
Chapter 1929 Ask

Chapter 1929 Ask
After subduing the Six-Eyed Jie Demon Wolf, Yi Tian revealed the agreement between himself and the Scarlet Eye Demon, and also introduced the origin of that place in detail.

But the monk Jie Ding revealed the origin of the secret treasure in one word. It turned out that it was the place where Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil in his previous life, buried half of his heart of good thoughts.

The faces of the three people present were startled when they heard this. The kindness of the monks in the Mahayana period is a rare thing. If it is used well, it may have unexpected effects.But if it falls into the hands of the demons, there may be endless troubles.

After hearing this, Monk Yizhen said solemnly: "In this way, the trip to the 'Qiong Huaxiong' in the depths of the spiritual world is inevitable, and I need to ask Junior Brother Yi to handle it with care."

However, Zheng Tingyun said with a worried expression: "Junior Brother Yi's trip seems to be extremely difficult and dangerous. If you want to go with that scarlet-eyed demon, I'm afraid you need to pay more attention to this matter."

Speaking of this scarlet-eyed demon, Zheng Tingyun naturally had a dignified expression, so there was no doubt that she must have suffered a dark loss at his hands.

Yi Tian knew the meaning of Zheng Tingyun's words, but he didn't change his face and said: "This matter is related to the safety of the spiritual world and the key to quelling this evil disaster. Naturally, I am obliged to do so. As for the scarlet pupil demon, although it is not easy to mess with, I have seen it before. As long as he can find a way to restrain his supernatural power and secret technique 'Desperate Demon Eye', he will be [-]% to [-]% sure to deal with this Scarlet Eyed Demon."

"The Crimson Pupil Demon's 'Desperate Demon Pupil' is really powerful," Zheng Tingyun said seriously, "Did Junior Brother Yi ever think about how to restrain it?"

"I don't have any ideas for the time being, but I have seen that the scarlet pupil demon can use this technique to fix the demonized body of 'Ruo Ling'," Yi Tian explained.

"That's because Ruo Ling's demonic body will be limited by the supernatural powers of the demons. I know the situation of the one-eyed demons you have to deal with," the monk Jie Ding thought for a while.

Yi Tian raised his brows, remembering that the Crimson Eyed Demon said that his ancestor was the military advisor of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu.The monk Jie Ding in front of him is the reincarnation of Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, so he naturally knows the way.

"I would also like to ask the master of precepts to point out the inner maze. I don't know the origin of this one-eyed demon, and how can I deal with him," Yi Tian asked.

Sighing, the monk decided to think for a while before saying: "This one-eyed demon clan was originally one of the top ten races in the devil world. Because of its very high requirements for the reproduction of its race, it is sparsely populated. It can be regarded as a heterogeneous species among the top ten races in the devil world. In this way, the strength of its clan members is far superior to other demon clans of the same level."

"Then since such a race is so rare, it must be one of the ten races in the Demon Realm. It must have its special talent and supernatural powers," asked Monk Yizhen.

"That's right," Monk Jie Ding nodded and replied, "His innate one-eyed eye is the key to his innate supernatural powers. Mingmotong' is several times stronger."

Hearing the suspicious expressions on the faces of the three people around here, Zheng Tingyun asked: "I have fought against this scarlet pupil, and found that the divine light emitted by the 'Desperate Demon Eye' can confuse people's minds. If the monks are unsteady at the moment of fighting, the opponent will take advantage of it. If you don't pay attention, you will be strangled by it."

"That's right, since Daoist Zheng has already experienced this supernatural power and secret technique, he naturally understands it," Jieding monk continued, "but the real 'Blinking Eyes' can control any monk whose cultivation level is lower than his own, even those of the same level. Monks can also be confused."

"So the Crimson Pupil Demon is invincible at the same level?" Monk Yizhen's expression changed drastically, "If he has reservations, then the trip to the 'Qiong Flower Pavilion' in the vast sea can be said to be extremely difficult and dangerous."

"Not necessarily, if this 'Blinking Eye' is so powerful, then the last time the army of evil disasters was not so clear." Yi Tian said confidently: "I think such a powerful supernatural power must have its limitations, If I'm not mistaken, 'Ban Mie Tong' can only intelligently control one person at most, and the control time is also limited."

Monk Jieding smiled and said: "That's right, Fellow Daoist Yi really has a delicate mind, no wonder he was involved many times but was able to escape unscathed."

"Master, please give me some advice on how to defeat the enemy," Yi Tian said respectfully.

"In fact, there is no good way. This 'dimming pupil' is just to use the dark side in people's heart to amplify it infinitely to achieve the effect of control," Monk Jieding explained: "To put it bluntly, it is to guide the mind to change for the better. Evil moment to control people."

"Is this similar to the 'One Thought of Buddha and Demon' in the good and evil Zen method created by the master back then," Yi Tian asked after thinking about it.

Monk Jieding just smiled and said nothing, but Monk Yizhen who was beside him suddenly said, "So that's the case, I understand. Brother Yi, you are indeed a blessed general, and you must be the only one who wants to deal with this scarlet-eyed demon." .”

There was a little understanding on his face, Yi Tian smiled wryly and said, "I can't help it, let me do it. Before I go out next time, I still need to retreat for a while to comprehend the Zen of good and evil."

After hearing this, Zheng Tingyun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's still hard work, Junior Brother Yi. You don't need to care about the matter of the Demon Disaster War. I and Junior Brother Lu will deal with it. You can concentrate on preparing for the opponent's Crimson Eyed Demon."

"Then it's hard work for Senior Sister Zheng. Should we return as soon as possible after what happened today? As for Sheng Zhuangxiong and the others, I don't know how to deal with it," Yi Tian asked.

"Except for Junior Sister Lianyun, the rest of you don't know about your existence, and I will try to block your news as much as you want," Zheng Tingyun replied.

"Thank you, sister, for your size," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Later, Zheng Tingyun came forward and led Monk Yizhen to clean up the mess. After the surrounding formations and barriers were removed, Sheng Zhuangxiong and others saw Zheng Tingyun coming out in person, so naturally they didn't dare to make mistakes, and everything was dealt with step by step.Afterwards, the seven people turned around and flew towards the hinterland of the spirit world. Before leaving, Qing Lianyun involuntarily looked at the mountain depression in front of him.

After a private message with Zheng Tingyun, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but his firm eyes recovered in an instant.

Yi Tian used the concealment technique to protect the monk Jieding, and he sighed a lot after seeing them go away.

Little did he know that the monk Jie Ding beside him opened his mouth and shouted the Buddha's chant: "Amitabha, it's normal for Master Yi to have a little concern in his heart. I see that you have a close relationship with that female cultivator of the Taiqing Pavilion."

"I made you laugh at me," Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew his expression, turned around and said respectfully, "Some children's affairs do make me a little scruples, and I found that Lianyun's luck is not stable, and it seems that he will encounter disaster in the near future. "

"Yi Shizhu is a person of great luck. Even if Qing Lianyun is in trouble, you can still prevent disasters for him. What's more, you have to follow the sky before things happen," said the monk Jieding.

(End of this chapter)

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