
Chapter 1883 Fusion

Chapter 1883 Fusion
On the way back to Wan Yao City, Yi Tian was silent all the way. After saying goodbye to Ji Xuanyuan before, the two sides parted ways and left.But from the information he learned from his mouth, I found that I was noticed by him as early as in the lower realm.

Thinking about it, this is also inevitable. When I first entered the world of cultivating immortals, I entered the sect of Lihuo Palace in the lower realm.And the original Lihuo Patriarch was just the incarnation of Ji Xuanyuan's divine thoughts.

On the Tianlan Continent, he followed the trail left by the ancestor Lihuo and finally found the place where the ancestor Wuye in black was imprisoned at the end of Tianyahai.Afterwards, all kinds of incidents in Tianlan Continent revolved around the Lihuo faction.

After coming to the spirit world, Ji Xuanyuan must have been aware of his existence long ago with Ji Xuanyuan's skills. It was only because of the matter of the two masters that he allowed himself to develop.

But there is also one thing that puzzles me. After coming to the spirit world, I have never heard the news that the lord of the Lihuo Palace, Ji Xuanyuan, has left the Lihuo Palace.Coupled with the previous conversation with him, it is not difficult to guess that maybe the good and evil meditation practiced by the master will have different restrictions even if they are divided into two people.

For example, the story that the white-clothed patriarch Wuye had never left the Lihuo Palace for ten thousand years was rumored. The real body of senior brother Ji Xuanyuan should be hiding in the forbidden area of ​​the sect to protect the dharma for the white-clothed patriarch.

But all of this is just my own guesswork, and I have to see it with my own eyes before I can draw a conclusion.After talking with Ji Xuanyuan this time, I also learned that Chi Wuji has now returned to practice in the Daleiguang Zen Temple in the Buddhist spiritual world. Now that he has gone deep into Buddhism, he still retains his original name. It seems that he wants to keep it as a memorial. It's time to cultivate in the world.

As for Ji Xingzhu, she stayed in Daleiguang Temple without changing her mind. Due to her status, the monks there did not dare to drive her away easily, so they could only turn a blind eye and let her go.

As for the Hallyu, after returning to the Lihuo Palace, he began to practice in seclusion. Now only two of the three monks in the Lihuo Palace are qualified to practice the Liyan supernatural power, so his identity has become a default. The next suzerain.As for Zeng Shun, it seems that he is no longer destined to be the suzerain.

The matter of Lihuo Palace can be put aside for the time being, but this time Ji Xuanyuan explained to himself that Yan Qiu from the Huangquan tribe plotted against him. The strength of Xuanyuan's avatar is naturally not inferior to Yan Qiu's deity.

But come and don't be indecent, Ji Xuanyuan hinted that he has no time to clone, but he can deal with it himself.Originally, I was already scheming against Yan Qiu. Even without Ji Xuanyuan's side, I would almost have to do it. Now the only thing I need is to wait for news from the barbarian Wanqiang.

Returning to the sky before Wanyao City fell, suddenly a soaring golden beam of light emerged from the depths of the city lord's mansion north of Dingxin Lake in the distance in front of him.

The beam of light shot straight into the sky and shook away the high-altitude clouds, and the surrounding spiritual power rushed there frantically for a full quarter of an hour.A little later, a dragon-shaped phantom flashed in the golden beam of light, and the beam of light quickly shrank with a crisp dragon chant.The whole process was noticed by all the cultivators in Wan Yao City, but this appearance did not attract the phenomenon of thunder calamity, which made everyone aware of the strangeness.

The place where the accident happened was in the depths of the city lord's mansion, so it must be the high-ranking monsters who were practicing Ruo Da's supernatural powers. Judging from the situation in the phantom of the beam of light, it was probably caused by the monks of the Huojiao clan.

The low-level monks can see it, but those high-level monks will not easily let go of this situation, and soon Yi Tian noticed that there were several auras flying out of the alien area in Wanyao City and went straight to the residence of the city lord's mansion .Needless to say, most of these people would think that it was the birth of ancient treasures from the Huojiao clan that caused such a sensation.

However, Yi Tian is very familiar with this breath, and he also understands in his heart that it is the scene of Yishun merging the blood beads of the black-winged dragon to make up for his lack of real dragon blood.

After a while, he communicated with Xiong Erbao who was behind him via voice transmission, and then slowly lowered his cloud head and returned to his residence.As soon as he stepped into the gate of the courtyard, he found a golden escape light hurriedly flying over the Yaju on the island in the middle of the lake, and after a circle, it landed not far behind him.

That golden light is filled with gentle kindness, and there is a lot of dragon power mixed in it.Needless to say, it was Yishun himself, but when the light faded from his body, Yi Tian's divine sense scanned him and was surprised to find that his cultivation hadn't changed much, but his temperament had changed drastically from before.

He bowed his head and said in a deep voice: "Go in and talk." The latter nodded and followed. In the courtyard where the two entered, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to seal the courtyard, then went straight to the hall and took the main seat. sat down.

Yishun behind him nodded his head, then followed into the hall and sat down on the empty seat on one side.

After carefully looking at it, Yi Tian said lightly: "I didn't expect the activated power of the complete true dragon blood to have such a powerful power. At this time, you are no longer inferior to me in terms of strength."

With a faint smile on his face, Yishun waved his hands and said, "You are flattering me. In terms of cultivation, I am still inferior to you. With supernatural powers and spells, I have no chance of winning against you."

He was self-aware, although he told the truth, Yi Tian said in a blink of an eye, "In terms of strength, you should be on par with Huolian. Originally, there was an opponent who could let you try your moves."

"You mean Mo Dou," Yishun said disdainfully, "I heard that he suffered a crime recently, but you haven't seen his actual condition."

Yi Tian's complexion sank and he said: "It seems that it is not optimistic. I found that there is still some Buddhist power in his body. If you want to help him get rid of it, you need some means."

"Then what are you going to do, he is our dark son buried in Yan Qiu, we can't deal with Yan Qiu without his help," Yishun said.

"Although the Poison Master has already configured the antidote, according to my estimation, it can only be delayed for a while, and you have to take action to eradicate it," Yi Tian explained.

Yishun naturally understood the meaning of these words, and then asked again: "Tell me about your plan, I think you probably already have a plan in your belly, and it is already being implemented."

"I'm waiting for Wan Qiang's reply from the Horn Clan," Yi Tian said lightly, "The family tree of the Nether Dynasty and the Nether Beast that I took last time are my trump cards, but I don't know what kind of conditions the Huangquan guards will give. "

"This is your character. If you don't need to do anything yourself, you will never do it easily," Yishun said.

"That's that, the relationship among the Nether Dynasty is complicated, and there are Huangquan guards. I want to see how much money they will spend on this matter," Yi Tian said, and saw Youdao's aura passing through the restriction and directly Fly in front of yourself.After stretching out his hand to take it, he scanned it with his divine sense and saw the words 'Panlong City Wind and Cloud Tower' written on it.

(End of this chapter)

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