Chapter 19

The Qingzhumen people originally depended on a large number of people. In fact, the real experts in the entire gang were only a few incense masters, pharmacists Li Shida and Xu Lao Er.

The people in the gang are doing business in a law-abiding way, which is not like the white horse gang living a life of licking blood.

One-on-one combat power is absolutely inferior to the White Horse Gang, and only the gang leader Xu Kaishan has been pressing Wang Gui in terms of cultivation.

Green Bamboo Gate has a deep root in Hewan County, and it has won the hearts of the people for decades, and the secret industries are countless.

This time, the people stationed at the Xuji Pharmacy in the headquarters have been ventilated before, and their task is to delay time.

Li Minda and several other high-level executives have long known that the one in the house is a stand-in, so they will not try their best to intercept them.

Only Zhang Xiangzhu was killed by Yi Tian in a careless situation.

Wang Gui's face is wonderful now, but when he slashed the substitute with a knife, he felt something was wrong in his heart.Looking back at the idiot Xu Lao Er, the secret that he has laid down over the years, I didn't expect Xu Kaishan to know it long ago, and even his own younger brother lied.

This time, Qingzhumen played a game of scheming, which was beyond the old fox Wang Gui's expectations. In the past, it was only himself who scheming others.

It happened to be in Xu Kaishan's hands. Including the birthday banquet three years ago, he was deceived twice, once for money and once for people.

After hearing the sound transmission from the guild leader Xu Kaishan, everyone in the Green Bamboo Sect immediately lifted their spirits, and their strength increased by three points.

Although the strength of the martial artists was much lower than that of the White Horse Gang, but fortunately there were so many people, everyone was jealous, and the two sides fought to a draw for a while.

When everyone in the backyard heard the roar, their hearts trembled. This time when Xu Kaishan came back, the gang leader's sure-kill strike was empty, and everyone lost their minds.

Wang Gui was also annoyed, but the deal was done. Looking at the bewildered people beside him, he had to cheer up and replied: "My younger brother Wang Gui visited Brother Xu late at night. I heard that my elder brother has achieved the Xiantian Realm. My younger brother is here to meet you."

One sentence dispelled the doubts of everyone in the White Horse Gang. Today is the battle to exterminate the gang. Everyone is killed for this reason, and no one can escape.

If you don't kill Xu Kaishan today, you will be killed by him. No matter which one wins, it is impossible for you to end up as a deserter.

After speaking, Wang Gui pulled out his golden sword, took the lead and jumped to the eaves, and ran towards Li Minda and everyone at the Green Bamboo Gate.

Before Xu Kaishan arrives, let's kill a few high-end combat powers. Ren Binghai and Tu Jiaojiao have been Wang Gui's partners for many years. Seeing Wang Gui's actions, they know that they are going to kill.

The two of them performed Qinggongfei and followed Wang Gui, and everyone on the ground followed Wang Bao and rushed to the front yard.

Ren Kui got the summons and hurriedly took Yi Tian to the front yard. On the way, he joined Wang Bao and killed him at the front door of Xu Ji Pharmacy.

Xu Kaishan's roar just now sounded like thunder to Yi Tian's ears, and warriors who have achieved Xiantian realm are indeed different.

In my heart, I was a little worried about whether Wang Gui and the others would be able to withstand it. Although I was at the second level of Qi training, I was not sure enough to deal with Xu Kaishan who was in the Xiantian realm.

And it is not the right time to expose his cultivation base now.

When Yi Tian and the others rushed to the front, they saw that the king, Ren Binghai, and Jiaojiao were like tigers entering the flock, killing the crowd.

Afraid that Xu Kaishan would come back and get back up, the three of them didn't hold back, and every time they waved their swords, someone fell.

Wang Guicai ignored those little fish and shrimp, and locked Li Shida with his sword qi. This talent was Xu Kaishan's greatest help.

A flash of blades flashed by, Wang Gui and Ren Binghai looked at each other, and saw that the sharp blades of the two swords pierced directly through Liu Xiangzhu's body.

