
Chapter 1902 Old friend 1

Chapter 1902 Old Friend One
The gate passages of the demon world and the spirit world have always been completely open, and on the side of the demon world, there are high-level demon cultivators of the Huofeng and Huojiao clan stationed here.The other side of the spiritual world is guarded by Xi Tianying's master Jue Dao Song Li.

The monster monks who come and go need to obtain the entry and exit certificates to pass through, while the high-level monks of the foreign race can directly pass through the gate only by revealing their identities.As for the low-level monks, they still need the identity jade slips given by the firm or a large sect to walk through.

And low-level monks usually carry huge transport ships because of their lack of strength, otherwise they will not be able to block the sharp wind in the gap in the interface.

Taiqing Pavilion has a specially reserved first-class cabin on the giant transport ship, and no one takes it on weekdays.It's just that there was a sudden ban on today's first-class cabin, and it was obvious that important figures from the Taiqing Pavilion returned to the spirit world on a transport ship.

The person in charge of driving the transport ship was an eighth-level monster monk. After seeing the Taiqing Pavilion, the monk showed his pass and let it go.

At this time, in the first-class cabin, there were two people wearing black breath-suppressing cloaks sitting on the floor, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies were deliberately suppressed as in the early stage of distraction.Slowly taking off the cloak on his head to reveal his face is exactly what Yi Tian himself looks like. At this time, less than 50 years have passed since the last retreat.

After receiving a message from Patriarch Wuye, they left the customs in a hurry and came to meet at the gate of the realm.Before leaving, Yi Tian found out that Qing Lianyun hadn't left the customs yet, and he had a mission ahead of him.

In desperation, he could only entrust the affairs of Wan Yao City to King Jin Mao, and left a letter to Qing Lianyun and Meng Jing to explain everything there before going out.

After arriving near the gate of the world, he found his whereabouts according to the jade talisman left by Patriarch Wuye. After the two met, they returned to the spirit world directly in the way of ordinary low-level spiritual cultivation.

Sitting in the cabin, Yi Tian looked up at the master, only to see that Wuye didn't show any spiritual fluctuations at this time.But I don't dare to underestimate it in my heart, even if the master in front of me is only half of the strength in his heyday, he is stronger than him in the middle stage of fusion now.

Seeing the suspicious look on his face, Wuye asked indifferently: "If you have something on your mind, ask directly?"

"Master Rong Bing, I don't know why we chose to return to the spirit world in this way?" Yi Tian asked.

Wu Ye chuckled lightly and said: "A monk in the Mahayana period has insight into the situation between the heaven and the earth in a world. If I break through the void and return directly, it will definitely alarm others."

"Master, is he afraid that the person in Lihuo Palace will know our whereabouts?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course I'm not afraid of him at all, but Demon Saint Baotan and Datian Demon Dugu Lonely are troublesome." Wu Ye sighed and said, "If I let them know my whereabouts, I'm afraid they will get in the way and cause trouble. the whole situation.”

"So that's the case, but will these two Mahayana monks stay in the spirit world for a long time?" Yi Tian asked, if they stayed in the spirit world from the beginning to the end, it might not be a good thing.The duration of the evil disaster must be much longer than expected.

Wu Ye waved his hands lightly and said with a smile: "In fact, they have already returned at this time, but some people with supernatural powers among the demons can detect the changes in the broken void in a world, and most of them will stay in the spirit world The eyeliner. If they are notified after they know about it, it won’t take long whether it is Violence or Dugu Lonely breaking through the void and coming to the spirit world, but I am afraid that the two senior brothers may not be able to stop him in time. .”

It turns out that the master is planning for a rainy day, and he must be fully prepared for the extraordinary things he will do this time.

After passing through the boundary gate, Yi Tian could obviously feel the slight tremor around the hull.Needless to say, the transport ship was shuttling through the interface channel at this time, and the surrounding interface wind had more or less affected the hull of the ship.

After flying for half an hour, the hull stabilized a little, and suddenly there was a wave of waves on the door, obviously someone outside was trying to contact the people inside.

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly. This is the first-class cabin reserved by Taiqing Pavilion. Logically speaking, as long as the ban in the cabin is opened, most people will not come to disturb it easily.Seeing the figure of Patriarch Wuye like this, it slowly turned into a transparent shape until it disappeared out of thin air in place.

Yi Tian slowly opened a slap-sized hole in the restriction with a slight movement of his divine sense.I only heard a voice from the outside saying: "I don't know that the director of Wanyao City has returned, and Hua Yulin, the manager of the transport ship Taiqing Pavilion, is polite."

There was a burst of laughter in my heart, I didn't expect to meet this guy here.Why did they come to investigate? It was obvious that they wanted to see if the person inside was Cui Fuling.I haven't seen this guy for nearly a thousand years and I still don't give up, but from the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on his body, it can be found that his cultivation base is roughly at the peak of the late stage of transforming gods, and he is only one line away from entering the distraction stage.

But Cui Fuling is a real distracted monk, and they must be two types of people in the future.How can I say that Hua Yulin is also my cheap brother-in-law, so it's not a problem if I avoid seeing him.

And the master also hid his figure in the cabin and naturally tacitly let himself handle the matter.Thinking about it, Yi Tian quietly dispersed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then opened the restraint of the cabin through a two-foot-wide and seven-foot-high opening.He said in his mouth: "Since you are a disciple of the sect, then come in and answer."

Shaoqing saw a man in his thirties who was dressed as an inner disciple of the Taiqing Pavilion walk in.When he saw Dao himself, his cheeks immediately twitched, and he shouted: "So it's you, good boy. Where have you been all these years? It's easy for me to find you."

"I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here without any problems," Yi Tian joked: "I didn't expect you to come here, did you offend some important person in the sect?"

Hua Yulin walked up to look at himself, then sat down on the ground and said, "It's not that I offended anyone, it's just that the inner sect disciples of the sect have been sent out to take charge of the ruling party after the outbreak of the evil disaster in recent years."

"Then have you become the person in charge sent here by the Taiqing Pavilion?" Yi Tian asked.

Hua Yulin blushed and said: "Speaking of which, I have limited aptitude and have not broken through the barrier of distraction for thousands of years, so I was excluded here. Fortunately, my little girl has good aptitude and is now the most potential monk of my Hua family. Now I The position of Patriarch has already been given to her."

"Is that so, I didn't expect that Yu Xin's strength, which hasn't been seen for thousands of years, will be greatly improved. I wonder how far she has reached now?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's also at the peak of the late stage of transformation," Hua Yuxin said with a bright smile on Hua Yulin's face, "As long as she passes the level and becomes a monk in the distraction stage, plus your strength, I will be the Hua family." Naturally, you can occupy a place in the Taiqing Pavilion. But speaking of it, the head of Qin in the Qingtian Pavilion made a special trip to meet the younger sister, saying that she will be extremely valuable in the future, and I don't know if it is true."

"Could it be the proverb back then," Yi Tian said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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