
Chapter 1810 Mind

Chapter 1810 Mind

Originally, he thought that Zhong Liangsu could be a bit more reserved as a monk in the fusion period, but he didn't expect that he was such a person with no position.However, Yi Tian's mood is relieved, he is not afraid of encountering troublesome opponents, so he can't fight against them if they have no hobbies.

The psychic liquid in this jade bottle was extracted by himself from the purified 'fairy magic liquid' and then diluted.It can be decomposed into pure spiritual liquid with high spiritual power content in less than ten minutes, which is more than one level higher than the spiritual liquid found from the outside world.

I have already tried to dilute two drops and divide it into two full bottles, take out five drops to brew spirit wine, and prepare the rest to distribute to people around me.This time, I happened to meet Zhong Liangsu, so I took out a gift. As for Qing Lianyun, she was my family, so of course I couldn't neglect it, so I gave her two drops.

But what Zhong Liangsu said was also reasonable, although the effect of taking this kind of pure spiritual liquid directly is not bad, it is definitely not as good as mixing it into elixir.And as long as one piece of precious material can be used for two purposes if it is properly refined, there are naturally not many things that can be used to improve the cultivation base of Zhong Liangsu at the initial stage of fusion.This time he came to the Ten Thousand Demon City in the Demon Realm to participate in the grand event, naturally he wanted to find some natural treasures to improve his cultivation.

Fortunately, he was lucky to meet him directly, and because of Qing Lianyun's incident, he got two drops of pure spiritual liquid for no reason.

After putting away the two jade bottles, Zhong Liangsu showed a satisfied look on his face, then he looked at Yi Tian and Qing Lianyun in front of him with a smile on his face and said: "Okay, if you don't want to stay in a female college, Lianyun, you are also a big girl." Yes, I can decide many things by myself. As an elder, I agree with Daoyou Yi very much. As for the suzerain, I will take care of it. Sheng Zhuangxiong of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is not unreasonable even though he has a stubborn temper Later, I will find the medicine man sent by Qihuang Miaoshou to come forward as a lobbyist to solve this matter once and for all."

After hearing this, Qing Lianyun showed joy on her face, and hurriedly replied: "Thank you, grandpa, for making this happen. Of course, I have problems with this matter, but I believe it will not hurt the harmony between the two factions if grandpa comes forward to deal with it."

In the final analysis, the relationship between Taiqing Pavilion and Feiyu Sword Sect is still taken into consideration, so Qing Lianyun still has some scruples about it.However, what Yi Tian said was extremely boring to him. The two factions are planning to join forces secretly to deal with Lihuo Palace, but if he reveals his identity in the future and returns, he doesn't know what the scene will be.

This matter has been disclosed to Qing Lianyun a long time ago, but she didn't elaborate on the details, so she can guess something from it with her intelligence.But facing his grandfather, Qing Lianyun, he had to rely on him to clean up the mess in front of him.

A little later, Zhong Liangsu got up to leave, and said he was going to find the medicine man from Qihuang Miaoshou, and then went to Sheng Zhuangxiong to talk.

After he left, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened the sound-proof barrier again, turned around to look at Qing Lianyun, and then said: "Grandpa is a wonderful person."

"Actually, don't blame her." Qing Lianyun said with an aggrieved expression, "I have practiced Taoism with my grandfather since I was a child, and the number of people in the sect who knows about this is no more than a slap in the face."

"It doesn't matter. Favorable innate conditions do not necessarily mean that you will be able to achieve success. Your cultivation still depends on your hard work," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

"Junior brother, it's good that you know, in fact, I never thought of calling myself the second generation of immortals, on the contrary, I am very envious of you, an ascended monk like you," Qing Lianyun said with a gloomy look.

Knowing that she was thinking, Yi Tian hurriedly explained: "What are you envious of? I think I lived in the open air when my cultivation base was low, and I had to worry about my own safety and the surrounding environment and those unknown opponents all the time. It's tense."

"It is precisely because of this that you have achieved such achievements. The old saying, 'Born in sorrow and died in peace' is very appropriate for you," Qing Lianyun said with a solemn expression: "We who cultivate Tao It is to overcome obstacles on the road, if things go too smoothly, after reaching a high level of cultivation, you will be stuck for thousands of years because of some bottlenecks."

"After all, you are still worried about whether you can cross the natural moat of the fusion period, right?" Yi Tian asked with a smile: "Actually, my Dao heart is spontaneous and natural, and everything just needs to be obeyed."

"It's easier said than done. In fact, I have been nesting in the sect and haven't had many opportunities to go out to practice, so I have lost opportunities," Qing Lianyun said: "After the incident in Wan Yao City, I want to go to the demon world. Traveling and looking for an opportunity that is suddenly like a fit period."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian nodded and said: "Yes, it is not advisable to blindly build a car with self-closing doors. If you want to make a breakthrough, you can only rely on yourself to explore. But I can see that you, senior sister, seem to have some concerns, and it has been going on for a long time. Ever since I met me in the demon world, something has been bothering me."

Hearing this, Qing Lianyun showed an unnatural look on his face, but after thinking about it for a moment, a flash of crystal flashed in his eyes, as if hesitant to speak.Having known her for nearly a thousand years, Yi Tian has never seen her behave like a little girl, and immediately stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms and comforted her: "Speak out if you have anything, and I can help even with big things. You solved it."

Unexpectedly, Qing Lianyun sobbed faintly and said, "Isn't it because you made me angry?"

"I made you angry," Yi Tian couldn't help showing a little embarrassment on his face, and then said: "Is it because I often go out and don't have much time to be with you during this time, does it make you feel lost?"

"You're not playing around outside. I've heard Fairy Mengluan tell you about the cause and effect of Yan Peigong's Rebellion, and the battle in the Beast King's Cave sinking corpse prison is also extremely dangerous," Qing Lianyun stretched out her hand and gently wiped her face The teardrops on his face continued: "I'm angry that I'm older than you, but now my cultivation base is getting farther and farther away from yours."

It turns out that Yi Tian suddenly realized that Qing Lianyun's heart is still with him.After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to pinch her buttocks, and said softly: "It turns out that this is what senior sister can't let go of."

Letting her hands rage on her body, Qing Lianyun blushed and said: "When we first met, your cultivation was only at the early stage of transforming gods, and after you arrived in the sect, you had already caught up with me within 300 years. By the time you disappeared Afterwards, I also gave up on it for a while, but when I met you again, I found that your cultivation has improved to the point where I want to look up. What's more, you are more diligent now. Now I am in the late stage of distraction and you are in the middle stage of integration , It’s a whole big step away, how can I settle down in my heart again.”

"It turned out to be this matter, senior sister, you are in the dark, in fact, you have not delayed your cultivation in handling sect affairs in the demon world in recent years," Yi Tianhaosheng comforted: "Next, you just need to take two drops of pure After taking the spirit liquid and refining it, you can smoothly reach the peak of the distraction stage, and then you can find an opportunity to break through to the fusion stage."

"Really?" Qing Lianyun asked with sideways eyes.

"As for the opportunity to break through, you can go to the Beast King's Cave for trial, I believe you will definitely find the opportunity to break through to the fusion stage there," Yi Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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