
Chapter 1818 Trivia

Chapter 1818 Trivia
On the way back, Yi Tian found that Tsang Shanhu was getting close to him intentionally or unintentionally, obviously he saw something, but he hadn't fully confirmed it yet.

On the other hand, Patriarch Hou Yuan, who was on the side, did not change his expression, although he seemed to have something to say, he remained silent all the way, and only let the mountain tiger stand out in everything.

Don't need to think about it, the two monsters must have had a private conversation before they came to find me, but I don't know what their intentions are.After flying for a while, Yi Tian pretended to catch up with the three people in front and prepared to speed up his escape, while Shanhu was chatting with himself.It is better to point out some things that I know so suddenly.Later, he bowed his head and said in a voice transmission: "You Daoist Yi is strong and a human race spirit. He is the best notary to handle my orc family affairs."

"Oh, I don't know what's going on with the beast race, do I need to come forward to deal with it?" Yi Tian asked.

"Fellow Daoist Yi should know about Yan Peigong's chaos," said Shanhu.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian made a gesture, then motioned for the other party to continue, Chuangshanhu saw himself and objected, and continued, "The Qilin clan is the leader of the beasts, but a scum like Guo Rui, the son of Qilin, is really my beast clan. What a great misfortune."

Hearing this, Yi Tian could smell it. Qilinzi Guo Rui's problem of running a mountain tiger is known, and his crimes are well known.Although Yan Peigong's rebellion has been resolved, the settlement after autumn will have to be dealt with after all.

Seeing this posture, Shanhu and Houyuan were fed up with the oppression of the Qilin clan, so they wanted to wait for an opportunity to counterattack if they didn't find an opportunity.But Guo Rui had already surrendered and died by his own hands, but no one knew about it.But I don't know how Shanhu is going to make a fuss about it?After thinking about it, he nodded and replied: "Guo Rui lured wolves into the house, causing Yan Peigong to enter the beast king's den, and finally caused chaos in the demon world."

"Isn't that right, this beast also poisoned his own family, and he can be convicted as a traitor to the demon world for any crime," Shanhu said.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but Yi Tian asked back: "But I don't know why you are looking for me?"

"It's time for the Beast Clan to re-determine the universe," Shanhu replied in a deep voice, "During the celebration of the Ten Thousand Monster City, I will wait for the Beast Clan to come together and ask the head of the Qilin clan to come and discuss major issues. I invited the Yaozun of the Huofeng Clan as a witness, meeting Yi Daoyou today just saves the need to go to Jiuxian Mountain and Huojiao Clan fellows."

It turned out that it was no wonder that they secretly wanted to find themselves as a notary. If the situation of the orcs was re-established, they would definitely adjust the proportion of the whole day's sacrificial ceremony accordingly.The prestige of the Qilin tribe is gone, and the loss of two ninth-level demon masters in the tribe naturally can no longer calm down the previous scene.

And as the Lion Clan and Tiger Clan second only to the Qilin Clan, they will naturally not let go of such a golden opportunity. They will definitely join forces to force the Qilin Clan to make great concessions at the meeting.

As for finding him, he was just looking for Qicai Xiaguang and Yishun by his side. Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled inwardly and said, "Cuanshanhu is really a good planner. Among these demon venerables, he is the only one who has had two encounters with himself. , so it is more certain for him to speak. As for Hou Yuan who is silent on the side, it seems that he is also waiting for his own statement."

After pretending to be deep, Yi Tian still sighed and then said via voice transmission: "It seems that you have also seen my situation, so I can agree to come forward to be this witness. But I will only come forward and will not disturb the orcs. Let’s go ahead with the meeting according to your wishes.”

"That's a good relationship, but it's good to ask Fellow Daoist Yi to reveal the unique skill of the Nine Immortal Mountain, the colorful glow, which is a necessary process to prove his identity," Shanhu replied.

"Let's talk about it at that time," Yi Tian wondered if the two demons had ever doubted the "demon mirror of the universe", but now everyone has a tacit understanding and no one has pierced the window paper.

Thinking of the matter of purifying the blood of the real dragon, Yitian said: "I need black leaf grass and Qingshuangzi on hand. If you can provide one, I will be very grateful."

Climbing Mountain Tiger is not very proficient in such things. Instead, he turned his gaze to Hou Yuan, who said: "Black Leaf Grass and Qing Shuangzi are treasures that are rare in the demon world for a thousand years. Fellow Daoist Yi thinks I will naturally try my best to find it. This matter can only be investigated in many ways, and I can't guarantee that I will find it."

Since Hou Yuan opened his mouth and agreed, it was better than searching for it by himself without a clue.Thinking about it, Yitian arched his hands and said his thanks first, and then the three of them agreed on the time to participate in the Orc Race Conference and the things that need to be paid attention to when they go out.Zhan Shanhu also emphasized that Yishun must appear at the same time, so that the conference can be recognized by the three major forces in the demon world.

After a few hours, the master returned to the boundary of Ten Thousand Monsters City. There is a lot of people coming and going in the city now, but naturally, high-ranking monks don't need to see them as well.After a while, people from all walks of life dispersed one after another, and Yi Tian followed Zhong Liangsu directly back to the Yaju on Huxin Island in the Qingfeng Substation.

After returning, he found that Qing Lianyun had gone out at this time, so Yi Tian was at peace.On the contrary, Zhong Liangsu approached him and said that he had something to discuss.

Yi Tian had no choice but to follow him into the elegant residence on the island in the middle of the lake, sat down face to face in the two halls in the courtyard, and waited quietly for him to speak.

Later, Zhong Liangsu took out a jade box and handed it over: "This is your reward, I got it from the medicine man early in the morning."

After receiving the jade box, Yi Tian opened it lightly, and then scanned it with his divine sense, only to see two crystal clear pills of 'Xingmeng Reincarnation Pill' placed in it.Closing the lid and putting it away, Yi Tian said with a relaxed expression, "Now I thank Lianyun."

"Thank you, everything is a family," Zhong Liangsu replied with a smile: "Actually, this thing still needs to be combined with the Heavenly Returning Pill to get twice the result with half the effort. Oh grandson-in-law, you have pure spiritual liquid on your body, so you don't need the trouble of pills."

Speaking of this, Zhong Liangsu's complexion changed slightly, he was hesitant to speak, Yi Tian knew that he still wanted a drop, but at this time he couldn't find an excuse to ask for it again.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yi Tian smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I don't have much left of this pure spiritual liquid, unless it's something I need urgently, ordinary things can't enter my eyes."

"Look at what you said." Zhong Liangsu laughed and said, "Don't you want Black Leaf Grass and Qingshuangzi, if I find you a copy and exchange it for a drop."

"It's enough to have your words." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a jade bottle and handed it over: "There is a drop in it as a pre-payment, so you have nothing to say now."

Zhong Liangsu frowned and stretched out his hand to take it: "Leave it on me, even if you can't find what you want, I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

"That's good."

 Thanks for the support of Daoist Yunfeiying

(End of this chapter)

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