
Chapter 1842 Interview 3

Chapter 1842 Interview Three

From Mo Dou's mouth, Yi Tian and the others learned about the past of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, the Middle and the Lower Realms, and even learned the general situation and distribution of forces in the Hell Realm under side-effects.

Speaking of these things can be regarded as the secrets of the lower three realms, Yi Tian secretly wrote them down in detail, but his face remained calm.After Mo Dou explained the situation, he asked: "Then you, or Yan Qiu, came to the demon world this time to find the royal genealogy left by the Biluo Dynasty in this world, and why? Do you want to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?"

"In fact, the lack of this thing has always been the heart disease of the Biluo Dynasty," Mo Dou explained: "Although the elite clan forces of the Biluo Dynasty have all retreated to the Netherworld, without the royal genealogy, everyone's names cannot be determined, so for a long time Since then, there has been a sect of Huangquan guards in the Biluo dynasty, and these people are inextricably linked with the Huangquan clan in the hell realm."

"I understand now," Xiong Erbao interjected, "The Huangquan guards should be the forces that the branches of the Huangquan tribe followed the Biluo Dynasty to retreat to the Netherworld, but they and the people of the Biluo Dynasty can't urinate in the same pot, but they are Indispensable part of the force.”

"You're right, otherwise, how could others be allowed to sleep soundly under the couch, and the Biluo Dynasty would have taken action to clear up the power of these Huangquan guards," Yishun nodded in agreement.

"It seems that the Huangquan guards are eager to tour the royal genealogy this time, so as to prove their orthodox status," Yi Tian thought for a while before saying: "As for the Huangquan guards, they did not take action directly but entrusted Yan Qiu of the Huangquan clan in the hell world Come here, so that the opportunity to restart the Ten Thousand Monsters City will be deceived, and the cross-border communication on the surface is doing other things in the dark."

"That's why Yan Qiu forwarded and invited two monks from other races of the same level to participate in this matter. However, he is naturally suspicious and will not easily reveal the true purpose of this trip," Mo Dou said.

"In this way, we can take the lead if we have your inner strength," Yi Tian nodded and said: "Okay, the information you gave is very valuable, I think it is necessary to make a move this time, and it is worth a try. "

After hearing this, Mo Dou's tense complexion eased slightly, but the next moment he heard Yi Tian ask: "I don't know what benefits we can get from it? The biggest secret in the demon world is Yuanhao Dynasty , and the Beast King’s Cave is just a private forbidden place for me, so his royal genealogy of the Biluo Dynasty must have been left in the Yuanhao Dynasty.”

"Fellow Daoist Yi is worrying too much. Naturally, this is not the case. The two dynasties existed at different times, and there will be no intersection after 3 years," Mo Dou hurriedly replied.

"Then what is the purpose of Yan Qiu's trip? He won't be running around in the demon world indiscriminately. You must know that there are not a few demon cultivators who are stronger than him. He must have definite news before planning to come," Yi said. God asked.

"It is said that the monk who carried the genealogy of the Biluo Dynasty last appeared in a place called Mizhang Ridge somewhere in the demon world," Mo Dou explained.

"Mizhang Ridge," Yi Tian muttered in his mouth and turned to look at Yishun and Xiong Erbao beside him. He hasn't been in the demon world for a thousand years, so he doesn't know much about these place names.

It's just that the two of them were at a loss this time, and they didn't seem to have a clue about the location of Dragon Training Ridge.I only heard Yishun said: "I was born in the Huojiao tribe, but I have traveled to all parts of the demon world for nearly ten thousand years, and I have never heard of a land boundary like 'Mizhang Ridge'. Could it be the place name tens of thousands of years ago? Has it changed now?"

"It's possible," Yi Tian also replied in a deep voice: "It is reasonable to say that the people of the Biluo Dynasty fled to the demon world 3 years ago. The sect that generally maintains the order of the world has not yet risen. Now that the world has changed, many of the place names of those years have long been forgotten, and maybe they have changed their names directly."

"I don't know about that, but I heard that Yan Qiu still has one-third of the broken pages of the royal genealogy in his hand, and he will rely on the instructions and senses of the broken pages to find the whereabouts of the other two-thirds," Mo said. Backtrack.

"If that's the case, why didn't he do it early in the morning, but waited until now to come to the demon world?" Yishun asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about it. Originally, this one-third of the remaining pages of the royal genealogy have been kept in the hands of the commander of the Huangquan guards, and there is no sign of induction," Mo Dou said.

"It should be a change somewhere in the demon world, maybe it's a restriction, or a formation barrier, or an earthquake that deformed the mountain, so that the fragments that couldn't be sensed originally echoed each other. , "Yi Tian thought for a while and asked: "When did this residual page induction appear?"

Mo Dou thought for a while before saying: "I heard that the first induction was 50 years ago. At that time, it was not considered strong, and the frequency of the induction was not strong, only once a year. But after 40 years, it became extremely strong. , almost every month you can detect the changes in the remaining pages of the royal family tree."

"The change that occurred 50 years ago was at the time when I was fighting against the clone of Emperor Youming and the clone of Fudge Dugu in Wuling Mountain," Yi Tian said in his heart: "It was the stone that shed the fairyland on Wuleng Mountain. After the cup and fairy liquid were taken away, the mist within a radius of 50 miles of Wuleng Mountain gradually dissipated.It is estimated that the original fog had the effect of cutting off the induction, and now after [-] years, the thinner the fog, the more frequent the induction will be. '

Although it is just my own wishful thinking, it seems quite reasonable at this time, and only in this way can it be explained.I didn't expect that I would cause such an incident after the battle of Wuleng Mountain, which alarmed the Huangquan guards and Huangquan clan far away in the Netherworld.

After thinking about it, his face remained unchanged and he said: "Okay, I can agree to your request, but you must always pass on Yan Qiu's movements for us. Besides, there is no benefit, we have helped you so much. Busy, so what do you use in return?"

"Yan Qiu has three drops of 'Styx Water Essence' on his body. This thing is a reward given to him by the guards of the Underworld, and the other half will be paid when things are done," Mo Dou replied.

"What's the effect of this 'Styx Water Essence'?" Yi Tian asked with a slight frown.

Without waiting for Mo Dou to reply, Yishun said in a deep voice: "The deal is over. The 'Styx Water Spirit' is a treasure in the Netherworld, and only ten drops can be produced every ten thousand years. Three drops of Xiulai can improve your cultivation level to the middle level, but for you, you need at least one bottle to improve your cultivation level to the late stage of fusion."

It turned out that it was no wonder that Yishun agreed without hesitation, and in a blink of an eye, Xiong Erbao also had an excited look on his face.Fortunately, considering that I didn't say it directly, I couldn't help but refuse to agree when things got to this point.

(End of this chapter)

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