City Equipment Palace."

Pei Ming was annoyed when he saw it, but he had nowhere to vent, so he replied with a somber face: "Junior brother takes orders."

Seeing that he is so acquainted, Yi Tian is not easy to chase after him, so he turned to Qi Haosi and said, "Junior Brother Qi is in charge of the defense of the Great Array in Donghai City. If there is any material expenditure, you can directly report it to the Beicheng Guard. Both sides will calculate independently. , and there will be no restraints, I will only discuss this matter with Master Ye later."

Qi Haosi was overjoyed, what he was most afraid of was that Pei Ming would play tricks behind his back, and now Yi Tian's arrangement completely freed him from any worries.Afterwards, Qi Haosi also got up carelessly and replied: "Junior brother takes orders, and will do his best to fulfill the sect's entrustment."

Then Yi Tian began to read out the list of the expedition. In order to avoid facts, each of the Pei and Qi families selected half of them, and then dismantled and reorganized them. General, Yi Tian just wants to assign Pei Ming's confidantes left in Qidian to different departments, no matter how difficult it is for them to get involved, it will be easier for Qi Haosi to clean up.

During the whole personnel assignment process, Pei Ming just sat there without saying a word, but Yi Tian was always paying attention to his movements, from beginning to end Pei Ming's fists were tightly clenched, and Yi Tian hoped that he could get mad on the spot Good, so you can give yourself an excuse to deal with it as well.

The expressions of Wan Rui and Huang Ziang sitting below are very different now.Wan Rui turned pale when he heard that his name was actually in Qihaosi's formation repair team, and secretly greeted the few sitting at the top in his heart.

Huang Ziang, who was on the side, was happy to see it in his eyes. Now that the backers of his arch-rival are gone, Senior Brother Qi will not be able to get close to Wan Rui properly in the future.Thinking about how sour he would be in Donghai City in the future, Huang Ziang wanted to laugh heartily.

Before Huang Ziang was happy for ten breaths, he couldn't laugh anymore. He only heard Yi Tian read: "Huang Ziang, the warehouse supervisor of Donghai City Equipment Hall." Now he couldn't laugh anymore, but seeing With Yi Tian's meaningful eyes, Huang Ziang knew that this appointment must have ulterior motives, so he nodded to Yi Tian.

Although this appointment was initiated by Yi Tian at zero hour, the ultimate goal is to disrupt Pei Ming's team, divide and rule them, isolate Pei Ming and make him a leveraged commander. He can be marginalized.

Seeing the expressions of Huang Ziang and Wan Rui, Yi Tian was also amused. In the future, the prospects of these two people will be different, and the gap will become wider and wider.

Pei Ming didn't expect that Yi Tian would come to take his salary from the bottom of the pot, looked at it with a face of resentment, and then closed his eyes helplessly, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

After arranging the list of expedition personnel for Donghai City, Yi Tian looked at Ning Yuxuan who was sitting below and said: "The storage of Qidian is the most important thing. Since Director Huang has been transferred to Donghai City, is there any one for the storage deacon?" Junior brother Mao then recommends himself." Shuran looked at Ning Yuxuan with a smirk on his face, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Seeing this, Qi Haosi felt happy, and it was the most suitable time to push the boat along the water, he turned to Yi Tianyi and said, "Brother Qi Zhenchuan, since the storage of the Qi Palace is so important, I think Junior Brother Ning can take on a big responsibility."

"What does Junior Brother Pei think?" Yi Tian turned his head and asked symbolically.

Pei Ming opened his eyes feebly and said, "Big brother can decide everything." After finishing speaking, he returned to the old monk's trance state.

After consulting the opinions of both parties, Yi Tian also said with a smile: "Junior Brother Ning, please work hard. Director Huang will hand over Junior Brother Ning later, and strive to handle all the sect's common affairs within three days, and then you can participate in the second session on time. Recruitment of the echelon."

Huang Ziang also stood up and said loudly: "Eldest brother, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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