
Chapter 1793 Returning to the Beast King's Den 4 Battle Begins

Chapter 1793 Returning to the Beast King’s Cave and the Fourth Battle
In the underground palace, the red-bearded ape led a group of people to track down the location of Emperor Yuanhao's avatar.Unexpectedly, he also had two extremely powerful helpers present, namely Bai Ling and Xuangui, the close bodyguards of the former emperor.

Even though they had been dead for thousands of years, their physical bodies were still not loose, and now they were once again controlled by the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao using secret magic powers.Only if this is the case, Taoist Qingxin and the chain of fire will be able to entangle him. At this time, Yi Tian sacrificed the "Demon Mirror of Universe" in his hand, and a white halo swept across the audience, making all the monster monks panic Startled by it.

Fortunately, our own personnel knew in advance that there was this spirit treasure to assist in the battle, and they were also terrified when they saw the white light.In an instant, the beam of light from the 'Demon Mirror of Heaven and Earth' hit Xuangui's body.At this time, after the former guardian opened his mouth and let out a wailing cry, his whole body rolled on the ground and showed its original shape.

In the white light is an old tortoise the size of a millstone, its appearance as a demon spirit is printed in the Niwan Palace on its forehead.At this time, his demon spirit's eyes were red at all, not like a demon spirit under normal circumstances, and bursts of black demonic aura emanated from his body.

Taoist Qingxin, who was in charge of dealing with the black turtle, looked sullen and pointed at the demon spirit, saying, "It turns out that the demon spirit of the black turtle has already exhausted its lifespan by using the evil force and the corpse control talisman to manipulate the dead body. After the secret operation, the demon spirit was kept alive to guard the main body of Emperor Yuanhao."

"It's a pity that their loyalty was taken advantage of by a soul splitter, it's really sad," said Yi Tian, ​​who was holding the 'Demon Mirror of Universe', but said disdainfully.

"Since the lingbao has an effect on these demon corpses, let's make a quick decision," Taoist Qingxin said, took out a few talismans and activated them in his hands, and then murmured: "Go."

Those talismans spun rapidly in the air, and after injecting spiritual power, the runes on them glowed with golden light, and then turned into a chain of runes and flew towards the black turtle.

After a few sounds of "嗖嗖嗖", Xuangui, who was suppressed by the "Qiankun Demon Mirror", struggled vigorously, but he was wrapped in a golden rune chain.

Taoist Qingxin was holding the other end of the rune chain and began to tighten the rune chain after continuously injecting spiritual power.This is obviously the method of spiritual cultivation to deal with corpse cultivation, but it is extremely effective at this time.

Xuangui's physical strength is powerful, but it is still controlled by the demon spirit. At this time, the demon spirit has been dead for a long time, and the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao is just a coincidence and used the corpse control method to force him to help in the battle. .

Those golden rune chains are composed of corpse-binding talismans and soul-suppressing talismans. Under the control of Taoist Qingxin, golden lights attached to the black turtle's body to restrict its movements.

The remnant soul avatar of Emperor Yuanhao in the distance saw this grim expression, and drew out his hand, quickly knotted the seal and pointed at the demon spirit in the Niwan Palace on the forehead of the black tortoise.In an instant, the demon spirit opened its eyes to reveal a red aura, and the corpse began to struggle violently, trying to break free.

Taoist Qingxin's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly sealed again. The colorful aura on his hand suddenly appeared, and the coefficients were all injected into the chains of binding corpses. After three breaths, the golden rune chains flashed like colorful halos in an instant.After tightening Xuan Gui's body again, one end of the chain directly plunged into his Niwan Palace, entangled his demon spirit in five flowers.

Taoist Qingxin took the colorful chain with both hands and pulled it out vigorously. The demon spirit in the Niwan Palace moved slowly in response to the sound. As he was pulled out of the Niwan Palace bit by bit, his whole body seemed to have no backbone. , The strength of the struggle became smaller and smaller until finally it fell to the ground with a 'slap' and could no longer move.

And in the air, a demon spirit bound by colorful chains flew out, Taoist Qingxin hurriedly flew forward to take out the jade bottle and put the demon spirit into the bottle.

After cleaning up the black turtle, Yi Tian turned his gaze to Bai Ling, and at this time, the chain of fire was in a stalemate with him.Yi Tian was about to cover up the halo in the 'Qian Kun Demon Mirror' in his hand, but he heard the chain of fire but hurriedly shouted: "Don't bother fellow daoists to help, the old man can handle it, it's more urgent for you to help Chiran. "

Yi Tian followed the voice and turned his head to look, and saw that the red bearded spirit ape was fighting with the real body of Emperor Yuanhao, but it was obvious that the opponent's strength was so overwhelming that he was forced to defend everywhere.

With a sound of '嗖', a white light in the 'Mirror of the Universe' shines directly on the body of Emperor Yuan Hao, and the burly man is instantly frozen.The next moment, the armor on his body was stretched open, black barbs grew out of his whole body, and black dragon scales appeared on his skin.

His head became bigger and turned into a black dragon head, his hands and feet turned into black dragon claws, but his appearance remained in the shape of a dragon and did not completely change into a monster.At this point, Yi Tian was stunned, he never thought that Emperor Yuanhao's real body would look like this, even Taoist Qingxin, who was standing beside him, was puzzled.

On the other hand, the red bearded ape scolded angrily after seeing it: "You actually found a pair of black dragon men from the demon dragon clan to possess Emperor Yuanhao's true soul. I'm afraid that if the main soul finds out about this, you will be very angry."

After the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao defended against the attacks of Yishun and Zeng Shun, he said disdainfully: "The times have changed, and now he is in a deep sleep, and his strength is not fully developed, and you destroy his golden dragon avatar. It is very inappropriate to find a similar dragon body. Although I did not expect you to refine the 'Demon Mirror of Universe', this dragon body does not seem to be restricted by spirit treasures."

After speaking, he manipulated the dragon to come back to help him, and then he kept chanting spells.At the same time, the original statues on the walls around the main hall of the palace slowly opened their eyes as if they had been summoned.

"He wants to release all the prisoners," the red bearded ape shouted urgently: "Stop him quickly, otherwise we will be very passive."

After speaking, he rushed forward first, and after a red aura appeared on his body, his whole body turned into a spirit ape about the size of Zhang Xu. With both fists, he swung his fists and hit the real body of the remnant soul of Emperor Yuanhao.

With two sounds of 'bang bang', two black dragon claws locked the fist of the red bearded spirit ape at the right time, and it was the black dragon who forcibly blocked it.Moreover, his physical body seemed to be stronger than the red bearded ape. When the two hands collided, the red bearded ape was shocked back two steps, while the black dragon man himself just swayed and stood still.

There was a loud 'hula' sound, and two flames swung past the black dragonman from the left and right sides and struck at the defensive cover of Emperor Yuanhao's remnant soul avatar.The scorching dragon karma fire and the ignorance fire hit his defensive cover at the same time, so he had to stop the spell in his mouth and strengthen the spiritual power input of the defensive cover.

(End of this chapter)

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