
Chapter 1938 The War Resurrected 3 Misentering

Chapter 1938
Yi Tian, ​​who was originally practicing in seclusion, received a call for help from Qinglianyun for no reason, and followed the remaining clues all the way to find the location where the transport ship she was carrying was attacked half a day ago.After performing time regression, he found that the situation was better than he expected, at least at this time Qing Lianyun had not been captured by Moxiu.

After fleeing all the way, she chose a suitable terrain and set up a five-spirit barrier to delay the speed of the opponent's pursuit.But I didn't expect that Yan Lei from the flame prison demon clan was not a fuel-efficient lamp.He has been immersed in the fusion period for thousands of years in the strength of the light wheel, and he has practiced the flame prison demon emperor even more proficiently.

Even if he knew that he was in a trap, he was not afraid at all, and found a way to break it in just a few tens of breaths after casting the flame prison demon.Then he took Anming, the mistress of the night, to forcefully break out of the predicament.

As for the magic weapon pointed at Luo Geng in An Ming's hand, it can tell the direction of Qing Lianyun's departure. In this way, the matter can only be understood if they are completely dismissed, and Qing Lianyun's strength is not enough for one-on-one. Stable victory over Anming, the mistress of the dark night, not to mention a vicious Yan Lei by her side.The best way for the current plan is to lure them to the hinterland of the three factions.

But with Qing Lianyun's personality, she would definitely not make such a bad move. Even if she could escape by herself, these two demon monks would still kill in the hinterland of the spirit world.At least until reinforcements arrive, they can destroy all spiritual facilities within a radius of [-] miles.

Looking back in time, Yi Tian discovered that the direction Qing Lianyun left was facing the hinterland of the spirit world. After taking out the map and jade slips and quickly inquiring about it, Yi Tian had a bottom line in his mind.Based on this, it seems that Qing Lianyun will probably lead the two of them to the vicinity of 'Yingou Ridge', which was originally the place where the gap between the two worlds first appeared when the last evil disaster broke out.The second is where Qiu Yu's first camp was stationed.

Now Yingouling has been covered by miasma for thousands of miles, and it is indeed very difficult to find traces inside. If you want to get out, you have to go here.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian chose the direction where Qing Lianyun left, and used all his escapism to catch up.

Along the way, he soon saw two traces left by the flames of the Flame Prison, but Yi Tian stopped Wuxia and used the magical power of time travel to check the situation.It seemed that Yan Lei had lost his patience, and the intensity of his shots became more urgent and stronger each time.

After flying for half an hour, the edge that can be detected by the divine sense has already found a mountain that can no longer be penetrated.With joy in his heart, he secretly said: "It should be close."

The distance of more than 1 miles is only a short time for the current self. When he came to the vicinity of 'Yingou Ridge', Yi Tian found that the spiritual power here was mixed and there were still a lot of evil spirits left.Thousands of miles around are covered by gray mist, and the divine sense can only bypass this place at best and cannot reach in to find out what happened.

Just as he was wondering if he had found the right direction, suddenly there was a red wind blowing from the gray mist.The cyan protective shield on his body was raised to block the wind from outside, but Yi Tian showed a look of relief on his face.This is clearly the aftermath of Yan Lei's supernatural powers. It seems that his judgment is still correct so far.

Not wanting to see the blue halo all over Yi Tian's body, he opened the protective cover and stared at the red demon Gangfeng in front of him, falling headlong into the gray fog.

After entering Yingou Ridge, I only feel that this place is a little different from the outside world. Flying in the air, the whole person feels several times heavier than the outside world.Action is not as easy and freehand as before.

The stretching out of the divine sense was blocked by the gray mist, but fortunately, it was still possible to detect movement within a radius of three to five miles.

Quickly falling to the midair of Yingouling, Yi Tian could already see clearly the situation on the ground.I saw dilapidated spirit weapon remains scattered on the ground here, many of which had been weathered after tens of thousands of years.

Flying tens of miles, you can vaguely find the remains of the camp set up by the demon prince Qiu Yu. At that time, after the demon army invaded here, they also made a long-term plan and set up a defensive formation in the mountain. It seems that this camp will be built. The fortress of Railcom Defense.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly there was a fluctuating sense of spiritual pressure in the distance.Needless to say, it must be caused by someone fighting here.Yi Tian couldn't help but follow the direction and chased forward, and at the same time restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, preparing for an unexpected surprise for these two demon cultivators.

Although the divine sense could not detect it, Yi Tian knew that the distance between the two sides should be within a thousand miles according to the strength of the wind caused by the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure around him.

If Qing Lianyun is entangled by the other party, then with her strength, she will not last long.Thinking of this, Yi Tian became more and more anxious, and at the same time, the speed of the escape light on his body flashed again by more than three points.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian came to the area where the spiritual pressure fluctuated most violently, but after a little identification at this time, he could find that there were no less than four spiritual powers in the wind of the spiritual pressure fluctuation.And the strongest among them is not Yan Lei, but a cloud of chaotic spiritual power mixed in it.

Suddenly the spiritual pressure fluctuations in front of him stopped suddenly, and Yan Lei's voice came out: "Who is sneaking up to this seat, why don't you show me your body quickly."

After all, the strong wind in front of him blew even faster, blowing away the thick gray fog around him.The purple eyes in Yi Tian's eyes flashed and he found that there was a figure ten miles away who was turning around and staring at him.

After seeing his face clearly, Yan Lei couldn't help but twitched a few times, as if he was thinking about something in his heart.

As for the petite demon female cultivator beside him, she looked like the Mistress of the Night, An Ming.Back then, I only had a relationship with it before entering the abyss of the demon world.

After a few teleports, Yi Tian came close, and at the same time found that Qing Lianyun sacrificed the defensive spirit weapon on the other side and was struggling to support it.Seeing his figure, he opened his mouth and shouted: "My husband is here."

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the two demon monks in front of them changed slightly. Needless to say, today's events suddenly changed, and it was difficult to say who could do what to the other party next.

It's just that Yi Tian found that the three of them didn't seem to be fighting directly, but in front of them were groups of skeletons and walking corpses striding forward.The spiritual power remaining on these walking corpses is ancient and long, exactly like the corpses of monks who stayed here ten thousand years ago.

The three of them were trapped by these walking corpses without any formal action, but they rushed in in a daze.

"Fellow Daoist came just in time. The ancient corpses here are very strange, their strengths are all in the distraction stage, and there are a lot of people. If you want to escape, you have to cooperate with the strength of the four of us," Mistress Anming said suddenly, At the same time, he raised an eyebrow.If ordinary people see it, most of them will be in a trance, and even monks of the same level will be affected by it.

It's just that Yi Tian secretly used the power of Buddha to snort coldly in his nose, and ignored him.Qing Lianyun showed a blush on his face, although he consumed a lot of spiritual power, he was very satisfied with Yi Tian's performance, and then said: "The corpse soldiers here are weird, and these two people are not good at it. We have to be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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