
Chapter 1831 Witness 1

Chapter 1831 Witness One
After arranging the business of the Qingfeng sub-station, Yi Tian calculated that the time was almost approaching the deadline for the Orc Clan to hold a meeting.He dismissed the two people around him first, and then called Yishun out again.

Even though he was following him now, if someone saw him coming out of the beast-controlling pouch around his waist, he would naturally have some strange thoughts.This time, both of them attended as witnesses, so everything should be given enough face.

After discussing in the wing room, Yi Tian explained in detail the operation and planning of his coming in.After Yishun listened carefully, he looked helpful, and later replied: "Since you have all the plans, then follow through with the steps, as long as there are no major mistakes, it should be fine."

Yi Tian nodded slightly, and then the figures of the two disappeared into the wing.

According to the invitation given by Zhan Shanhu, the meeting place of the Beast Clan was chosen in the south of Wan Yao City, which was originally held in the school grounds of Wan Yao City.Because it is related to the internal affairs of the orc clan, except for a few witnesses invited, only the patriarch and nine clan members of the other orc clan attended the meeting.

But even in such a hundred-foot-large meeting place, there are no empty seats around. It is conceivable that the variety of beast races far exceeds that of the Huojiao and Huofeng clans and their vassals.

Before this meeting, Zhanshanhu had already communicated with the clan leaders before this meeting, so everyone who came here had their eyes eagerly fixed on the location of the Qilin clan.This time, it is their interests that will be divided up. As for the leader of the Lion Clan, Tiger Clan, and Monster Cultivators, they are all fierce and fierce.After entering the venue, I saw Zhan Shanhu and Hou Yuan standing up and waving to them.

This also brought many patriarchs of other monster clans nearby to look sideways and turn their heads to look at the people who came down.Looking at Yishun's body, he was overwhelmed by his innate dragon power. This kind of strength is probably only possessed by the patriarch of the Huojiao clan.

Obviously, the Huojiao Clan sent people to witness the meeting, and the stronger the person coming, the stronger the Qilin Clan's arrogance would naturally be suppressed.Having figured this out, the patriarchs of the beast tribes around also stood up and bowed to Yishun with their nephews and nephews behind.

But when their eyes turned to Lingxiu behind Yishun, the faces of everyone showed puzzled and puzzled expressions.Then the Shanhu hurriedly stepped forward, Luck Dantian said: "Yi Daoyou's presence has added a lot to my orc race meeting, and I believe that this meeting will surely convince all the races participating in the meeting. gone."

Knowing that he was pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, Yi Tian neither admitted nor denied, but just replied to the other party with a smile.Anyway, Zhan Shanhu wanted to use the name of Jiuxian Mountain to establish his prestige, and he wanted to use this opportunity to support Xiong Erbao in his position. The mutual benefit of everyone is naturally self-evident.

Apart from Chuang Shanhu and Hou Yuan, there are very few people who know him. As for Xiong Erbao who is far away, he has already been arranged by him.As soon as their eyes crossed, the two pretended not to know each other, but in fact they had already secretly reached a tacit understanding in their hearts.

Then a colorful glow suddenly surrounded him, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.In the next moment, the seven-colored glow fell again on the seat among the witnesses, and when the halo faded away, Yi Tian was already sitting on the seat, arching his hands and paying back a salute to Zhan Shanhu and other patriarchs.

At this time, those knowledgeable patriarchs of the monster clan all looked sideways with fear inadvertently flashing in their eyes. The supernatural powers I used just now are the unique skills of Taoist Qingxin of Jiuxian Mountain.The Yaozu who had some objections shut their mouths wisely at this time, and then saw that Yi Tian was sitting in the middle of the three witnesses, so it can be said that the plenipotentiary represents Jiuxian Mountain, and its majesty cannot be challenged.

As for Zhanshanhu and Houyuan, the joy flashed across their faces. Since they moved out of the name of Nine Immortal Mountain, they should shock all the tribes present.Yi Tian's seemingly light hand just now has actually planted a nail in the hearts of everyone, and its deterrent meaning is beyond words and invisible, and it is also to create momentum for their two races.

Yishun walked up to the high platform with a blank expression and sat down in front of the empty seat on the left of Yi Tian.At this time, Mengjing had already arrived and sat on the right side, and the three of them were the first to greet.Everyone also understood in their hearts that today's events might not develop according to the plot arranged by Zhan Shanhu.

Later, only the area of ​​the Qilin tribe in front of the high platform was still empty in the big venue. Although the time had come, the people of the Qilin tribe had not yet arrived.This also made the patriarchs of the other beast tribes show impatience on their faces.

On weekdays, at the meeting held by the orc clan, Guo Linsheng, the patriarch of the Qilin clan, was always the first to visit, as if he was the host to entertain the visitors.But this time, it was too late to show off, making all the demon cultivators wait.

The three people sitting on the witness stand also showed strange expressions on their faces, and Yishun asked the host Zang Shanhu through sound transmission, but the latter also looked aggrieved.Although he raised and hosted this meeting, it is far less powerful than Guo Linsheng's ability to suppress everyone present.

He came forward with embarrassment on his face and was about to speak, when suddenly there was a strong wave of spiritual pressure from the corridor at the main entrance.Then ten figures appeared, but right in front of them were three demon cultivators leading a team walking in hand in hand.

The leader is Guo Linsheng, the patriarch of the Qilin tribe, but the one on his right is a demon cultivator dressed in black and emitting a sulfurous stench from his spiritual power.

Yishun, who was sitting next to Yi Tian, ​​narrowed his eyes and said, "It's that black-winged dragon. I didn't expect that it would look so disgusting when it turned into a human."

And walking on Guo Linsheng's left is a spiritual cultivator in a green robe, but the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body have been subdued to see the depth.But to be able to keep pace with these two ninth-level demon cultivators must have a high status.

Instead, Mengjing's voice suddenly sounded in Yi Tian's ear: "The two of you seem to be familiar with that black-clothed demon cultivator, you must have met face-to-face."

"He should be the Black Winged Pocket Dragon, the demon pet of Yan Qiu of the Yellow Spring Clan. We have fought against each other before," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"The man's eyes flickered slightly when he saw you. I think you should have taken advantage of a lot," Mengjing asked.

"It's just a fluke," Yi Tian said with a slight smile. He was able to rely on such a god-defying spiritual treasure as the 'Demon Mirror of the Universe', so it is naturally inconvenient to say it easily at this time.

On the other hand, even though it was the first time we met Lingxiu, there seemed to be some shadow of a druggie in him.Then he asked via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Meng, do you know where that Lingxiu came from?"

"The Poison Master of the Xinglin Sect, his strength is not strong, but he is comparable to the medicine master in terms of pharmacology," Mengjing replied.

(End of this chapter)

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