The two wounds instantly dyed Liu Xiangzhu into a bloody man, and Li Minda also looked scared. The two people in front of him were like murderous tigers.

But he forgot that this is how these two people made their name outside of Hewan County many years ago.

As soon as the blow was successful, Wang Gui took the time to outflank Ren Binghai, and the two of them slashed at Li Shida with the same trick, and they were about to succeed.

As early as two days ago, Qingzhumen made preparations. Xu Kaishan knew that his younger brother Xu's second child might have problems, so he set up a trick and told Li Minda about his plan to attack Xiantian.

Knowing that Xu Lao Er was eavesdropping outside the house, it was not broken. After the person left, he hurried into the tunnel and ran out of the monitoring sphere of influence of the White Horse Gang and Xu Lao Er.

Qingzhumen secretly has some industries in both the southern city and the northern city, and externally declares to join the White Horse Gang, and there is no shortage of offerings every time.

Xu Kaishan eliminated Nanshi, where there are many people, and one more person will be suspected.

Beishi is the best choice, and the Qingzhumen's forces are the majority here, when he suspects that his younger brother Xu Laoer has a problem.

Xu Kaishan resolutely chose a shop in Beishi. On the surface, he had already surrendered to the White Horse Gang, but secretly it was controlled by his own people.

And Xu Lao Er's eyeliner will not stare at the shop head of the White Horse Gang.

In this way, Xu Kaishan was equal to the unhindered impact of the Xiantian Realm under the eyes of Wang Gui of the White Horse Gang and finally succeeded.

After Xu Kaishan stepped into Xiantian, he took the opportunity to consolidate his true essence, and now he even passed the weakest stage after hitting Xiantian. Go back to Xu Ji Pharmacy.

Assuming that Wang Gui from the White Horse Gang will make a surprise attack tonight, Li Minda and the others were told earlier that nothing would be done.

When he comes back, as long as Xu Kaishan doesn't fall, his White Horse Gang will be suppressed by Qingzhumen for the rest of his life.

After a few jumps, Xu Kaishan's innate qi stabbed out along the green bamboo sword, and the person blocking in front of him was pierced by the sword qi before he could react.

Seeing that Xu Kaishan didn't have time to rescue Li Minda, he held his sword horizontally, performed light work with both feet, and approached Wang Bao in two or three strokes.

The long sword is interspersed with the piercing King Leopard, which is whistling in advance.

The people blocking the way were instantly split in half, Wang Bao didn't dare to fight hard, and fled towards his father.

Wang Gui and Ren Binghai had no choice but to abandon Li Minda, and the two teamed up to attack Xu Kaishan.

The turbid saber energy canceled out most of the innate sword energy, Xu Kaishan kicked Wang Bao in the middle without waiting for his moves to age.

Wang Gui saw his son falling down spurting blood and hurried forward to protect him, he felt his breath, at least his life was safe, but it was obvious that he could no longer fight.

Qingzhumen and others took the opportunity to form a formation to surround Xu Kaishan, the three leaders of the White Horse Gang looked ugly, this time it was really difficult to ride a tiger.

The two sides looked at each other, and the words seemed so superfluous at this time, and they understood it just by looking at them.

Under the reversal of the situation, Wang Gui showed his true qualities, raised the golden knife and greeted Xu Kaishan directly, Ren Binghai specialized in the next three routes, and Tu Jiaojiao waited for the opportunity with a hidden weapon at the side.

Xu Kaishan and Wang Gui have played against each other many times, and they have already figured out the routine of their joint efforts. In conclusion, it is a distant dart attack.

I wasn't afraid of them when I reached the ninth floor of Acquired Consummation, and now I have the reason why I am not afraid at all.

The key to breaking the formation is on Tu Jiaojiao. This bitch hides in the distance and specializes in sneak attacks. If she is not careful, she will follow her path.

In front of him, Wang Gui and Ren Binghai teamed up to make a powerful move, but it was useless if they couldn't hit someone.

Xu Kaishan's Kuaijian connected the blades of the two of them at this point, causing the two of them to pause back, and took advantage of the momentum to fly up.

