
Chapter 1835 Witness 5

Chapter 1835 Witness Five

The evolution of the Beast Clan's conference to what it is now has basically entered Yitian's design.Before that, I handed over the Xumi Space Spirit Artifact to Xiong Erbao, and at the same time told the driving formula and the method of using it one by one.

Before coming here, Xiong Erbao must have let all his subordinates try it out inside, and speaking of re-entering, he is naturally familiar with it.On the surface, the spiritual thoughts of many demon cultivators present were blocked by the spiritual weapon, and they could only use their eyes to check the situation inside.But the types of spiritual power inside have already been set, and there are several key spiritual power replenishment nodes that have been informed to Xiong Erbao early on.As for his people who hold those nodes, even if they encounter a powerful opponent, they can rely on protracted warfare to win the opponent.

Unless it's those with a big difference in strength, they can just admit defeat and don't need to entangle any more. After all, if all the iron-eating beast race contestants win, they will naturally be criticized.

Not long after, two demon cultivators of the Iron-eating Beast Clan escaped from it, and their faces were full of exhaustion after they came out.On the other hand, there were only one or two monks from other tribes left in the space they came out of, and there were naturally the shadows of Qilin tribe monks among them.These can be regarded as strong, because they gave up the vacant position to the same clan, so they relied on their own strength to be strong and fierce.

But that's good too, after the two iron-eating beast clansmen escaped, they completely dispelled the suspicions of the demon venerables present.Originally they were afraid of Xiong Erbao suddenly taking out the Xumi space spirit weapon, but now it seems that it is very rare to want to cheat under the watchful eyes of everyone.

As for Guo Linsheng, his face was filled with a satisfied smile at this moment. He, the Qilin tribe, took the lead and won the master control of the two rooms.Xiong Erbao said inappropriately: "The winner will stay in that space for the time being, and come out after the whole competition is over and witnessed by everyone."

With the passage of time, many monster monks gradually flew out of it, and most of them withdrew from the eighth-level monster cultivator's fighting platform.On the contrary, there was a stalemate in the space of the seventh-level demon cultivator's blue fighting platform, and many patriarchs of small clans also joined forces with several other people of the same identity to attack the juniors of big clans.

In terms of strength, although they are the heads of the clan, they are slightly inferior to the juniors of the big clan, but the advantage in numbers can make up for the shortcomings in this respect.In addition, after the secret approval, the price will be negotiated at the end and then allocated to who will come forward to win the quota.

Soon two of the nine iron-eating beast clan members were eliminated, but Xiong Erbao didn't complain too much about it.Instead, they kept their eyes on the next situation. Although the Qilin clan gained the advantage first, the remaining seven fell into a hard fight.Their opponents are the descendants of the Lion Clan and the Tiger Clan. These two races seem to have agreed to launch a siege on the Qilin Clan disciples.

For a moment Guo Linsheng's face became extremely ugly. It would be extremely difficult for the remaining five to win, and they might be eliminated collectively.

He turned his head and looked at Changshanhu and Houyuan. These two looked like they were old gods, and they seemed to have no worries about the situation of the battle.

Needless to say, the two of them have been united for a long time, and this will be a joint effort to deceive the Qilin clan.And Guo Linsheng also knew his own suffering, but he couldn't explode on the spot under the watchful eyes of the public, he could only hold back his bitter face and sulk himself.

Soon the battle was coming to an end, except for two groups of red rooms and one group of blue rooms, the winners of the other rooms had already appeared.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the witness stand, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth at this moment, and couldn't help but praise Xiong Erbao's old success in his heart.If the nine iron-eating beast clansmen all win, then he will definitely become the target of public criticism, and what's more, some people will ask for a rematch.

Giving up four shares and only taking five people seems to have suffered a big loss, but it accounted for nearly one-sixth of the shares.Generally speaking, why not do it if it is not eye-catching but can actually reap benefits.

As for the shares of other races, the Qilin clan only got three points, and the lion clan and tiger clan also got three points.The last two groups were between the demon cultivators, the descendants of the Qilin clan, the lion clan, and the tiger clan.Even if a certain group wins as many as they can, they can only get five points.The remaining four were divided among the other four races.

Not long after, I saw two auras flying out of it, and they all landed on the seats of the Qilin tribe. Guo Linsheng's face was ashamed at this time, and he turned to look at these younger nephews and then turned his head helplessly.Now that the dust has settled, the Qilin clan only took three shares, while the descendants of the Lion Clan and Tiger Clan in the space each escaped as agreed, so each of the two families got four shares.

In the end, the blue area was also separated, and the winner turned out to be a fox monk.Although their patriarch also made a move, they couldn't stand out at all in the area of ​​the eighth-level demon cultivator, but they got a precious point in the next-level competition.

After all the competitions were over, Xiong Erbao said: "Now that the winner has been decided, everyone here must have seen the result clearly. Next, the final [-]% resource share will be based on this ratio I believe everyone has no objection to the allocation."

No matter how strong Guo Linsheng is, he can't tolerate sophistry in the face of the facts, but such a fait accompli can't dispel his determination to safeguard the interests of his family.I saw him standing up and cupping his hands towards the demon cultivators around him: "I have no objection to today's distribution, but the last link can be rescheduled every thousand years, so as to give the losers a chance to cheer up again."

Immediately, there were many whispers from the entire venue. Guo Linsheng's words had advantages and disadvantages, but generally speaking, they rekindled hope for those small races that had no hope.

For profitable things, those who gain will naturally agree with one voice. Looking at the entire venue, those who agree are overwhelmingly superior to those who oppose.However, some people also raised objections. Those big races were already rich in resources and there were many masters in the clan.If these people appear every time in the future, it will naturally block the way for others.

So far, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the witness stand, coughed lightly, and the cough with spiritual pressure fluctuations resounded over the venue like thunder.After everyone quieted down, Yi Tiancai said: "All the contestants in today's competition will have to wait for another round to compete again. This will be beneficial to all parties, and you don't have to see these old faces every time. Next This time, I will use the Sumeru space fighting platform, and we will send people from the three parties to testify to ensure fairness, fairness, and openness."

This said that everyone who participated in this competition was cut across the board, which means that if you want to compete next time, you must find a few more powerful words from the clan.

Moreover, taking these losers across the board is to prevent the Qilin clan from attacking again after thinking about countermeasures next time.After all, their strength was slightly higher than that of all the races present, and this rule suppressed them intentionally or unintentionally.

As for the ligers and tigers and the iron-eating beasts, although there are some obstacles, the impact is not great.Looking back, you just need to train the next generation well, or use your brains in the competition of the seventh-level demon cultivator.

On the contrary, Xiong Erbao is even more determined, since Yi Tian said that he has no objection, naturally he can play again next time.

(End of this chapter)

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