
Chapter 1788 Intention

Chapter 1788 Intention
After Yi Tian's answer, the atmosphere in the living room became a little dull. Later, Taoist Qingxin opened his mouth to change the topic.After chatting for a few words, he suddenly said, "I wonder if fellow Daoist Yi can have a private chat?"

Yi Tian knew in his heart that there must be a serious business to discuss, but it seemed a bit strange to deliberately avoid Yishun and Mengluan.

On the contrary, Yishun stood up very sensibly and said: "This is also half of my house. You talk about me first and go to the back room to rest for a while. Remember to call me when you are dispatched."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the back compartment, this behavior made Meng Luan who was on the side stunned.She seemed to want to take this opportunity to be alone with Yishun, but she couldn't speak because of face.

Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to inform Qing Lianyun in the back room to ask her to take care of it, then turned to Mengluan and said, "Fairy can go to the back room to rest for a while, my senior sister is waiting in the backyard. If you need anything, you can tell her."

Hearing this, Mengluan got up and saluted Taoist Qingxin politely, then bowed to Yi Tiangong, then turned and left.

After the two of them left the main hall, Yi Tian raised his hand and opened the sound-proof barrier, turned around and said seriously: "I don't know what orders you have from fellow Taoist Qingxin?"

"I don't dare to be that, my junior brother admires Daoyou Yi very much, he said that he can make you a confidant with you during spiritual practice," Taoist Qingxin said softly with a smile.

"That's the praise of Taoist Xuanjizi," Yi Tian didn't change his face, knowing that Jiuli Jianghu would never reveal his thoughts for a few flattering words.On the contrary, Taoist Qingxin's visit this time made me feel that the other party was asking for something, and it was the kind of situation that would make me quite embarrassed.

Taoist Qingxin took out a jade box and put it in his palm, opened it lightly and sighed: "Friend Daoist Yi, please take a look."

Spiritual thoughts quickly swept across the jade box, Yi Tian frowned slightly and found that there was a broken flag in two.Needless to say, it should be found from Yan Peigong's body. This thing is the key to manipulating and dealing with the real body of Yuan Hao's remnant soul.

It's just that it's torn into two halves now, and without Lingqi's shackles, Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul would be lawless.Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't understand what the other party meant, so Xuanjizi's strength was more than enough to repair this thing, so he didn't have to go all the way to find him.

"How can I help you, Unknown Pure Heart Daoist?" Yi Tian asked sternly after putting away his spiritual thoughts.

"Yan Peigong died under the fire of ignorance. I didn't expect the fire to be so fierce that it destroyed a lot of things on him." Taoist Qingxin handed over the jade box and said, "This order flag has already been stained with a lot of ignorance. The breath of open flames, my junior brother can't do anything about it, so I asked Fellow Daoist Yi to repair it."

It turned out to be like this, so it was reasonable, Meng Qi was not able to control the flame of ignorance in the first place.It was unintentionally inspired and then contaminated Yan Peigong. Although he did his best, he still left a mess. This time, it is obviously duty-bound to take action.

After thinking about it, he shook his head and reached out to take the jade box and said, "Forget it, I need some time to re-sacrifice this thing, and in addition, I need some high-level auxiliary materials."

"That's no problem. Junior brother mentioned this to me before, and he prepared enough precious materials for me to bring along before leaving," Taoist Qingxin said, then took out a storage bracelet and handed it over.

After Yi Tian took over, he stretched his divine sense into it and found that there was a space of about a hundred feet in radius, in which many high-level treasures were placed.It's just that after the divine thoughts were scanned, there was a look of suspicion on his face, he looked up at Taoist Qingxin and asked, "I'm afraid Xuanjizi's appeal this time is not as simple as offering a sacrifice to the command flag?"

"Exactly," Taoist Qingxin took out another jade box and handed it over, "Please ask fellow Taoists to refine this object again." After speaking, his eyes were a little unnatural.

A solemn look appeared on Yi Tian's face and he said: "Does it really need to retrain the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe' to deal with the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao?"

"Hey, this is also reserved for emergencies," Taoist Qingxin said: "The fire chain has sent a message. He and Zeng Shun followed the real body of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul all the way, and found that the other party seemed to be looking for it in the depths of the demon world. What. I was almost caught and dealt with several times, but it was a pity that he ran away in the end."

"You know what the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao is looking for?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's the forbidden stone. According to the information from the chain of fire, the most likely target of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul is still in the corpse prison in Beastmaster's Cave, where a large number of his loyal followers and subordinates were suppressed. Taoist Qingxin showed helplessness on his face and said: "We are already planning for the worst, and the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror' is the most critical part of it."

So that's the case, no wonder he wants to send Yishun and Mengluan away.This thing is related to the success or failure of dealing with the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao, so Taoist Qingxin is also very cautious.He probably got the news from Xuanjizi and finally made the decision after the two discussed it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian sighed and said: "I can promise to re-sacrifice this thing, but if you use this treasure, you will definitely attract prying eyes from all parties. I believe that Jiuxian Mountain will become the target of all races in the demon world in the future." Yi Tian reminded.

"The newly practiced spirit treasure belongs to you. If you want to go to Shenshi Prison, there are only seven people who will go with you," Taoist Qingxin explained: "Fellow Taoists only need to control the 'Qiankun Demon Mirror', and I will wait for the rest of the six." People can handle it," Taoist Qingxin said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist is trapped in an unrighteous situation," Yi Tian hurriedly distinguished: "I don't know who are the seven people who are traveling together?"

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yi, you are a distinguished guest of my Nine Immortals Mountain, and even the Patriarch treats you with great courtesy. What's more, how can we make things difficult for you if you help each other one after another?" Taoist Qingxin comforted.

"That's what you say, but fellow daoists have to tell me the news so that I can feel at ease," Yi Tian asked.

"This time, the fire chain is the vanguard and Zeng Shun is the assistant," Taoist Qingxin said, "You and I, together with Yishun and Mengluan, can go out after the Lingbao is refined."

"Who is the seventh person?" Yi Tian asked, frowning.

"One of Master's avatars is on their way, so there are seven of them in total," Taoist Qingxin said with a blink of an eye, "And this time about the 'Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth' is entirely the words of Master, he said that things are in your hands It’s the most appropriate, maybe you can use it sometime.”

After listening to Yi Tian's face, a bit of surprise appeared, but in his heart, he looked at Senior Red-bearded Spirit Ape with admiration.Needless to say, he must be aware of his identity and intentions.There is something in these words, what is it that can be used, isn't it obvious that it will be used to deal with the chain of fire in the future.

After weighing the pros and cons in his heart, Yi Tian gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay, that's the deal."

(End of this chapter)

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