In the air, he also used the green bamboo sword in his hand to pick away Tu Jiaojiao's hidden weapon Erlianzhu.The latter panicked for a while, and hurriedly used lightness kung fu to try to distance himself.

The people under the Green Bamboo Gate did not show weakness when they saw their help, and under the leadership of Li Minda, they began to counterattack, and the scene began to become chaotic again.

Wang Gui didn't panic when he saw Xu Kaishan entangled with Tu Jiaojiao, with a wicked smile on his face, he finally took the bait. He was very clear about the weakness of his team's battle, I believe Xu Kaishan was also very clear, and Wang Guiyan could not take advantage of this weakness.

Before, Tu Jiaojiao shot all the hidden weapon beads at Xu Kaishan recklessly. Although none of them hit, the yellow smoke from the explosion made people feel uncomfortable.

These added smoke bombs are also mixed with the poisonous gas commonly used by the White Horse Gang, and martial arts practitioners will block their luck when they breathe in, and the more they inhale, the less smooth their luck will be.Fortunately, everyone in the White Horse Gang drank before departure, and Wang Gui poured the antidote into the wine.

This was also discussed with everyone before departure, and everyone took out their spare smoke bombs and threw them on the ground. For a while, the entire compound was filled with sulfur-smelling smoke.

Although it is an innate state, Xu Kaishan can't hold his breath, let alone the part that has been inhaled in his body.

Although the poisonous gas could be forced out with internal strength, Wang Gui and Ren Binghai would make him do as he wished, and the two knives chased Xu Kaishan one after another.

What's more, there is also Tu Jiaojiao lying on the side, ready to attack at any time.Restricted by the poisonous smoke, Xu Kaishan, who had innate combat power, couldn't use [-]% of his skill.

Li Minda is the chief pharmacist of Qingzhumen, and he has researched the fascination of the White Horse Gang, so that he knows himself and his enemy.

After seeing Miyan coming out, he quickly instructed his subordinates to find water, and the cloth was soaked and the water was not in front of his nose.Although the effect is very good, the smoke inhaled before is still influential, and is gradually suppressed by the White Horse Gang.

Wang Gui and Ren Binghai seized the opportunity to attack again and again. This smoke is also time-sensitive and can only support the time of a cup of tea.

Now Xu Kaishan is temporarily unable to use it due to the misty smoke, and when he recovers for a while, he is afraid that he will become ruthless.

Yi Tian still admired Wang Gui's shamelessness in his heart. The White Horse Gang was basically a robber, and they used the kung fu of robbery. For this action, all the shameless tricks were exhausted.

Yi Tian's attention was not on Li Minda on the opposite side, but always paid attention to Xu Kaishan. Once Wang Gui and the others couldn't stand it, he would think about whether to take action later. After all, he was still a grasshopper on a rope.

After about ten moves, Xu Kaishan gradually gained the upper hand. Every time Wang Gui and Ren Binghai were blocked, he had to join forces to resist Xu Kaishan's counterattack.

The recovery ability of the innate realm is more terrifying than imagined.

Tu Jiaojiao's hidden weapon is now only a rescue function, and it is used to interfere with Xu Kaishan when he fights back.

Xu Kaishan was afraid that his subordinates would not be able to support him for long, every time he stayed here for a quarter of an hour, several people from Qingzhumen would be killed, even if he won in the end, without the disciples, Qingzhumen would still be nothing.

The sharp sword in his hand poured ten layers of infuriating qi into his hand, and he swung both swords with one sword, turning around and leaping towards Tu Jiaojiao.

Han anger slashed out with a sword, and the invisible sword qi cut through the night sky.

Tu Jiaojiao was so frightened that she flicked ten fingers on her hand, and shot all her best cannonballs to greet Xu Kaishan, and she was about to run away with oil on her feet.

The innate sword qi slashed directly at Tu Jiaojiao's body through the hidden weapon. With a scream, Tu Jiaojiao jumped into the air and fell to the fat body. There was a three-inch deep wound on the chest, and the bones were deep.

