
Chapter 1828 Secret Discussion 2

Chapter 1828 secret discussion two

In the depths of the city lord's mansion, the recognition of Mengjing's mother and daughter can be regarded as a bottom line for Yi Tian.Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade the other party to agree to his plan, but now that Meng Qi has such an existence, it is a sure thing. The key is to see if the distribution of benefits from the orc clan will hinder the authority of the Huofeng clan.

Thinking about these things will be mentioned later, Yi Tian replied first: "Thank you for the praise, Fellow Daoist Mengjing, but there are many things in my lower body that I can't show my face too much, and I have some scruples about doing things."

"As far as I know, Daoyou Yi is a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth," Mengjing said with a smile: "otherwise, with your character, you will definitely not get involved in the demon world for no reason. You were included in the battle of the Beast King Cave Shen Corpse Prison, isn't this a scruple?"

"Fellow Daoist was joking," Yi Tian replied with a helpless sigh, "In the eyes of many people, I am glorious, but in fact I am walking on thin ice. Once I make a mistake, I will be in crisis."

"Your elder sister also told me about your identity. Logically, I shouldn't care about your sect's affairs, but Qiqi will definitely be involved in it after entering the sect," Mengjing's eyes flashed inadvertently when she said this. Feeling sad, she paused for a moment before continuing: "Actually, my eldest sister also said that younger generations have their own blessings, and you have to go through all the hardships you have to face before you can grow up."

"The relationship between fellow daoist Mengjing is still chaotic, but I can also consider the difficulties of fellow daoist," Yi Tiankai explained: "Since the senior sister said so, I believe there is a reason for her, and I can take care of myself with my strength." Apprentice Zhouquan can still do it."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yi, take care of me," Mengjing thanked again.

Hearing this, Yitian nodded first, and then said seriously: "The reason why I took the liberty to come here this time is mainly because Shanshanhu and Houyuan invited me to testify for the meeting of the beast tribe, but this Hongmen feast is not for the Qilin tribe. It seems to be with you, I don’t know if you have any opinions?”

"I don't dare to take it for a high opinion. I also received an invitation from Zoushanhu to witness on behalf of the Huofeng Clan." Mengjing handed back the invitation in her hand and said, "Speaking of which, the situation of the dominance of the Beast Clan has continued. For thousands of years, the Qilin tribe has used their innate advantages to suppress the rest of the tribes, and this time they will find an opportunity to counterattack and force them to hand over their power."

"That's what I'm worried about. After all, there are many aspects involved in the beast clan. If they are handled properly, they will definitely fall apart," Yi Tian said, looking at the other party's expression, only to see Meng Jing's response It is also quite recognized.

After thinking about it, he continued: "Listening to the meaning of the mountain tiger, he and Hou Yuan, as the patriarchs of the tiger clan and the lion clan, naturally want to get a share of this gluttonous feast, but I have dealt with these two people before, and their interests are intoxicating. Wanting to become the leader of the orc tribe has ambition but no ability."

"Yi Daoyou is right. When Zhanshanhu and Houyuan came to discuss with me, I saw that these two people are not easy people. If they are allowed to take charge of the affairs of the beast clan, it will definitely stir up conflicts between the races. "Mengjing interjected: "At least with the patriarch of the Qilin clan here, we can still maintain an undecided situation."

"Then I don't know what you imagined about this transformation of the orc clan?" Yi Tian asked back.

"My request is not high, let the Qilin clan split the power, but the beast clan can't fight internally, the current structure can't be broken, it's as simple as that," Mengjing directly expressed her thoughts and then turned her attention.

Yi Tian nodded slightly and said in agreement: "It's almost as I expected. The general trend is that the Qilin tribe can no longer monopolize a large amount of resources like this. It is bound to cut off half of them and distribute them to other tribes."

"Yi Daoyou, you are a lion, asking the Qilin clan to give up half, I'm afraid it will be difficult at this time," Mengjing thought for a while and said.

"Half is the bottom line. If this is the case, how can we settle down the other tribes that have been suppressed for thousands of years," Yi Tian explained: "And I believe that the patriarch of the Qilin tribe will definitely agree to spend ordinary resources to divert the attention of all tribes. He Le Instead of doing it."

Mengjing pondered for a while, then frowned slightly and said: "Yi Daoyou means to abandon the car to protect the handsome, and to divert attention. Turn the original denunciation meeting into a spoils meeting, so that no one can go after Qilinzi Guo Rui teamed up with Lord Yan Pei to create chaos."

"This is just a pretext. Presumably the patriarchs of these beast tribes understand very well that the Yan Peigong rebellion has subsided now. And Qilin son Guo Rui unintentionally created an excellent excuse for them. Now they want to The first thing to do is to strive for a large amount of resource allocation, which is the business, and those who get it are considered their own, those slogans are just shouting, and there is no benefit at all," Yi Tian explained.

"I don't know what Daoyou Yi thinks about this? Which clan do you prefer to take over the authority of the beast clan?" Meng Jing asked.

When mentioning this, Yi Tian knew that he still had to make a fool of himself, although he wanted to support Xiong Erbao in the top position, but the current situation did not seem to be such an easy task.After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "Originally, I planned to let my friend Xiong Erbao of the iron-eating beast clan come forward, but now it seems that it is very difficult to completely carve up the power of the Qilin clan. So I want to do it in the form of a group of elders. Reorganize the power, jointly elect five members of the elders, and select nine-level demon cultivators from the major demon clans to participate in the election."

"There is no problem with the number of people. We can discuss things when we encounter problems. No matter how bad it is, the minority can obey the majority." Mengjing thought for a while and said, "Just why don't we let the elders expand so that the Qilin clan and even the elders can be expanded?" The authority of the Lion Clan and Tiger Clan is scattered."

"The five-person team is my idea, mainly considering the problem of supplementation, so that one replacement can be made every thousand years, and one alternate can go in." Yi Tian smiled and blinked: "In this way, they will also make other races a bit Looking forward to it."

Mengjing understood instantly, and said brightly in her eyes: "Sure enough, it is a coup. It makes other races have hope, and at the same time, it can suppress a certain race every thousand years. In this way, they seem to form an alliance group, but they are actually in the middle." Constant intrigue will not pose any real threat to our clan."

Yi Tian knew early in the morning that Mengjing would still consider this matter from the standpoint of the Huofeng clan, and he would never blindly agree to himself just because he was Mengqi's master.I came up with this kind of strategy after thinking about it in my mind for a while. Of course, there are still many details to be discussed, but as long as I give a framework for the next thing, there will be many people rushing to do it. Make up the number to plug in.

(End of this chapter)

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