
Chapter 1805 Edgeless Mountain 7 Conversation

Chapter 1805
Dugu Lonely is worthy of being the Demon Ancestor of the Sky Demon Clan, even a clone is much stronger than his current state of Demon Cultivation.If you switch to the state of spiritual cultivation and then cooperate with your own natal skills, the chance of winning is [-]%.

It is useless to say anything else at this time, the fists of the opponent in front of him are falling like raindrops.The Flame Hell Devil Fire on his body rose suddenly and covered the outside of his body with a thick layer.

The combined force of the two fists received most of the opponent's fist strength, and the missing bombardment was entangled by the fire armor and dispersed the strength.

After withstood the opponent's onslaught, Yi Tian suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply, but suddenly there was an ominous premonition wrinkled in his heart.Opposite Dugu Lonely's eyes flashed a strangeness, and then the two horns on his forehead suddenly flashed an aura, while his fists crossed against him, he broke open the middle door and slashed towards his face.

That horn is the hardest part of Tian Mozhen's body, if it hits the weak point on the body, it will be cut in half on the spot.Yi Tian gritted his teeth, and used his spiritual thoughts to control the Curse Heaven Demon Bell above his head to land in front of him, forcibly resisting the fatal blow from the opposite side.

With a sound of 'clang', the two missed each other and separated. Yi Tian held the Curse Sky Demon Bell in his hand and looked at it, but his face showed pain.A deep depression was left on the spirit treasure, which fortunately blocked the attack, but the Cursing Heaven Demon Bell could no longer be used for the time being.

Putting away the spiritual weapon, Yi Tian still locked his spiritual thoughts on Dugu Lonely with a vigilant face, and he would never relax just because of a simple sentence.

On the contrary, Dugu Lonely on the opposite side looked upright and looked at the person in front of him before slowly putting away the demon spirit power in his hand.After three breaths, the demon avatar faded away and the whole person returned to a normal state. At this time, he was muttering non-stop, and his eyes also changed a little when he looked at himself.

Seeing that the other party seemed to want to die down, Yi Tian also slowly put away the flame prison demon body skill on his body, and stood aside to take precautions secretly.

Shaoqing only listened to Dugu Lonely and said: "Boy, you are very good. When I cultivated like you, I didn't have your current strength."

"Senior praised you," Yi Tian pretended to be relaxed, but in fact there was no slack in his mind.

As if he had seen through his intentions, Dugu Lonely laughed dumbly and said, "Okay, I still want face as an old man. Since I said that you will not make another move as long as you take the last move, then of course you must do what you say."

"It seems that the seniors have already learned some news from Emperor Youming," Yi Tianxi asked, "I wonder if you can reveal why he is so highly regarded."

"Hehe, not only him, but even I now think that you are the third person most likely to achieve Mahayana stage in the devil world," Dugu Lonely said without hesitation: "And the path you walk is the same as that of the devil prince Qiu Yu back then. It's exactly the same, so as long as you don't fall, promotion is a sure thing."

Like Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Devil, Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he knew a lot about the situation here.But it's another thing to say it from Dugu Lonely's mouth. I don't know what he thinks of the devil prince back then, and as the ancestor of the demon, he naturally knows more secrets.

After thinking about it, he restrained his posture and said in a slow tone: "How can He De be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the predecessors of the demons, the predecessors are too flattering. I don't know what the 'Way of Silence' the predecessors are talking about?"

"Well, seeing that you will reach my level sooner or later, I will tell you the key words for the demons to achieve the Mahayana stage," Dugu Lonely said flatly.

"Could it be that there is no natural barrier for the demon monks to achieve the Mahayana period," Yi Tian asked with a questioning face.

"You should know that there are no fewer than ten vassal races among the seven major clans in the demon world. There are not a few of them who can reach the fusion stage. There are no more than five people who can break through the fusion sky and achieve the Mahayana stage from the Middle Ages to the present," Dugu Lonely explained.

"There are only four people in the middle ages, which is indeed a little small," Yi Tian said thoughtfully, "In other words, there are seven or eight Mahayana monks in other interfaces during this period."

"Indeed, the demons will face a dilemma after they have reached the fusion stage," Dugu Lonely said. It is said that more than ninety-nine percent will practice the former path."

"Why is this so? Is there any limitation in choosing 'The Way of Silence'?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's not a limitation, but a problem with its own cultivation skills. Most demon monks use killing and fighting to continuously improve their cultivation methods. This all coincides with the 'way of violence'," Dugu Lonely said: "I Instead, I found characteristics from you that are different from ordinary demons."

Yi Tian was taken aback, wondering if he had checked out the problem of his dual cultivation of spirit and demon, but he rejected this idea in a flash.Then he tried to ask: "I don't know if there is something in the lower body that can attract seniors."

Dugu Lonely smiled and joked forward, "According to the records in the history of the Demon Realm, apart from the one who ascended to the ascension 5 years ago, the monks who achieved the Mahayana stage are only the Demon Saint, the Prince Qiu Yu and the old man. From you I can see the shadow of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu on your body, and it is very similar, so I can conclude that you are walking the 'path of silence'."

"It really is like this," Yi Tian thought in his heart: "This is inseparable from the fact that both I and Master Jie Ding have studied the Buddhist martial arts. I didn't expect that a single recitation of the Buddha and the demon would have achieved the 'way of silence' of the demon cultivator." .”

After thinking about it, he said with a respectful expression on his face: "I have also heard a little about the deeds of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, but it is a pity that he fell into the spirit world."

"Actually, I also participated in the interface invasion battle that he participated in back then," Dugu Lonely said thoughtfully, "Fortunately, I led the first batch of troops back to the Demon Realm, just thinking about it. In the spirit world, but I don’t know why?”

Unexpectedly, Dugu Lonely also noticed many inexplicable things in the behavior of the devil prince Qiu Yu back then.I have come into contact with Qiu Yu's reincarnation body before, and now Chi Wuji, the young master of the Lihuo Palace, is trying to lure him back to the Great Leiguang Zen Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm.If you want to know the whole story of the matter, you should take the time to chat with him face to face, presumably as long as Chi Wuji retrieves all the memories of the past life, the matter will be clear.

"Didn't the seniors try to find out the reason for the interface invasion?" Yi Tian asked.

"It may seem like an aimless invasion to others, but it is actually a test of the existing forces in the demon world, and a reshuffle of forces," Dugu Lonely replied: "Otherwise, after ten thousand years of development, the existing resources will not be able to supply everyone race, there is bound to be civil strife."

(End of this chapter)

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