As Tu Jiaojiao fell to the ground, the situation of the three white horse gang joining forces was instantly broken, and Wang Gui's face became even more anxious.

Stop defending, and attack together with Ren Binghai. Both of them are fighting for their lives. If Xu Kaishan seriously injures one of them, he will also be stabbed.

Even if it is in the innate realm, he still has to hang up if he is cut to the point, and there are so many hidden weapons before, but a dart scratched Xu Kaishan's left shoulder, and there was a faint tingling sensation on the wound, which was clearly poisoned on the dart.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Yi Tian wanted to slowly touch the melee circle, but Ren Kui held him tightly and told him to flee as soon as the situation was unfavorable.

Tu Jiaojiao was badly injured, and after landing, blood flowed out of her chest and it was wet.

Seeing Old Second Xu next to him, he hurriedly urged him to go up to help. He died, and no one would prepare five stone powder for him in the future.

Xu Lao Er is also wicked and courageous. Since he has betrayed his big brother once, he should just do things from beginning to end and betray him to the end.

Although there is only the combat power of the eighth-level innate, it is still a new force joining the battle at this time.

Seeing his younger brother draw a knife and slash at him, Xu Kaishan snorted coldly and the traitor cleaned up together.

Xu Lao Er also understands that he and his brother can only live one, and of course it is better to live on his own.

Fortunately, knowing Xu Kaishan's martial arts in depth, it is a stalker's trick to go up, according to his body.

Wang Gui's aura became stronger and stronger, and when he was promoted to the mid-ninth level of Houtian, the saber master was even more cunning than his junior brother Ren Binghai, leaving marks on his opponent several times.

Xu Kaishan is also in a hurry, the poison on his body is gradually taking effect, if it is consumed at this time, both sides will suffer.

Moreover, there are many people on the other side, and it is yourself who suffers. Now that the three of them are joining forces, if they are not afraid at all in normal times.

It is the best policy to kill the weakest Xu Lao Er first, and then destroy each of them, but now his state cannot fight a protracted battle.

Wang Gui became more and more excited as he fought, as if he had been out for a long time when he was young.

The moves succeeded again and again, but saw a strange look in Xu Kaishan's eyes, just as he was about to retreat, he was bullied.

Ren Binghai's knife was held by a fist full of innate energy, and when he saw the green bamboo sword swipe across Wang Gui's arm with sword energy, one hand flew up.

Xu Kaishan was in pain in the back. He was hit by a knife and then lifted his foot and kicked. Xu Lao Er was hit in the middle of the chest, and after flying two feet away, blood spurted out of his mouth.

Two of the three leaders of the White Horse Gang lost their fighting power, one was injured and the other was disabled.Xu Kaishan of the Green Bamboo Sect was not doing well either. He was bleeding from many wounds on his back and front chest, and the poison on his body was faintly erupting.

When Ren Binghai saw his brother clutching his broken arm, he also became ruthless. While Xu Kaishan was still recovering, he attacked three ways with a knife in one hand.

Xu Kaishan's green bamboo sword held the single sword, and found that it was much stronger. It turned out that Ren Binghai abandoned the sword, and used his right palm instead of the sword, hitting Xu Kaishan's chest and hugging Xu Kaishan with both hands.

Close hand-to-hand combat relies on a word of ruthlessness. If you are not ruthless to yourself, others will be ruthless to you. Ren Binghai relies on his tall stature to surprise and restrain Xu Kaishan and exchange his life for his life.

Xu Kaishan suffered a heavy blow on the wound on his chest, plus the poison in his body, and was hugged tightly by Ren Binghai, so he couldn't do anything, so he made a fist and beat Ren Binghai's back, but he didn't see any blood until he spat out Ren Binghai's mouth. He let go.

At the last moment, Wang Gui used his right hand to lift the knife straight into Xu Kaishan's back, and the sword pierced his body and plunged an inch into Ren Binghai's chest.

Ren Binghai also felt pain and let go of his hand, turned around and fell to the ground with blood stained on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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