
Chapter 1934 Zhang Zong

Chapter 1934
After bidding farewell to Juedao Song Li, Yi Tian set off alone and returned to Lihuozong.Now, although I am the new Lihuo Sect Master appointed by Patriarch Wuye, I have only conveyed it among the high-level monks of the Sect.As for the following disciples who don't even know their existence, it's no wonder that they were trapped in the gossip furnace before, and they didn't get out until recently.

Then he received a message from Zheng Tingyun and went directly to the depths of the spirit world to deal with the matter of Kuisha Cave.

So much so that when Yi Tian returned to Lihuozong, he was directly stopped by the disciples who guarded the mountain.To avoid trouble, Yi Tian just restrained his cultivation to the stage of transforming gods, so he would naturally be mistaken for a casual cultivator who came to worship the mountain.

Moreover, there is no part of the whole body with the imprint of Lihuo Palace, those low-level disciples naturally don't recognize it.

I wanted to use a concealment spell to sneak into the sect, but this idea was rejected after flashing through my mind.It's really unsightly for the suzerain of Tangtang Lihuo Palace to go home and sneak around.If it gets out, I'm afraid it will be laughed at by monks of the same rank.

Just as he was thinking about how to inform the acting suzerain Han Liu, suddenly Yi Tian found a red flame at the foot of the mountain gate and was rushing towards Li Huozong.Zimang flashed in his eyes and found a medium-sized merchant ship wrapped in the flames. After a while, the merchant ship slowly slowed down and stopped at the airport three miles away from the mountain gate.

Dozens of escaping lights flew out from above the merchant ship and rushed towards the mountain gate.Yi Tian swept across his face with a playful smile.

The people who came were all disciples of the inner sect's transformation stage, but I didn't know any of them, and there were a few Yuanying stage disciples at the end.However, the person at the head was very familiar with him, and it was Cheng Bufan who was in charge of the Lihuozong firm in the Wanyao City of the Demon Realm.

Speaking of which, he can be regarded as a senior member of one party, and being able to take charge of the semicolons of the demon world is naturally deeply trusted by the sect.It's just that something happened when he brought people back at this time.

After the group of people descended from the clouds, the disciples guarding the mountain hurried forward to say hello, Cheng Bufan turned his head and glanced over, his eyes fixed suddenly, and then he returned to normal.

After giving orders to his subordinates, he lowered his head and transmitted the sound transmission: "I don't know that the master and uncle are here, so I'm so rude."

"Has Han Liu explained the situation to you?" Yi Tian replied with a voice transmission by moving the corner of his mouth slightly.

"The acting suzerain has already informed me about the sect's affairs. I wonder why the suzerain made a special trip here?" Cheng Bufan asked.

There was a slight embarrassment on his face, he couldn't say that he was stopped outside the house by the disciples guarding the mountain of the sect.Immediately replied: "Go in quickly, and later call all the disciples above the sect's transformation stage to the main hall."

"Disciple obeys," Cheng Bufan didn't dare to ask any more questions after hearing this, he was one of the few insiders in the Lihuo Sect.Back then, the person in front of him fought one against three in a row against suzerain Ji Xuanyuan and Li Huo's elders. He also heard that the closed disciple who was trained by Li Huo's patriarch was naturally extremely powerful.

This group of disciples from the Lihuo Sect entered the sect in a hurry. During this period, there was a sudden loss of a casual cultivator at the stage of transforming gods outside the mountain gate, and no one noticed.

After using the concealment technique, he followed these people through the mountain gate and came directly to the main hall of the Li Huo Sect.Looking up, in the main hall in front of him, there is a ten-foot-high stone wall portrait, engraved on it is Lihuo Patriarch Wuye sitting in the middle, Ji Xuanyuan is standing on the left side waiting, and on the right is the portrait of Lihuo Erlao.

Bypassing the main hall to the middle hall, this place is only three or four feet away, but it is the center of the highest authority of Li Huozong.On weekdays, the suzerain would receive inner disciples here.Moreover, there are high-level restrictions here, and people who are not here cannot enter.

Yi Tian found that there were five three-foot-long portraits hanging on the wall behind the middle hall. From left to right, they were Patriarch Wuye, Ji Xuanyuan, Zeng Shun, and Han Liu, and his own figure appeared in the last one.

Yi Tian took a closer look at the portrait showing himself as an incarnation of Asura with three heads and six arms, holding a purple sky lamp, a purple flame wind and thunder fan, a Taiyuan wooden sword, a dragon tortoise armor shield and other spiritual weapons.

Needless to say, only the Lihuo elders who have fought against each other can do it so vividly.
.Just as he was thinking about it, a rustling sound suddenly came from the corridor on one side.Then dozens of people followed Cheng Bufan and rushed to the outside of the middle hall and stopped.

Later, I saw Han Liu coming from the other side, gently stroking his hand, opened the restriction and let these disciples enter the middle hall.After entering the middle hall, these people are lined up in order according to their seniority and cultivation level, and they are arranged in three rows before the front seat.

After Yi Tian glanced over, he found that Lihuo Palace is definitely not as strong as the outside world said. Before, only people like Chi Wuji, Ji Xingzhu, Leidong and others could support the facade.Now there is only one person who has become extraordinary in the middle stage of distraction, and the strength of the other early stage disciples of distraction is far from being able to catch my eyes.

As for the disciples of the transformation stage, there are ten disciples, ranging from the early stage to the late stage.If many of these people have the opportunity to advance to the stage of distraction in peaceful times, it is unknown how many people will perish after the outbreak of the demonic disaster, and how many people will be able to stand out and rise to the stage of distraction.

As for the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, there are about ten people, the worst is just that they have passed the Nascent Soul stage.Yi Tian glanced over and found that there were two female cultivators at the bottom.

After all the disciples stood still, Han Liu walked quickly to the empty seat on the left side of the middle hall, and frowned slightly before sitting down.

Then he stared at a certain position in front of the portrait for a long time before he said: "The sect master's cultivation has improved again, please show up."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the disciples in front of them changed drastically, and then they turned their heads to look at the position in front of the portrait, but there was a little strange color on their faces.

Scanning with his spiritual sense, he didn't find anything unusual, but looking at Han Liu's expression, he looked stern and respectful.

Ripples appeared out of nowhere in the void, and then Yi Tian's figure slowly appeared.Turning around, he cupped his hands towards Han Liu and said, "Senior Brother Han, I haven't seen you for many years, don't you come here and you will be fine."

"The suzerain has been busy with the disaster since he left the customs. This is also the first time to formally meet with my disciples from the Lihuo Sect. Please take a seat and accept the audience ceremony," Han Liu said.

Under the attention of all the disciples, Yi Tian slowly walked up to the main seat and sat down. After he sat down, Han Liu sat on the left seat.Under the leadership of Cheng Bufan, the disciples in front of him respectfully stepped forward and paid homage.

Only to hear Han Liu speak again: "Now that the younger brother is finally out of customs, then I can retreat to the second line."

"Senior brother Han is serious. Now that the sect is employing people when the disaster broke out, it is time for the sect to preside over the overall situation in the sect," Yi Tian said.Then he quietly transmitted a voice: "Afterwards, I promised Zheng Tingyun that I would take action against the Crimson Eyed Demon in the demon army, and the sect affairs need to be handled by my senior brother."

A look of surprise flashed in Han Liu's eyes, and then he nodded to show his understanding.

 Thanks to Taoist Mingyueren and book friend 20180808090717620 for their strong support.

(End of this chapter)

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