
Chapter 1846 Participation 3

Chapter 1846 Participation Three

In the high-level monk trade fair, Yi Tian took out a jade bottle containing fairy magic liquid, and immediately quoted his own price.During the period, the bottle cap was specially opened to allow everyone around to check the authenticity of the 'Mother Liquor of Biyuan Liquid'.

Soon everyone present became eager to try it, and it was needless to say that the contents in this bottle were really good to attract their attention.It's just that there is only one person who can successfully bid. Yi Tian paid special attention to the medicine man and the poison master present here.

It's just that the exchange conditions they said were weird enough that they didn't know what to exchange for them for a while.At this time, someone came forward and cupped his hands, then bowed his head and heard a few whispers through sound transmission.Yi Tian Yitian still used the old routine to exchange for spiritual weapons, so he smiled and waved his hands lightly to signal his refusal.

Afterwards, people continued to come forward to inquire about prices, but most of them didn't pay attention to their own perspective.In fact, Yi Tian is also waiting, waiting to see how Yaoweng and Poison Master handle this matter.

Shaoqing saw that the old man was leaving, and came forward, bowed his head and asked via voice transmission: "Fellow Taoist Qingxin, in person, I would like to exchange this mother liquor with three Heaven Returning Pills and one Dream Reincarnation Pill."

Unexpectedly, Yaoweng's bid would be so low, Yi Tian's heart sank immediately, it seems that he still overestimated his knowledge.This thing is diluted to become pure spiritual liquid, and with his strength, he can naturally trace the source and find him.Moreover, I didn't want to exchange it directly to him in the first place. I already had these two kinds of elixirs in my hands, and they all flowed from the medicine man.

After shaking his head lightly as a signal, the medicine man showed disappointment, and then he bowed his hands and retreated slowly.Before he had gone far, the Poison Sacred Hand stood up and walked in front of him. After reaching out and saluting, he directly took out a jade box and gently opened the lid, and then said via voice transmission: "I accidentally obtained this item in the hell world. Yes, because it is an incomplete object, it has been unable to be used. But this object is invulnerable to water and fire, no matter what method I use, it cannot be destroyed, so it must be a great treasure."

The moment he walked up to open the jade box, Yi Tian could clearly feel a sense in the jade box of the map stored in his storage ring.Needless to say, this must be the real last quarter, Yi Tian suddenly felt that he had to take this thing down no matter what.But you can't show any eagerness on your face, otherwise your success will fall short.

After thinking about it, he gently stretched out his spiritual sense to search the jade box, but after ten breaths, his face showed an expression of uncertainty.There is only a tattered map in the jade box, which is of the same origin as the one in his hand.Just looking at his size, he seems to be missing a key part the size of a fist.

In Yi Tian's mind, he thought quickly. Could it be that the Poison Master realized the value of this map and deliberately cut off a piece of it.This idea was quickly rejected in his mind. To be honest, he couldn't even break through this map. According to the strength of the Poison Master's hand, he might not be able to cut it off.

But now it is still necessary to take the remaining one-eighth of the remaining one-eighth. After thinking about it, he nodded and said through the sound transmission: "I am very interested in the exchange item, fellow daoist, so I will exchange this drop of Biyuan mother liquor." Give it to fellow daoists."

After speaking, he gently handed over the jade bottle in his hand, and the poison sage also relaxed his face, closed the lid of the jade box in his hand, and sent it over.The two parties quickly completed the transaction, and just as Yi Tian secretly rejoiced, a voice transmission from the Poison Master suddenly came from his ear: "Friend Qingxin, [-]% of the drops you have are not Biyuan mother liquor."

Surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Poison Sage to see through the authenticity of this thing at a glance, but instead of showing disappointment on his face, there was a look of surprise on the contrary.Later, he said via voice transmission: "Your Excellency should be Fellow Daoist Yi, but this drop is the mother liquid of pure spiritual liquid."

Unexpectedly, his eyes were so vicious that he could explain his identity and the tricks he used in just one sentence.In fact, I had met him face-to-face at the meeting of the Zodiac Beast Clan, and based on his news, I knew that I was able to represent Jiuxian Mountain to attend, which naturally had a deep relationship with him.

And his ability to tell the mother liquid of pure spiritual liquid is enough to prove that he has seen the samples of pure spiritual liquid given to the medicine man.

At this time, Yi Tian can also be convinced that Poison Master and Yao Weng are definitely not what others seem to be.In fact, the deep relationship between the two should be that of senior brothers.It's just that I don't know what kind of role my poisoning master will appear in this time, and I don't know what kind of variables will appear in the plan for Modou.

After thinking about it for a while, he replied seriously via voice transmission: "Fellow Poison Master really has good eyesight, but I think it's better not to spread the word about what happened today. Can you have a private chat after the trade fair?"

"Since it was Daoist Yi who spoke, I will naturally obey, so it's settled," Poison Sage replied with a smile.

The communication between the two lasted only ten breaths, and the transaction seemed to be going smoothly from the outsiders' point of view.After the Poison Master left, Yi Tian put away the jade box, sat back in his original position, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Anyway, the purpose of recent days has been achieved, but I don't need to continue to test it.Since senior brother Ji Xuanyuan's avatar is at the side, it's better to have one thing more than one thing less.

After Shaoqing stayed by his side and a few people completed the transaction, he heard Ji Xuanyuan's voice saying, "One copy of the Blood Shadow Diamond can be exchanged for one copy of the heavenly treasure that restores the original power."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed a bit of suspicion on the face of the heavenly treasure that restored the original power.Everyone's original power is the source of spiritual power transmission. Since Ji Xuanyuan wanted to find this thing, his original power was naturally damaged.

But he didn't look like his original power was damaged, and Ji Xuanyuan was aware of it wherever his eyes went.

After a breath, the eyes of the two intersected and parted, and Ji Xuanyuan turned his head to look at it, and then said again: "As long as it is a heavenly treasure, or the essence of the innate spirit, or the pure spirit." They stayed on Yaoweng and the others.

I don't know where he got the news, but it seems that the news that the medicine man has the pure spiritual liquid is also spreading very quickly.If you go back to the source, you will definitely find yourself. At this time, Yi Tian's face does not change and he really feels very uncomfortable in his heart. He only hopes that this kind of trade fair can end as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after Ji Xuanyuan arrived a few times, no one stood up and wanted to exchange it with him. Even the Poison Master's hand just now looked at him with a playful face, but he didn't move his feet at all.

Seeing that no one responded after a hundred breaths, Ji Xuanyuan reluctantly put away the treasures in his hand and sat down slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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