
Chapter 1833 Witness 3

Chapter 1833 Witness Three

Although the opinions put forward by Zhan Shanhu after the general meeting of the Zodiac Clan have been approved by the vast majority of groups, Guo Linsheng of the Qilin Clan has objections to it.If it really went according to the plan of Zhan Shanhu, his Qilin clan's participation in this conference today would definitely be suppressed to the extreme.

However, Guo Linsheng also has his confidence, and it is not for nothing that foreigners enshrine Modou and Poison Sacred Hand.Their strength is completely comparable to any of the ninth-level demon venerables here, especially Yan Qiu from the Huangquan clan behind Mo Dou.In this way, Guo Linsheng's proposal must be carefully considered by everyone. If Guo Linsheng really came to the door afterwards, except for a few major races, the rest would not be able to resist it.

As the saying goes, there are still three thousand nails in a rotten ship. Even though the strength of the Qilin clan is not as good as before, Guo Linsheng still has the power of the past.What he said put Zhan Shanhu on the bar, but at this time Hou Yuan opened his mouth to rescue him and re-determined the calculation method of foreign sacrifices.

In this way, Guo Linsheng's mouth was temporarily blocked, and with the support of the patriarchs of other races, the matter was proceeded step by step.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the witness stand, glanced at the three Qilin clan members with his divine sense, and finally locked his eyes on the poisonous master.After a glance, he turned his head to the right and asked Meng Jing through sound transmission: "I don't know if the master of poison is good at using poison, such a monk is quite difficult to deal with."

"He is as his name suggests. Although the Poison Master is a master of the Xinglin School, his vicious character is not the right way for the medicine man of the Qihuang School." Mengjing thought for a while and said, "But this person is indeed capable. It is said that he healed patients. Poison is good at times, but sometimes it works better than the orthodox way."

"It's true that the sword is slanted forward, but it's a pity that he still got the wrong direction," Yi Tian said disapprovingly.

"Oh, fellow Daoist Yi also has unique insights into pharmacology, I want to listen carefully," Mengjing asked immediately after smelling the words.

"I'm a little bit involved with pharmacology. Although I'm just a craftsman, pills have the same features," Yi Tian said solemnly: "The so-called art of war is to use righteousness to achieve victory, and it is naturally useful for refining crafts." , it is also suitable for alchemy."

"Yi Daoyou means that this poison sage is used to taking a slanted sword and instead gave up the original normal way," Meng Jing asked tentatively.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said solemnly: "That's true, 'Zheng He' is the key, and on top of that, the 'Qi Sheng' can be the icing on the cake. If you blindly chase the end, you will gain power for a while and give up the original idea." The orthodox way it should be”

"Then why is Fellow Daoist Yi so interested in this person?" Meng Jing asked after turning the subject.

Speaking of it, this is still related to the hands and feet he did on the velvet antler, a high-level treasure material that day. In fact, Yi Tian was also a little bit drumming, wondering if the other party would see through his little trick.

But I couldn't tell Mengjing about this matter, and after thinking for a while, she replied softly: "Actually, Yishun and I fought against that Modou before, and we also got a copy of the real dragon's blood of the other party."

"You can take everything from him to see you, fellow Daoist Lai Yi, you really don't show your face," Mengjing said, but she frowned slightly as if she was thinking about something, and after ten breaths, she sighed and said: "I sensed a trace of the power of the real dragon's blood in Qiqi, which is similar to the feeling in fellow Taoist Yishun. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Yishun took the initiative to push the blood for her back then?"

Unexpectedly, Mengjing would have such a guess, but Yi Tian had a slight smile on her face when she heard the words. It seems that Meng Qi still has some prejudices against her mother, so she didn't tell her recent experiences in detail.But as long as the other party feels that he owes him a big favor, it is fine, and some things must be clearly stated to avoid misunderstandings.

Then he told in detail about Yan Peigong's final death at the hands of Meng Qi in the Ten Thousand Monster City Rebellion.

After hearing this, Mengjing had a cloudy and uncertain expression on her face, and turned to look at Yishun who was sitting on the side showing some guilt.After Yi Tian finished speaking, she sighed and saluted Chao Yishun, then the corner of her mouth moved slightly, as if to say thank you.

Yishun was also easy-going and just nodded slightly in response, which made Mengjing a little unnatural.Her daughter got great benefits from Yishun, although she got it from Yan Peigong after toss and turns, but the root cause is still inseparable from the Huojiao clan.

When Yi Tian sees it, he strikes while the iron is hot and tells the truth about the blood of the real dragon that went to Mo Dou before and has not yet been refined. This allows Mengjing to fully understand the relationship between the next three.

Between the words of the two, it seems that the orcs have already calculated the results of today's calculation of the strength of each race.I didn't think that the Qilin clan would naturally still occupy the top position, but it was already very close to the remaining lion clan and tiger clan.

If it weren't for Guo Linsheng's insistence to count the strength of the two priests, his real situation might not be able to occupy the top spot.Yi Tian glanced over at the major races below and found that they all showed satisfaction on their faces at this time.Especially the Lion Clan and Tiger Clan who took advantage of it. Their income in this meeting was not much different from the set goal, so they had completed the set task.

The one who was most aggrieved was Guo Linsheng from the Qilin tribe. Speaking of which, the benefits that were distributed were naturally taken from him, which made him so happy.

However, it is expected that today's meeting will never end in such a simple way. With Guo Linsheng's heart, he will definitely make the last struggle.Shaoqing saw that he stood up and said to Zhanshanhu: "Today, I will follow the allocation of resources by the orc clan, and I suggest that [-]% be reserved for elite disciples of all clans, especially those who are capable of advancing to the ninth level. Dividing these resources into ten shares can also give the patriarchs of those small races one more chance, how about the friendship of Tao Shan Dao?"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire venue fell into silence, and many small races looked forward to it and turned their attention to the Shanhu.You must know that taking out [-]% to re-divide is not a lot. If many small races can win the share, it will inevitably exceed their original quota.

This whetted everyone's appetites, and Shanhu only felt hundreds of fiery eyes focus on him, and the corners of his mouth became bitter for a while, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

On the contrary, Hou Yuan stood up, stretched out his hand to comfort the crowd, and said, "Guo Daoyou's words are very true." At this juncture, he did not dare to provoke public outrage, but he would have reservations about Guo Linsheng's words.Then I heard him continue: "Twenty percent is too much, I think one and a half percent is more than enough. And there are not a few of you who are able to advance to the ninth level. It is not appropriate to divide it into ten shares. At least twenty shares are enough." .”

This kind of rhetoric is naturally recognized by most of the patriarchs of the small races. Their strength may not be stronger than that of the elite disciples of the big clans. There may not be a chance of being divided into ten shares, but if it is twenty shares, the chances are even greater.Hou Yuan's words touched their hearts, so once he said it, he naturally got everyone's approval.

(End of this chapter)

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