
Chapter 1895

Chapter 1895
Outside the Yaozu's ancient battlefield, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the Liuyang formation, and Yishun sat across from him.Between the two of them was a black leather bag with a golden seal shining on it.

Yishun asked with a solemn expression: "Are you sure that Yan Qiu really terminated the master-servant contract, you must know that if he plays tricks, you will be in vain."

"I think Yan Qiu has no choice this time. How to choose between family luck and a magic pet is a simple matter," Yi Tian said calmly: "What's more, he directly put the magic pet in front of me. It is an indisputable fact that the contract has been terminated, and I have seen the whole process in my eyes."

"That's good, so let's try to get Mo Dou to show up and see what's going on," Yishun replied.

Nodding in agreement, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently sacrificed a spiritual light to open the ban on the beast-controlling bag.A black aura flew out of it and transformed into a three-foot-long black pterodactyl in the air.After circling for a while, he fell headfirst and Mo Dou's real body appeared in front of the two of them.

After he sat down, Mo Dou carefully inspected every part of his body and spirit, and then said with ecstasy on his face: "Thank you both, now I am free and will never need to be restrained again." Yu Yanqiu."

Yishun first comforted him, and then asked: "I see that fellow Taoist seems to have a strong blood of the real dragon, but you don't belong to my dragon clan. I don't know if you are from the ancient dragon clan that has survived to this day?"

Mo Dou restrained his smile when he heard the words and said seriously: "Originally, I have the blood of the Black Water Demon Dragon Clan, but my ancestors are the same as the Demon Clan, which is why my wings have changed."

No wonder Yi Tian suddenly realized that he had seen the wings of the Black Winged Pocket Dragon before, as if they were similar to the wings of the Flying Rakshasa cultivator.At this time, the confirmation from his mouth can also explain the strangeness.

However, since he has the blood of the demon master, he will naturally be restrained by the Buddha sect's skills, but the power of the Buddha sect that he has integrated into the colorful deer antler will cause him a lot of damage.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian asked, "Where is the unknown Mo Dou friend going? There is not much room for you in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit."

Mo Dou thought for a while before saying: "Actually, I have been pressed into the master-servant contract since I was born, and I am only now freed. Speaking of the places I want to go, there are many places I want to go, but as Yi Daoyou said, I can tolerate it." I'm afraid there are not many left."

Yishun interjected, "With the strength of fellow Taoist Mo Dou, you can be regarded as the overlord in the demon world. Naturally, it is not a problem to control the border. Why don't you stay in the demon world for a while, with my Huojiao clan helping you?" I think all parties will give face."

"Thank you, fellow Taoist Yishun," Mo Dou cupped his hands like a human spiritual cultivator and said, "Speaking of which, I have the bloodline of the demon clan and the demon lord, so I am closer to these two realms. I don't want to go there to fight in the demon realm. There are too many, and it would be difficult to sleep or eat if you are targeted by an old monster."

"It just so happens that the Huojiao clan is the overlord of the demon world, if you can walk with them in the demon world, you will naturally be in awe of many people, and you can have both sides," Yi Tian explained.

"That's true, then I'll borrow a little bit," Mo Dou said.

"It's a great honor, if we can get the help of fellow Taoist Mo Dou, the overall strength of the Huojiao Clan will definitely increase greatly," Yishun said.

This is indeed undeniable. Since the fall of the ninth-level Yaozun of Hunyun and Dilong, the Huojiao clan, the strength of the Huojiao clan has been slightly inferior to that of the Huofeng clan.This is not a good thing for the balanced demon world.Before Yishun also turned a blind eye to Hun Yun and Dilong, it was nothing more than an expedient measure to balance strength.

Now that there is a stronger Modou who can fill the vacancy, it is natural that Yishun is particularly interested.

Later, I saw that he took out the communication jade talisman, wrote down the situation here in detail, and then hurriedly activated it and sent it out.

Yi Tian asked for no reason: "I don't know if all the hidden illnesses on fellow Taoist Mo Dou have been cleared up?"

When mentioning this ink bag, he looked at the two people in front of him meaningfully and said, "I'm afraid that there should be two hands and feet in the pills that I took."

"Why do you see it?" Yi Tian asked with a straight face.

"Because I found that the power of the Buddha sect in it is in harmony with the power of the two of you, especially the one that seems to be of the same origin as you, Daoyou Yi. Don't tell me that you don't know about it," said Mo Douyi The face replied playfully.

After being exposed by him, Yi Tian's face turned red, and then he replied: "At that time, it was only in a moment of desperation that I made such a bad move. I originally wanted to weaken Yan Qiu's strength, but I didn't expect to leave an indelible mark for Fellow Daoist Mo Dou. trouble."

"You don't need to blame yourself, Daoist Yi. Speaking of it, I also want to thank you for playing this game." Mo Dou waved his hand and replied, "If it wasn't for this, how could I completely give up on Yan Qiu? In his eyes, if it wasn't How can I be allowed to live here again if I still have use value?"

"Then the power of the Buddha sect on your body will continue to erode the original blood of the demon clan, and at the same time your cultivation will be bound. Aren't you going to remove it?" Yishun asked puzzled .

"This is another opportunity for me," Mo Dou said, then turned around and stared at Yishun for a while, and said, "With my cultivation base, I have stayed in this realm for thousands of years without making any progress. Let me get a glimpse of the advanced channel for no reason."

"Fellow Daoist Mo Dou means that you are going to wash your tendons and cut your marrow to change the familiarity and type of aura," Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's right, I found that the power of Buddhism seems to be more suitable for me who has cultivated to a high level, and if I can get rid of all the evil energy in my body and then I can re-cultivate the Buddhist way, then the hope of longevity is better than being stuck at the current cultivation level It’s better to just sit and wait for death,” Mo Dou explained.

"That being said, you have to know that to become a Buddha with demons, you must accept the purification of demon energy, and the pain is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear," Yi Tian said solemnly: "Besides, after purification, your cultivation base will drop by one level. It looks like the peak of the eighth level."

"I've also considered this matter. It's better than looking for a method that can be further advanced than it is now," Mo Dou said: "Although the cultivation base will temporarily drop, it can still be made up as time goes by. Yes. If you continue to practice until you reach the tenth level, there is hope."

"Then how do you want me to help you?" Yi Tian asked straightforwardly.

"Just lead me into the Buddhist sect," Mo Dou replied.

"I can try to pull out the demonic energy in your body, but you need to endure the pain yourself during the purification process," Yi Tian said: "You can ask Yishun for advice on the exercises, you are both descendants of the dragon clan and cultivate like statues The Buddhist sect's secret technique is naturally out of the question. But I have a suggestion, you'd better go to the Great Leiguang Temple in the Buddha Spirit Realm afterwards, and I also have information for you to take with you."

(End of this chapter)

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