
Chapter 1936 Fighting Again 1 Interception

Chapter 1936 The Resurrection of War and Interception
The eruption of the catastrophe in the spiritual world lasted for hundreds of years, and during this period, the two sides showed a tendency to stalemate.After the invading demon army expanded its power to a certain extent, it could no longer expand.The area they can control can only be regarded as the extension of the sphere of influence of the three factions of the spirit world, let alone invade the hinterland of the spirit world.

In this way, this catastrophe is nothing more than an itch to the spirit world. Although it does not pose any major threat to the three sects, it still has a huge impact on those small and medium sects.

For this reason, the three factions of the spiritual world set up an alliance headquarters in Feilian City, which was at the forefront of the disaster, and Zheng Tingyun, the suzerain of the Taiqing Pavilion, personally took the seat.All major sects dispatched elite monks to help in the battle, and the suzerains of the small and medium sects also personally participated in the battle.

Lihuo Palace, one of the three sects at the beginning of the disaster, originally only sent Zeng Shun, one of the two elders of Lihuo, to lead a small number of disciples to join the battle.Many small and medium-sized sects pointed out this in secret, but they dared not speak out due to the power of the Lihuo Palace.

Fortunately, this matter has changed in recent years. The Lihuo Sect sent a team to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to wait for orders. Among them, the monks in the distraction stage and the transformation stage were on par with the other two factions.It's a pity that without such iconic leaders as Chi Wuji and Ji Xingzhu, the overall strength has become the weakest of the three factions.

However, the prestige of the Fire Palace has been resounding in the spiritual world for nearly ten thousand years, and the arrival of this group of people has greatly boosted the morale of the spiritual alliance.Zeng Shun, a monk in the Lihuo sect's fusion period, felt a sense of elation, and he also became more hardened when he learned about the secret operations of the sect.

Facing the spirit world alliance gradually slowing down, the demon army began to encounter difficulties.The number of monks in the body-fit stage is almost the same. If any monks in the body-fit stage join the battle rashly, they will definitely be noticed by the other side.

Therefore, most of the time on the battlefield of the demon disaster is still dominated by monks in the distraction period. Because the battle line is too long, there will often be a situation where a large number of monks fight in those fringe areas.

Fortunately, in the past ten years, there was no news of the demise of the monks at the fusion stage on both sides. However, during the previous division of the demon army, the coalition forces led by the Cyclops lost a monk at the early stage of fusion.No, it is said that this matter is not what the monks in the spirit world said. For this reason, the allied forces of the demons have no excuse to provoke a fierce battle between the two sides.

It's just that both sides also know that such a peaceful day cannot last long, since it is a large-scale invasion, there must be some disturbances.Although it is not as direct as the previous demonic disaster that directly captured the main city of Taiqing Pavilion, it is not the style of the demon army to be confined to the edge of the spirit world.

The peaceful days lasted like this for decades. One day, on the way from the hinterland of the spirit world to the front line, a transport ship from the Taiqing Pavilion was galloping through the air at full speed, and it would take less than an hour to arrive at the present Lingxiu Union headquarters.

In the cabin of the transport ship, however, Qing Lianyun, a newly promoted monk at the fusion stage, sits in charge in person, and beside her are a dozen or so disciples of the distraction stage of the Taiqing Pavilion sitting on both sides.Among them, Hua Yulin of the Hua family is impressively listed, but now he is also rising with the status of his younger sister.

The originally powerful sect disciples next to him also looked at him with a bit of fear in their eyes.At this time, Qing Lianyun said calmly: "This time, I, a monk from the Taiqing Pavilion, escorted the secret treasure of the Buddhist sect to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and then we can launch a counterattack."

"May I ask Senior Sister Qing, who doesn't know how powerful this Buddhist sect's secret treasure is, can she suppress it in the face of the monks in the fusion stage of the demon race?" Hua Yulin asked directly as a representative of the following people.

It stands to reason that after Qing Lianyun's cultivation base has been promoted to the fusion stage, the monks in the distraction stage can only be called uncles, but Hua Yulin's status is special, and he is also from the same generation, so it is natural for him to call him that.

I just heard Qing Lianyun reply: "I don't know if it's possible or not, but this thing was sent by Master Yizhen, the abbot of the Great Leiguang Temple of the Buddhist School, to deal with demon cultivators. Naturally, it will be very helpful to them. Great restraint."

"So we are going to start a counterattack," Hua Yulin asked.

"This matter has yet to be determined by the suzerain, and it is not that simple to counterattack. It has to wait for the representatives of the various sects to discuss it before deciding," Qing Lianyun said: "At least the sister Yuxin from Lihuo Palace will fully support this As long as the Crimson Rain Sword Sect Master makes up his mind, it will be the time for our spiritual cultivation and the invading Demon Cultivator's decisive battle."

When Hua Yuxin was mentioned, Hua Yulin's eyes naturally showed joy, and at the same time, there was a look of pride on his face.

Suddenly the cabin shook violently, and all the people inside hurriedly flew into the air to stabilize their bodies.Qing Lianyun opened his divine mind to investigate the surrounding situation, and after three breaths, his expression changed slightly: "It's not good that we were attacked by someone, and there are actually two monks in the fusion stage of the demon race who are not weak."

The faces of the people below changed slightly after hearing this, and they all lost their senses immediately.It is still a unique thing to see a monk in the integration period of the demon race on the edge of the hinterland of the spirit world.

I don't know how they broke through the line of defense and sneaked into the land tens of thousands of miles behind the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.Qing Lianyun, who was the backbone, also had a grim look at this time, and if it was a one-on-one situation, she might retreat calmly.But now with a group of disciples, and the number of the other party is twice as large as hers, it is naturally difficult to get away easily.

After quickly calculating the gains and losses in his mind, Qing Lianyun shouted: "Open the hatch, you and ten people will each take a part of the Buddhist sect's secret treasure and go to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance separately. No matter what happens behind you, don't look back , find the suzerain and ask her to come forward to solve this crisis."

After finishing speaking, he reached out and lifted a heavy storage ring, took out a jade statue of Buddha, patted it lightly, divided it into ten parts, and sent it directly to the hands of everyone in front of him.

After three breaths, ten auras of light flew out from the transport ship and galloped away in different directions.At the same time, a ray of blue light escaped from it, stopped in the air for a while, then turned around and flew in another direction.As for the transport ship, there was a flash of light around it and it galloped at full speed towards the established route in the direction of the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.

Just after the blue light escaped ten breaths away, two figures appeared out of nowhere in the air, and their spiritual pressure fluctuations were comparable to Qing Lianyun's.If Yi Tian was there, it would be found that these two people turned out to be Yan Lei, the prince of the flame prison demon clan, and Anming, the mistress of the dark night.Speaking of which, they are old acquaintances, especially Yan Lei and Yi Tian have met several times, if they see the state of spiritual cultivation, they may not be able to recognize it.

Immediately, these two people abandoned those Taiqing Pavilion disciples and chased directly in the direction Qing Lianyun fled.

Qing Lianyun's divine sense in front of her was shocked, and after realizing the seriousness of the problem, she directly took out a simple jade talisman to activate and sent it out.I saw this jade talisman turned into a meteor-like aura and flew across the sky in the direction of Lihuo Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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