
Chapter 1816 Competition 4

Chapter 1816 Competition Four

After Yan Qiu on the opposite side made a move, he actually split the light arrow on the soul-suppressing bow in his hand into two. Although the power was weakened by most of this, Ke Yitian couldn't help being surprised.

I still have a dragon tortoise armor shield in my hand to defend, but I don't know how Yishun will make a move.Moreover, he and the black-winged dragon would naturally have some troubles when Yan Qiu attacked him from the side.

Immediately, he whispered the sound transmission, and Yishun also saw Yan Qiu's movements with his own eyes and knew that this move was not suitable, so he hurriedly got out of the way.Helplessly, the black-winged dragon followed closely behind, spitting out sulfur fireballs from time to time, without giving him any chance to breathe.

Suddenly, I saw light arrows flashing from the soul-suppressing bow and flying towards the two of them respectively. Yi Tianyi gritted his teeth and raised the dragon tortoise armor shield in front of him. Sweep away.What is different from the past is that there is a white halo mixed with the seven-colored aura. When the seven-colored aura shines on the black winged dragon, it directly makes its huge body tremble.

Then I saw that the body that was originally in Feidun was suddenly frozen in the air, and Yishun seized this chance to breathe and hurriedly regained his human form, took out a golden bell and held it in his hand, and then muttered words to make him Create the art of thunder and eight sounds.The golden light wave gathered in front of the mouth and then greeted the soul-repressing arrow.

'Bang bang' two loud bangs in the air, one yellow and one black, two spells slammed together fiercely.It's just that the stalemate didn't last long, and the black lightsaber swallowed the golden light wave in front of him and hit Yishun.

"Hide quickly," Yi Tian shouted in a hurry, at this time he also saw that the situation was not good, and the power of this soul-suppressing light arrow was far beyond his estimation.

After Yishun heard this, he drew back and dodged away, and at the same time Yi Tian also hurriedly used escapism to dodge from his original position.It's just that the soul-suppressing light arrow followed behind as if it had eyes, and its speed was getting faster and faster, almost exceeding the escape speed of the two of them.

Knowing that there was no way to avoid this situation, Yi Tian decided to erect the Dragon Tortoise Armor Shield in front of him, inject the spiritual power in his hand, and defend with all his strength.

With a 'bang dang' sound, the black light arrow hit the dragon tortoise armor with great force and force, and instantly pushed Yi Tianlian and the shield back ten feet away before he stabilized his figure in the air.

At this time, Yi Tian only felt numbness in his hands, and a black electric force was uploaded from the dragon tortoise shield to his palms.Shocked in his heart, he hurriedly ran his natal kung fu, Lihuo Nine Changes, and then resisted all the external electric energy.

Turning his head to see that Yishun in the distance is not much better than himself, the black light arrow flew from behind and hit the golden bell of Brahma. The crisp sound of 'Dang' left a trace on the bell, and then flew towards Yishun.

Suddenly an emerald green light flashed to protect Yishun, Yi Tian scanned carefully with his spiritual sense and found that it was the jade ring that was given to him before.Yishun looked overjoyed and hurriedly poured his spiritual power into the emerald ring crazily, but the defensive light on it was invisible, as if it had skyrocketed.

Yi Tian hurriedly shouted: "That is the treasure of Daleiguang Temple, and it must be driven by the power of Buddhism to show its power."

When Yishun heard the words, he kept chanting the eight-tone mantra of heavenly thunder, and the emerald jade ring flashed a soft green light instantly, covering Yishun's whole body.

After the soul-suppressing light arrow broke through the defense of the Brahma Golden Bell, it was stuck by the defensive cover of the emerald jade ring, but it failed to swallow the aura above it again, and it lasted for ten breaths before it slowly dissipated.

The people behind didn't expect that the two of them would be able to withstand Yan Qiu's offensive in such a way, and immediately showed a little joy on their faces, at least their lives were safe.

On the other hand, the black-winged dragon seemed to have lost its soul after being fixed in the air, and the position of the demon baby was clearly shown on its forehead.Everyone watching the battle could see that the black-winged dragon's demon baby seemed to have lost its soul at this time, and was entangled by the colorful aura, and could not mobilize its spiritual power at will.

Yi Tian bowed his head and said quietly through voice transmission: "I've fixed it, don't hurt its life when taking the blood of the real dragon."

When Yishun in the distance heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he turned back into a five-clawed golden dragon and flew towards the black-winged dragon.The sharp claws directly scratched through the hard skin on the back of the black pterodactyl, and then drew a stream of blood to form a fist-sized blood mass in the air.Spit out the Burning Dragon Karma Fire from the mouth, wrap the blood mass and then flash back with it.

This kind of movement was done in one go, even Yan Qiu, who was far away, couldn't gather the second move of soul-suppressing light arrow, so Yi Tian and Yishun joined together.After the seven-colored aura in his hand dissipated, the black pterodactyl in the distance felt as if his body was loosened, as if the power that restrained it had disappeared.

Even so, the black-winged dragon did not move out again. At this time, after the power of the real dragon's blood was drawn from his body, his momentum was obviously weaker, and he was no longer as strong as before.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Tian cupped his hands towards the opponent and said, "I have learned the unique skills of fellow Taoist Yan Qiu, and it is indeed amazingly powerful. Fortunately, this time I have a spirit treasure to protect me. In terms of strength, we are on the same level. Let’s consider the third game as a draw.”

Speaking of which, I am a good guy when I get cheap, but I always have to give my opponent a step down.After saying this, all the people behind will also rush to echo it.It can be said that the result of the competition has greatly exceeded expectations, and the medicine man doesn't want to really offend his opponent to death, as long as he can suppress it, he can gain the initiative in the exchange transaction.

Yi Tian has already done this completely, and the next thing is to grind his mouth.And considering the face value, Yi Tian chose a very appropriate time to speak out at this time.

As notaries, Zhan Shanhu and Hou Yuan looked at the crowd with apologetic smiles on their faces at this time, and they also opened their mouths and kept their mouths shut, meaning peace is the most important thing.It's just that when their eyes swept over him, there was a hint of panic in their eyes inadvertently.As a monk in the fusion period, he naturally has such eyesight, and Yi Tian also understands it very well in his heart.

Although I used colorful rays of light to confuse the audience just now, I still quietly held up the 'Qian Kun Demon Mirror' in my hand. "That's why I was able to control the enemy with one move and nail the black-winged Pocket Dragon to death in the air. As the famous Yaozun in the demon world, he naturally knew that Xuanjizi, the suzerain of Jiuxian Mountain, had a spiritual treasure called 'Huntian Appearance Wheel' in Yan's hands." It was used during the Pei Gong Rebellion.

Yan Peigong, who was beaten at that time, had no power to fight back, and his weaknesses were fully exposed under the illumination of the Lingbao.Today, although the spirit tool used by Yi Tian is blocked by the colorful rays of light and cannot be seen clearly, it is definitely not three points stronger than the 'Muntian Appearance Wheel'.Forgive me for not seeing that the demon pets who were originally ninth-level mid-level had no power to fight back under the light of this halo.At this moment, Zhan Shanhu and Hou Yuanna didn't know how to deal with the matter in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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