
Chapter 1904 Return 1

Chapter 1904 Homecoming One
Although his master said so, Yi Tian was still a little worried. After all, this time he was going to Lihuo Palace to fight, not to have a banquet.At that time, I may not be able to retreat completely, and I don't know if I can take care of it with a little girl by my ear.

At the moment, he secretly replied, indicating that this matter can be discussed later, and it will not be too late to pick up Hua Yuxin after the matter of Lihuo Palace is settled.On the other hand, Patriarch Wuye had a meaningful smile on his face after hearing this, and then simply replied: "It's up to people, since Qin Huaige's divination says that she will be the master of Lihuo Palace, then it can't be wrong. And don't you think she may be your next indispensable help? Although she is not strong, it depends on her role at critical times."

Yi Tian was also speechless about this, and after thinking about it again and again, he still insisted on his original opinion.For the time being, I don't want to involve Hua Yuxin in this sect dispute.

Soon the three of them chatted about the situation in recent years without saying a word, and most of them were about the situation of the two in the sect.Yi Tian chatted about what he saw and heard in another world.

Soon, I only felt that the violent shock of the transport ship eased down. It is expected that it passed through the passage of the gate of the world, and it should have reached the spirit world by this time.

Hua Yuxin suddenly turned dark and said: "I don't know if my husband will go directly to the sect to return to the sect after returning to the spirit world. Please forgive me for being unable to accompany me because of the mission of the sect."

It turned out that she was thinking about such trivial matters, but it was easy to think about it. She had been away for nearly a thousand years and hadn't returned. Of course she had some thoughts in her heart when she suddenly ran into this little girl today.

However, it is not convenient for Yi Tian to tell his whereabouts, so he can only simply say a few perfunctory words.

Later, I suddenly noticed that the transport ship was shaking violently again. It only felt like three or two times, but after ten breaths, the whole hull began to shake violently.

The voice of the captain came from the entrance of the cabin and said: "Everyone, we have just entered the range of the spirit world, but there are several strong spiritual pressure fluctuations at the gate of the world. It seems that high-ranking monks are fighting. Now open all the exits of the cabin , Passengers, please do your own thing. All patrol teams on board are at their positions, we will leave here as soon as possible and go to the nearest spiritual town for repairs."

Hearing this, Hua Yuxin's complexion changed slightly and he said: "The nearest spiritual town is 'Canglongbao', an important town of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, eight thousand miles away. Husband can go with us to avoid the limelight."

Yi Tian was silent when he heard the words, but in fact, his divine sense had already extended out to scan everything within a radius of ten thousand li.The important town of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, 'Canglong Fort', has already fallen. From which direction, it can be sensed that there are several auras of distracted demon cultivators coming towards the gate.

At this time, there were two mid-stage monks fighting around the boundary gate, and the supernatural powers spread to the transport ship that had just flown out of the boundary gate passage.

It is expected that one of these two is Jue Dao Song Li, but the strength of someone who can fight against him is naturally not to be underestimated.Yi Tian soon discovered that the demon who shot was Dugu Jackie Chan of the Heavenly Demon Clan. This man was not weak and could use the Heavenly Demon's real body one-on-one to fight inextricably with Jue Dao Song Li.

In an instant, Yi Tian knew the plan of the demons. This boundary gate is the key to the passage between the two worlds. If the boundary gate can be opened, it can continuously attract the army of the demons to drive straight in.

Among the advance team of the Demon Race, Dugu Jackie Chan of the Sky Demon Race is the most powerful. He came forward to personally intervene in this matter, and it must be the meaning of the two Mahayana monks above.

After the fierce collision of the two spells, the aroused air wave swept directly towards the transport ship.It was as if a lone boat in a storm was covered head-on by huge waves. Fortunately, there was a lot of spiritual power stored on the transport ship, and the aura quickly opened up the defensive cover to the maximum, and at the same time the transport ship turned in the air and flew straight towards Canglong Fort. go.

Dugu Jackie Chan and Jue Dao Song Li had no time to tell the winner, but the oncoming demon monks in the distraction period were a big trouble.It was obvious that they were coming towards the boundary gate, and most of them were there to aid in the battle.

Yi Tian thought about it in his heart and quietly sent a voice transmission to his master Wuye: "It seems that the purpose of the demons this time is also very clear, relying on the large number of people to take the lead in raiding the gate of the world to open the passage between the two worlds."

"Then how do you want to make a move?" Wu Ye asked.

"If you just sit back and ignore it, you will definitely be criticized by the channel in the future," Yi Tian said: "But if you make a big fight, you may alarm the demons, and it will have a negative impact on the affairs of the master."

"The devil in the fusion stage can be handed over to Song Li. It is expected that with his strength, even if he loses, he can stand by and wait for reinforcements. You go and send the reinforcements, and then we will go directly to Lihuo Palace by boat," said Patriarch Wu Ye After that, he closed his eyes again to get into a state of meditation.

After hearing this, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and the master's words also mentioned that he would go to Lihuo Palace by boat.If it doesn't work, I have to hijack the transport ship.In this way, the monks on the ship must be properly dealt with.

Withdrawing his divine sense and scanning the entire ship, he realized that there are about a hundred monks on board. If they were all taken to Lihuo Palace, they would not be allowed to explode there.

He bowed his head and asked in a deep voice: "How many monks from the spiritual world sect are staying on board?"

"There are about 15 people, most of them are disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion and personnel from the small sect," Hua Yuxin hurriedly told the whole situation when she saw her solemn expression and knew that something had changed.

"Why is the captain a demon cultivator?" Yi Tian asked again.

"He was recruited on a temporary basis. He originally belonged to the Loose Cultivator Alliance. We were also ordered by the sect to come to assist," Hua Yuxin explained.

"Since that's the case, it's easy to handle," Yi Tian said after thinking about it: "About ten demons in the distraction period are flying from the direction of Sanxiu Canglongbao's super-boundary gate. It is estimated that Canglongbao has fallen at this moment. You go and get those loose cultivators to leave as soon as possible, otherwise being targeted by the demon cultivators will probably make life worse than death."

"Then what do you do, husband?" Hua Yuxin asked with a tense expression.

"Don't worry, I have my own opinion," Yi Tian said lightly: "Go and tell the captain that the Taiqing Pavilion is now requisitioning this transport ship, and let him leave quickly. As for you, lead the disciples of the sect first. Just leave."

"No, my husband wants to block these demons with one to ten to buy time for the guards of the gate to wait for help." Hua Yuxin's eyes flashed with a flash of light and shouted: "This is a move that never returns. With your It’s okay to match one or two monks of the same level in strength, but if it’s more than ten times stronger, it’s impossible to escape.”

Gently scratching Hua Yuxin's nose, Yi Tian said calmly: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion, and you can just do what I say."

 Thanks to fellow Taoists sieyes, miniegghzj, Summer Spring Breeze, Lord of Castle Peak, Shan Chunqiu, and Weicheng for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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